The Dragon's Kiss

Chapter 151 THIRTY TWO: True Callous Nature

The Serin Empire, known as simply 'The Empire' in earlier periods of the continent's history, had always been a proud nation, rooted firmly in its customs.

One of those customs, ancient and esteemed, was the exclusively male military.

While other countries eventually recognized the value of female warriors and barred none from entering the ranks of their armies, the empire held fast to its time-honored tradition. Women were not suited for battle.

Even when the heretical Dragon Emperor seized the throne, he could do no more than chip slowly away at the thick wall of tradition.

Kel and the other female soldiers she was acquainted with had often jeered at the outdated ways of the enemy. If nothing else, Mevani's army had the advantage of forward-thinking over all the hordes of Serin savages.

Never had Kel, her fellow women guards, or the entirety of the Serin military ever expected, however, that the first female to join The Empire's army would be a former Mevani palace guard, cross dressing as a boy, trying desperately to hide from that very army.

"All men between the ages of fourteen years and thirty years will be required to join the Emperor's army. Effective immediately."

When Kel first heard the announcement, she immediately scoffed at the old-fashioned empire, only recruiting men. After a split second, mockery turned to anxiety as she realized, unfortunately, her current guise definitely fell into the draft qualification.

The gazes of the villagers slowly turned toward her, as, not only did she fit the requirements, she was the only one in the whole of Tael who did.

The bearded soldier who'd issued the order followed the somber stares and motioned for Kel to come over.

"Please, Sir!"

Nesta jumped in front of Kel before she even had a chance to wonder how to respond to the man.

"My husband and I are old, and we depend on our grandson to take care of us," the sturdy old woman pleaded, somehow managing to seem convincingly frail.

"Ah.. that's right," Harrow chimed in with his usual line as he stepped up next to his wife, adding a believable pitiful cough.

The bearded man's face softened.

"I know things must have been difficult for you here in the outskirts of a failing country," he said, stepping toward the old couple. "But you are part of Serin now, and we take care of our own."

Glancing around Nesta's protective stance to meet Kel's eyes, the man continued, "and there is a very generous salary for military service that will be sent to your family, Young Man."

The soldier held Kel's gaze for a moment before abruptly flicking his eyes to the left. Following his cue, Kel traced the path of the man's glance.

At the end of the path, poised with nocked bows and hands resting lightly on sword hilts, were several Serin soldiers, waiting in silence for their leader's command.

Kel knew exactly what the bearded man was trying to say. With a single word from his mouth, she would no longer have to worry about taking care of Nesta and Harrow.

Because they would be dead where they stood.

Disgusting. Kel huffed to herself.

With honeyed lips and gazes filled to the brim with feigned concern, these Serin soldiers were merely concealing their true callous nature. Despite their first impression, the black-clad men lining Tael's market street were no different than the crass barbarians guarding Kel and Barclay's tent when they'd first been captured.

Gently, Kel nudged Nesta and Harrow to the side.

"It's my honor to serve The Emperor," she conceded, clenching her jaw to stop from sneering at the bearded man's arrogant smirk.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

"Wise choice," the man responded, resuming his faux grin. "For now, I'll allow you a day's time to prepare yourself and bid farewell to your grandparents."

With that, the soldier turned back to his subordinates to continue directing the distribution of rations and settling of refugees.

He didn't utter a single threat against Kel running away with the time he'd given her. With just the flick of his eyes earlier, he'd already communicated everything Kel needed to know about her situation.

If she stepped out of line, even an inch, Nesta, Harrow and the other innocent residents of Tael would be the ones to pay the price.

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"You can't join the army! Not after all our hard work!"

Nesta grumbled as she flitted about their small shack, stuffing various objects into an empty burlap seed sack.

The outspoken woman had enough sense to hold her tongue while the soldiers were nearby, but now that they had returned home, she protested freely.

"We have to leave. That's the only way," she continued muttering, reaching for her wooden spoon. "Where's that boyfriend of yours when we need him?!"


Kel softly called the woman's name. It felt strange on her tongue since she didn't use it often.

"Don't call me like that!" Nesta whirled around, the bottoms of her eyes reddening. "I am your grandmother, Child!"

"No…" Kel caught the woman's wrist as she made a grab for another kitchen utensil. "You aren't my grandmother. You don't owe me anything."

"Kel!" the woman pulled her into a rough embrace. "You think I don't know why you're doing this? How those awful men threatened you?"

Nothing that happened in the market had gone unnoticed under Nesta's eagle-like vision.

Closing her eyes, Kel slowly patted Nesta's back.

In the past, she might have gone along with their spontaneous escape plan. For that matter, she probably would have been the one leading the plan.

But, she couldn't bring herself to even consider it now.

Was this the maturity that came from gradually piecing her life back together after it had been turned upside down last autumn in the forests of Mevani?

Or was it a tiny lingering fragment of Barclay's soul, reminding her what it was like to helplessly watch someone die--someone who had died trying to protect her?

Perhaps, it was all the lifeless eyes from her nightmares, refusing to let her forget that it was her own selfish choices that led to their demise.

"I will join the army," Kel whispered. "There is no other option."

"You fool!" Nesta hissed, pulling away.

"You'll die the moment they discover your real gender!"

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