The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 1006: The Secret of Oracle District!

Chapter 1006: The Secret of Oracle District!

The Secret of Oracle District! . . .

Ahead of Cha Eun Xiao, there lay a perilous journey. While Han Bingxue was undoubtedly a formidable presence capable of handling most of the imminent dangers, Cha Eun Xiao found himself grappling with an undeniable sense of concern. The notion of parting ways with Han Bingxue had been a notion she had contemplated but ultimately dismissed, citing it as a flimsy excuse to soothe her own worries.

She was well aware that Han Bingxue possessed the prowess to handle virtually any danger that might surface in this region. Indeed, in this particular district, Han Bingxue's capabilities rendered him impervious to any conceivable threat. Even Cha Eun Xiao alone would scarcely encounter situations that could be deemed dangerous.

Cha Eun Xiao had ascended to the level seven of the Dream Origin Stage, a formidable rank that rendered him more than capable of navigating this territory unscathed. The very thought of impending peril seemed almost laughable.

However, amidst this backdrop of relative safety, Xuan Bing found herself coming to a decision, one that bore weighty implications.


Cha Eun Xiao maintained a constant activation of the East-rising Purple Qi throughout their journey, an effort to attune himself to the peculiar spiritual energy in the air. Over time, a realization began to dawn on him—there was an enigmatic undercurrent to this place, one that hinted at hidden mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

The spiritual qi in Oracle District proved distinct from any he had encountered before. It was, in fact, absorbable, albeit challenging to harness due to its overwhelming intensity. The complex process required to assimilate this energy presented a formidable obstacle.

If he could surmount this challenge, an abundant source of potent spiritual qi would be at his disposal. The spiritual qi in Oracle District was of the highest quality, superior to any other place he had encountered in the realm. Mastering its absorption without the cumbersome complexities would provide him with an unparalleled wellspring of spiritual energy, offering a profound boost to his abilities.

He endeavored to capture this elusive energy, but the results were meager at best. Unlike other locations where he could inhale and absorb vast quantities of spiritual qi in a single breath, the spiritual qi in Oracle District remained beyond his grasp.

Not only was capturing the energy a challenge, but conquering it and making it a part of himself proved even more elusive.

He experimented tirelessly throughout the night, his efforts extending until the dark sky became adorned with countless stars. Despite his persistence, he made little progress, rendering his attempts a futile investment of time.

In the moonlight, Xuan Bing approached him, maintaining a distance of about ten meters. This distance allowed for communication, yet a barrier of restraint lingered, preventing a closer proximity.

"Miss Xuan, I have a question," Cha Eun Xiao ventured, his brow furrowing in contemplation.

Oddly, Xuan Bing responded, "I also have a question for you."

"Is that so? Well then, please go ahead," Cha Eun Xiao conceded, intrigued by the unexpected turn of events.

"Perhaps it is better to let you pose your question first. We have ample time ahead of us; there's no need for such formality," Xuan Bing remarked, standing beneath the moon's gentle glow, clad in her dark attire, appearing almost ethereal in the moonlight.

Cha Eun Xiao acknowledged her generosity, and after a brief moment of thought, he decided to proceed with his inquiry. "I recall that you mentioned, once before, that the energetic spiritual qi in this region results in medicines of exceptionally high quality. Is that correct?"

Xuan Bing confirmed, "Indeed, that's true. I can't explain why, but the medicines produced in this area possess a potency that is tenfold greater than those from other regions. Some are even more remarkable."

She provided an example, stating, "Spiritual ginseng, which has aged for a mere hundred years here, is as efficacious as a thousand-year-old ginseng from elsewhere. And the Regeneration Ink Lotus found in this place, which the Misty Cloud Palace covets, is as precious as a Regeneration Jade Lotus."

With a hint of nonchalance, she continued, "This has been the case since ancient times, and while it is astonishing, the underlying reasons have remained shrouded in mystery."

"Has no one ventured to uncover the cause?" Cha Eun Xiao inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Xuan Bing replied, "Surprisingly, no one has. It remains a puzzle, and the prevailing belief is that the unique spiritual qi is the key factor."

"Indeed, many have pondered the enigma of the spiritual qi," Xuan Bing acknowledged. "Yet, even with such contemplation, the true nature of this peculiar spiritual energy remains shrouded in mystery."

Cha Eun Xiao nodded thoughtfully, his mind delving into the depths of contemplation.

"There was a time," Xuan Bing continued, "when numerous individuals believed that a priceless treasure within this region was responsible for the mystical spiritual qi. Countless accomplished cultivators flocked to this district, scouring every inch of its expanse. Regrettably, their search yielded naught."

She expounded, "Not only did they expend years searching in vain, but the prolonged exposure to this distinctive locale resulted in a depletion of their internal spiritual qi. The phenomenon persisted for a few hundred years, until everyone desisted in their endeavors."

"From time to time," she added, "some would revisit this place in an attempt to unravel its secrets. Most, however, merely uncovered valuable items before promptly departing. The inherent risks of protracted stays deterred them. The potential consequences, including diminished cultivation and the forfeiture of their martial world prospects, were too dire to ignore."

With each word, Cha Eun Xiao's countenance underwent a subtle transformation, his expression betraying a sense of realization. What Xuan Bing revealed precisely aligned with his own conjectures, though he remained unaware that others had arrived at this conclusion centuries before him. Throughout history, astute minds had drawn the same conclusions, demonstrating that wisdom could transcend the ages.

The peculiarity of the spiritual qi within this region had far-reaching implications for cultivators, capable of impairing their progress and endangering their martial destinies. It was a grim reality.

"To be honest, I harbor the same belief," Cha Eun Xiao candidly confessed. "The natural world operates on a principle of balance, and the transformation of spiritual qi to this extent cannot be without cause. There must be an underlying reason."

In her typically impassive manner, Xuan Bing remarked, "Indeed, there must be. However, despite such certainty, none have succeeded in unearthing it. Nevertheless, if you commit your entire life to this pursuit, you may find yourself expending your years without making any meaningful discovery. Can you truly claim to possess superior wisdom and insight than all those who have trodden this path throughout history?"

Her words served as a cautionary reminder, a warning that his quest might ultimately yield nothing. She expressed genuine concern that his aspirations could lead to naught.

Cha Eun Xiao responded earnestly, "I appreciate your candor and concern."

Xuan Bing nodded, her gaze focused on his countenance. She spoke in hushed tones, "I have provided you with answers. Now, I implore you to reciprocate, Brother Cha."

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