The Devil’s love

Chapter 301 - Angella William

"That is nice, I can feel that our group is going to be big in the future," Meili remarked.

"I know right?" Glancing at the watch, Ning added, "It's already so late, where is Yi?" ​​

"Why don't you call him?"

Picking up her phone, she was about to call her husband when he entered the mansion.

"I am so sorry, I got stuck in traffic." Giving her a peck on her cheeks, he grinned, "I hope you did not miss me."

Helplessly shaking her head, Nuying sighed, "Will you guys ever stop? It's been so many months since you both got married, stop the PDA."

"Their PDA is never gonna stop, I can bet on that," Meili chuckled.

"We never complain about your PDA with Muchan, you shouldn't complain about ours either," Ning remarked.

Looking at Yichan, Nuying pouted her lips. "Why don't you teach your friend a few things?"

"What kind of things?"

"Teach him to be more romantic." Groaning in frustration, she added, "You guys have no idea how tough it is to date doctors. Everynight he tells me about different organs and vaccines, in fact that is my new lullaby."

"You know Yi, Nuying hated anatomy when we were in high school," Ning chuckled.

Shrugging her shoulders, Nuying sighed, "Who would have thought that one day I would date a doctor. I am just so glad he is super cute, handsome and caring otherwise it would have been hard to tolerate his organ talks."

"That sounds kinda bad, even though Ning and I share the same interests we seldom talk about work or other things which are closely related to it," Yichan explained.

"You know, I still can't believe Nu fell in love with a doctor," Meili chuckled.

"Hey, don't say that, my Muchan is not that bad. I just want him to be a little more romantic," she retorted.

Glancing at the watch, Yichan stated, "Babe it's late, we have to leave."

"Nuying is going with us too," Ning stated.

Looking at Meili, he inquired, "What about you Mei? Should I drop you home as well?"

"Guiren is coming to take me, we have to go to the mansion for lunch," she answered.



Muchan's cabin.

"Are you taking your medicines on time?" When Roger did not say anything, Muchan frowned, "Why are you being so careless?"

"I feel alright after the surgery so—"

Cutting him off, Muchan snapped, "Even if you are out of danger now that doesn't mean you can start being careless. You need to take your medicines everyday until the course is over."

"Fine, don't shout at me like that." Looking around, Roger smiled, "Your cabin is nice."

"Is this the first time you are coming here?"

"Of course."

Grinning from ear to ear, Muchan asked, "Isn't it exactly like I used to describe?"

"Exactly, I am so glad that you made it this far," Roger stated.

Writing a prescription for him, Muchan inquired, "What about you? What are your plans?"

"What kind of plans?"

"Plans of dating a woman and moving on in life."

"I don't need to date to move on in life," Roger frowned.

"I am not saying that, I just wanted to know when will you start dating again," he explained.

Taking a sip of his coffee, Roger sighed, "No plans yet, I just want to stay away from that mess and dating is so hectic, I don't wanna get into that again."

"We are going to the club this evening, I guess Guiren told you about it." When he nodded his head, Muchan asked, "Are you coming?"

"Yes I am, it's been months since I went out for drinks." Taking the prescription from his hand, he inquired, "Aren't you going to meet Nuying's grandfather today?"

Muchan nodded his head and answered, "Yes, he has called me over for lunch. I'll meet you guys directly at the club."

"Alright, I'll take my leave now."


Hospital lobby.

When Roger saw Yichan and Ning, he quickly approached them. "Ning, Yichan what are you guys doing here?"

Smiling at him, Ning answered, "We are here for my routine checkup, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?"

"Yes everything is fine, I was here for a casual checkup," Roger answered.

Looking at Ning, Yichan explained, "He is lying, he had a heart blockage. Though the operation was successful, he is supposed to take his medicine on time but he keeps neglecting them."

Scrunching her brows, she snapped, "Why are you being so careless?"


