The Devil’s love

Chapter 71 - Rub Your Nose

Turning towards Wen Moshen, Ning smiled, "I hope Mr Wen will not charge a high price from us. We are family after all."

"You-how can you do that? Don't you know that Mangsha and Moshen are about to get married? You should help your brother-in-law stabilise his company instead of buying it." Father Yang shouted. ​​

Turning towards father Yang, Yichan narrowed his eyes. "Keep your volume and expectations low. You will damage my wife's delicate eardrums. Shout again if you don't wish to hear your voice ever again."

Father Yang lowered his head and pursed his lips.

Controlling herself, Mother Yang calmly explained, "Ning, try and understand honey if you do that, what will happen to Moshen and Mangsha's future? You cannot be selfish all the time."

Yichan mockingly chuckled and helplessly shook his head. "This is so strange. You people are actually supporting the man who tried to frame your daughter. I mean normal parents would've thrashed Mr Wen black and blue by now and kicked him out of the house unlike you people. Not only are you not doing anything with him but strangely you are trying to defend him? Why would you do that?"

Without waiting for their reply, Yichan added, "Unless you people are also involved in this along with Mr Wen."

Father and Mother Yang's face turned pale. Looking at each other, they wondered whether Mo Yichan knew everything.

"Ahh no honey they are parents, how can they do something like that? Though they don't like me, I am still sure they aren't so cruel." Turning towards her parents, Ning added, "Right dad, mom?"

Giving her a weak smile, Mother Yang nodded her head, "Of course, why would we frame our daughter? Mr Mo is just overthinking."

Turning towards Ning, Yichan smiled, "I'll ask our lawyer to get the papers ready. I'll give my beautiful wife all the shares of Wen Enterprise as our first wedding gift."

Ning chuckled and hugged Yichan. "My hubby is the best."

"Elder sister how can you do that? What will Moshen do if you take Wen Enterprise away from him? Aren't you using your powers to bully the weak?" Mangsha shouted.

Ning pouted her lips and answered, "Well, I have power so don't you think I have the right to bully weaklings like you?"

"Nothing that you have is something that you earned on your own. Everything belongs to our family." Mangsha shouted.

Yichan raised his eyebrows and glared at Mangsha, making the latter seal her lips.

"M-Mr Mo please, I did everything that you told me. Can you please let my company go? That is all that I have and I-"

Cutting Wen Moshen off, Yichan snapped, "Did I ask you to talk?"

When Moshen vigorously shook his head, Yichan added, "Go get a chair for my wife. Remember to clean it."

Moshen quickly got up and rushed towards the dinning room to fetch a clean chair for Mrs Mo.

Ning chuckled and helplessly shook her head. "It's alright, I think we should leave."

Caressing her cheeks, Yichan smiled, "What is the rush honey? You just sit and relax."

After Moshen brought the chair, Yichan gestured him to kneel again.

Kneeling on the ground, Moshen kept on cursing the time when he agreed with the stupid plan of framing Ning.

"Who else was involved in this?" Yichan asked.

Moshen pursed his lips and sighed. After stabbing his hand, Yichan gave him a whole script on what he had to say and confess. Everything that Moshen said during the interview was scripted and mugged from Yichan's script.

Moshen didn't like being controlled by someone else but he had no choice. Being controlled was better than dying.

Pointing towards Mangsha, Moshen answered, "She was in this with me."

Mangsha widened her eyes in shock and froze. "Moshen you-"

"You-what nonsense are you spouting? Mangsha will never do something like that." Father Yang shamelessly defended his daughter.

"But she did." Turning towards Mangsha, Yichan added, "Do you wish to volunteer kneeling or do I have to use some manpower?"

Mangsha frowned and hissed, "What? I am never going to kneel in front of her no matter what happens."

"Linhou." Yichan shouted.

Just then, Linhou entered the mansion along with his men.

Father Yang widened his eyes in shock when he saw several fairly built men surrounded them.

"What are your orders boss?" Linhou asked.

Pointing his chin towards Mangsha, Yichan ordered, "Make her kneel in front of your lady boss."

"That's it? I thought we have to kill someone." Linhou said.

Yichan smiled and added, "You might've to if people in here decide to be stubborn and not follow instructions."

Gesturing a guard to follow instructions, Linhou turned towards Moshen and smiled. "Ahh you are here too? I see. How is your hand? Do you want me to stab it more?"

Moshen gulped in nervousness and vigorously shook his head.

"Aahhhhh." Mangsha shrieked in pain when a guard grabbed her hair and twisted her arm.

Dragging her towards Ning and Yichan, the guard pushed her down, forcing her to kneel on the ground.

"Let me go, let me go." Mangsha shouted before bursting into tears. How could she kneel in front of the person she hates the most?

Turning towards Moshen, Mangsha pleaded. "Help me Moshen."

Wen Moshen lowered her head and did not say anything. When he couldn't save himself how would he save his fiancé?

"Rub your nose on the ground." Yichan ordered.

"No no I am not doing it." Mangsha shouted.

The guard tightened his grip around her and pushed her further down until her nose pressed against the floor. Swaying her head vertically, the guard forced Mangsha to rub her nose on the ground for more than a minute.

Mother and Father Yang saw everything but couldn't do anything. They were helpless and could only see their daughter being forced to rub her nose on the ground.

"Let her go." Yichan ordered.

The guard let go of her hair and pushed her towards Moshen but she ended up falling on the floor instead.

Mangsha yelped in pain when her body hit the cold floor.


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