The Devil’s love

Chapter 65 - How Old Are You?

Outside Marriage Registration bureau

"Grandpa ouch, that hurts." Muchan frowned and shouted. ​​

Grandpa Yue frowned and pulled his ear harder. "Huh it hurts? Well, you deserve it."

"Ouch ouch, first tell me what did I do?" Muchan asked.

Grandpa Yue frowned deeper and shouted, "You still have the cheek to ask what did you?"

When Meili saw grandpa Yue torturing Muchan, she chuckled and asked, " Honey what did he do?"

Wrapping his arms around Meili's shoulder, Guiren chuckled. "Well, you will see."

Holding Muchan's ear, grandpa Yue dragged him towards Meili and Guiren.

Stopping right in front of them, Grandpa Yue asked, "How old is Guiren?"

"Twenty-eight, but why are you asking me-oucccchhh. Grandpa." Muchan shouted.

Pointing towards Meili, Grandpa Yue asked, "And who is she?"

"She is Meili, Guiren's wife." Muchan answered.

"How old are you?" Grandpa Yue asked.

"I am twenty-eight." Muchan answered.

Pulling his ears harder, Grandpa Yue asked, "Where is your wife?"

Muchan: o_o

Without waiting anytime, Grandpa Yue dragged Muchan towards Han Yufan.

"How old is Yufan?" Grandpa Yue asked.


Pointing towards the beautiful woman standing next to Yufan, who was trying very hard to suppress her laugh, Grandpa Yue asked, "Who is she?"

"Hannah, Yufan's wife." Muchan frowned and answered.

Pointing towards at the little one snuggling in Yufan's arm, Grandpa Yue gritted his teeth and asked, "And what about this baby?"

"She is Yufan's daughter." Muchan said.

"How old are you?" Grandpa Yue asked.

When Muchan frowned and did not say anything, Grandpa Yue pulled his ear harder.

"Ouchhhhhh grandpa. I am twenty-eight years old." Muchan answered.

"Where are your wife and baby?" Grandpa Yue asked before beating him with his cane.

Muchan: *_*

"Pffftttttt hahhahahahah." Hannah and Meili burst into laughter.

Grandpa Yue kept on thrashing his grandson until Ning and Yichan arrived.

"Oh my God, isn't that Dr Muchan? Why is he getting thrashed?" Ning anxiously asked.

Yichan chuckled and helplessly shook his head. "Well, he deserves it."

"Ahhhh look, Yichan is here with his would be wife." Guiren shouted loud enough for Grandpa Yue to hear it.

"Look, even Yichan found himself such a beautiful wife but what about you? You useless dickhead. I'll disown you very soon." Grandpa Yue shouted just lungs out.

"Grandpa there are reporters staring at us, will you please stop." Muchan requested his grandpa. This is the reason why he was reluctant to come but because Yichan was his best friend, he couldn't escape it.

"Ning." Meili excitedly squealed before rushing towards her best friend.

"Ahhhh I am so happy for you but never expected it to happen so soon. But anyway, I am very happy for you." Meili hugged Ning tighter.

"Bro, quick move huh? This is awesome." Guiren hugged Yichan and congratulated him.

"Help me find some of Kailos' dirty and underhanded works by tomorrow morning." Yichan whispered.

Patting his back, Guiren nodded his head and pulled away.

"Why again?" Guiren asked.

Without saying anything, Yichan just gave his friend a meaningful look.

Understanding that his mom had pissed him off again, Guiren nodded his head. "Consider it done."

Kailos was Yichan's biological mother's second husband. Yichan knew how much his mother treasured her childhood sweetheart. She even willingly left her son and husband for him. He wanted to catch hold of her weakness and make her feel vulnerable. She was going to pay a huge price for treating his woman unfairly.

"Yo bro." Yufan hugged Yichan and patted his back.

"Ning this is Han Yufan." Yichan said.

Yufan smiled and nodded his head, " I don't know we need any formal introduction, I mean who doesn't know Ms Yang."

"Mrs Mo after sometime." Yichan cheekily smiled and wrapped his arms around Ning's waist.

"This is Yufan's wife, Hannah and this is there cute little abodrabe daughter, Lara." Pinching the little ones cheeks, Yichan smiled.

"Ahhhh she is adorable." Ning gasped and caressed Lara's cheeks.


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