Cutting him off, she added, "I think it's to find someone for you who can bring you back on the track."

Taking out his phone, Yichan remarked, "You both should keep discussing this while I make an important phone call." Looking at Ning, he added, "Teach your cousin a lesson while I step out for a while, okay?"

"What happened? Is it something really important?" Ning inquired.

"Hmm, something happened in the office but I will try to solve it over the phone."

"Yi, you can go to work if it's important, I'll manage."

Scrunching his brows, he shook his head. "No, how can I leave you alone?"

"I'll accompany Ning and I'll also drop her home after the checkup," Roger remarked.

Thinking for a while, Yichan asked, "Are you sure you both will manage?"

"Of course, don't worry about anything and come home for lunch, okay?"

Giving Ning a hug, he nodded his head. "I'll be back as soon as possible."

After he reluctantly left, Roger accompanied Ning for the routine checkups.


Thirty minutes later.

"Well, the doctor said you are recovering well but you need to take enough rest and not take any stress for some time."

Awkwardly clearing her throat, Ning hesitantly asked, "Umm can you not tell Yichan about the rest and stress part?"

"Why not?"

"Because if he finds out, he won't let me go to the office for another month."

Scrunching his brows, he shook his head. "I can't lie to him about your health, that would be wrong. What if something happens to you? How am I supposed to get over the fact that my sister is suffering because of me?"

"Brother Roger."

Roger stopped his movements and his body froze when a familiar yet unfamiliar voice called him out. How could he not know who it was? He had been yearning to hear that voice for years.

Turning around when Ning saw who it was, she narrowed her eyes.

Walking towards them, Angella William, Roger's younger sister stopped right in front of him. "Brother Roger, it's me Angella."

Grabbing Ning's wrist, Roger snapped, "Let's leave." Before he could take any step forward, Angella grabbed onto his sleeves.

"Please don't go, I want to tell you something."

"There is nothing to tell, I don't wanna hear anything from you. Don't try to look for me in the future." Without waiting for her reply, he walked away along with Ning.

"It is all Yichan's fault, he was the one who rejected my love and kept clinging onto Lifei."

Scrunching her brows, Ning snapped, "Yichan has always treated Lifei as her sister and they share a mutual relationship." Narrowing her eyes, she scoffed, "Not everyone is like you."

"You—" Raising her hand, Angella was about to slap Ning when someone grabbed her hand.

Jerking her hand away, Roger threw a tight slap on Angella's face. "How dare you touch my sister?"

Grabbing her cheek, Angella looked at him in teary eyes. "Brother Roger—"

"Shut up, don't call me you brother. I have no relation with you, don't try to approach me in the future."

Throwing her hand in her mouth, Angella ran away.

Looking at Ning, Roger inquired, "Are you okay?" When she nodded her head, he breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't care about her, I'll drop you home."

Giving him a hug, Ning smiled, "Thanks for being there for me, I really appreciate it."

"Isn't this something a brother should do?" Patting her head, he added, "I have your back now, now one can bully you. Not even Yichan."

Pulling away, she chuckled, "Yi never bullies me, I am the one who always bullies him." Pausing for a while, she added, "Alright, let's go home. You have to stay for lunch, I'll make your favorite dishes too."

"It's alright, I don't wanna trouble you."

"No you are troubling me, in fact you can come over for lunch anytime you want to. We are family after all, it's gonna be fun."

Contemplating for a while, he agreed, "Okay but only if you let me help you."

"Sure, I'll let you do the cutting and stirring."


Mo Base.

Looking at the two bouquets of roses, Jason frowned, "Why did you bring so many flowers?"

"One for my baby and the other one for Elizabeth. She is coming here too, we can't ignore her, right?" When he nodded his head, Linhou added, "You have to give her this."

"M—Me? Why me?"

"I can't give flowers to any other woman apart from my Kiara, that is against my gentlemen loyal boyfriend rules."


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