The emperor's wish to see his new prize came a bit earlier than he expected.

Originally, he'd planned to meet her under proper terms as an emperor and war hostage, but just as he received news of a large fire in camp and escaped prisoner, a dirt-covered, barefoot girl came crashing in between tents right in front of him.

After pulling her to the ground, two men worked to subdue her before Calix stopped them so he could get a better look. The emperor, no doubt, appeared entirely calm on the surface, as if facing any other prisoner, but his heart pounded rapidly as he slowly bent down to scrutinize the girl.

She was young with a pretty face and slim figure. Her eyes, however, caught the emperor's attention more than anything else, even her tangled blonde locks.

"This hair color is already quite unusual," he said softly, brushing his thumb across the girl's cheek. "But to have these eyes as well."

They were an enthralling combination of blue and green with a blazing orange center. Even more interesting was that the look in those eyes was equally as fiery as their color.

If the sudden massive fire wasn't enough to give this girl's identity away, her burning eyes were.

This wasn't Princess Adriell or whoever Dashien had insisted it was.

This was his dragon, Keliyah.

After carefully ensuring the girl wouldn't be able to escape again with her unique abilities, the emperor returned to his tent.

"Ha.. Hahahaha," he began laughing maniacally, slamming his fist against the table next to his bed. "I paid for a princess, but they sent me an empress!"

"Oh my," he heard Ira murmur to Thane, the two of them watching awkwardly as their leader chuckled uncontrollably. "It seems you were right, after all."

Starting from then on, things continuously began to happen contrary to the emperor's plans whenever Keliyah was involved: juvenile escape plans (including an untimely interruption of his bathing) followed by ridiculous revenge plots, and the girl continuously feeling the need to do everything she'd been told not to.

"Haaa," Calix sighed one day, grappling with the latest dilemma concerning his hostage. "Why did Teacher mention nothing of her being the most obtuse, nonsensical person on this continent?"

He laid his head on top of the pile of papers on his desk with a huff.

"Have I really come across as such an evil person?" he sulked. "Who would treat a hostage this kindly?! I've even given her comrade a proper room to stay in!"

"It's true," Ira remarked absently from across the room as he worked feverishly at his own desk. "Her lack of emotional intelligence could rival Thane's."

"Hey, I heard that!" Thane called, swinging the door open. "Besides, I'm great with people!"

"You're a smooth talker to be sure, but understanding others' feelings is an entirely different story," Ira jeered.

"What do you need?" the emperor groaned, not bothering to look up at his knight.

"Well, that's.. Lucy!" Thane responded awkwardly.

"... Lucy?" Calix questioned. "What about her?"

Just what had his troublesome hostage done this time?

"Who knew the Dragon Emperor was actually such a whiny child," Lucy's voice suddenly joined the conversation.

"Nobody respects me anymore," Calix growled, slowly lifting his head. "What is it you want to say, Dame Lucille?"

"The princess is bored," Lucy reported bluntly. "I believe another escape attempt is imminent if you don't allow her to amuse herself somehow."

"Are you sure you're not the one that's bored?" Ira snorted. "Playing maid and all that?"please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

"That reminds me," Lucy continued, sparing Ira a glare. "May I ask for your forgiveness, Your Majesty?"

Calix raised his eyebrows. "What for?"

"For permanently inhibiting your secretary's ability to produce offspring," Lucy grunted, slamming her fist threateningly into her palm.

"Would you stop referring to me as a lowly secretary?!" Ira shouted. "I am a scholar, a strategist and the only person in this room capable of balancing this month's budget!"

"Wait, that's your issue with what she said?" Thane chuckled, exchanging an amused look with Lucy.

"In any case," the emperor remarked in a low voice, a deadly aura suddenly filling the room, "what did you have in mind, Dame Lucille? To entertain the princess, I mean, not incapacitate my subordinate."

"Well, there's a victory festival that will be held in the city center during the night market," Lucy detailed. "I believe the princess would enjoy attending."

"Alright, I'll give you my permission under one condition," Calix conceded. "You must allow Thane to tail you and step in if there's any danger."

"I don't foresee anything happening above what I can handle," Lucy complained. "Are you sure that's necessary?"

"Don't forget your duty," the emperor chided. "You are not to reveal your identity no matter what happens. Let Thane take care of it."

"What if the situation calls for it?" Lucy prodded, unwilling to give in.

"Hmmm, well I'm sure she will give up her identity long before you give up yours in that case," the emperor smirked. "Your order is to maintain your cover."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Lucy sighed. "I shall go make the appropriate preparations then."

When the three later returned from the excursion, Calix was ecstatic to learn that Keliyah had attracted the attention of one of Serin's useless worms, Spencer Regan.

It seemed, even after being used as blackmail against his own father, the child still refused to abandon his distasteful habits. Lately, there were even rumors that he was the king of Serin's underworld.

Though, Calix knew who the one pulling the 'king's' strings really was.

"To think, that man has already taken notice of her," Ira sighed, having finished reading Thane's mission report. "What do you plan to do now, Your Majesty?"

"What else?" Calix grinned. "When's the next big social event happening?"

"It's the annual royal ball here at the palace, and you can't really be thinking.." Ira trailed off.

"That's right," Calix replied. "I'm going to take her there."

"So you're just going to dangle her as bait in front of Spencer Regan?" Ira rolled his eyes. "Is that really a good idea?"

"She is the bait, so to speak, but Spencer Regan isn't the prey," Calix corrected. "There's someone else I.."

He stopped, wincing as he reached for his left shoulder. No matter how many years passed, he could still vividly recall the feeling of small needles penetrating his scarred skin over and over.

pαпᵈα-noνɐ1·сoМ A marking.

And a promise.

"There's someone else I haven't been able to catch."

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