The Devil’s love

Chapter 248 - "Keep An Eye On Her...."

"Mo Yitian?" When Kareem nodded his head, Wulos explained, "There is nothing so complicated about him. Apart from the fact that he used to work for Stephan—"

"He used to work for Stephan?" ​ ​

"Yes boss but when he found out about Stephan's illegal activities, he called quits and left the country along with Mo Yihong and his new wife Helena," Wulos added.

Helplessly shaking his head, Kareem chuckled, "He slipped out that easily? That is impressive and does Stephan know about it?"

"About Yitian's escape? No boss, in fact, he has been looking for him."

Thinking for a while, he instructed, "Slip the information about little Li's whereabouts to Stephan, since we cannot touch the older brother, let's play around with the younger one."

"But boss do you think it's okay to attack Mo Yitian? With Yichan protecting him, won't it be a bit—"

Cutting Wulos off, Kareem chuckled, "What makes you think Yichan cares about his step brother? Why would he protect someone who got something that he always craved for? His step brother got all the fatherly love and attention while Yichan got nothing. It's just like Roger and Lucas, they don't care about each other."

"Then why is he keeping them in his place?" Wulos curiously inquired.

"Do you remember the last fatal attack we initiated to kill Yang Ning and almost succeeded?" When he nodded his head, Kareem continued, "Well, let's just say that it's our bad luck that the person who saved her was Mo Yihong's new wife." Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed, "Why is our luck so bad Wulos? Why?"

Thinking for a while, Wulos stated, "So you think that Mo Yichan helped them because of that?"

"I don't think Wulos, I know."

Wulos was about to ask something else when the door opened with a loud 'BANG'.

"This is ridiculous dad, why can't I go out?" Angella William shouted her lungs out before walking towards her father.

"What happened? Why do you look so mad?" Kareem panicked.

Crossing her arms in the front, she tapped her right foot on the floor before snapping at her father, "I want to go somewhere but you men are not letting me, what the hell is happening?"

Loving caressing her head, he sighed, "It's currently not safe to go out right now sweetheart and remember what you did last time? You tricked my men, took a flight to that city and approached Yang Ning." Without waiting for her reply, he sighed, "Do you have any idea how difficult it was for dad to clean the mess?"

"What mess? I just approached her and had a short talk with her, I didn't even get to see him," she retorted.

Patting her head, he explained, "You are not supposed to be seen Angella, you are dead for them remember?"

"But how do you expect me to stay here and do nothing all day? It feels like I am some kind of a prisoner and it has been like this for the last ten years. At least I was allowed to go around until last year but now—"

Cutting her off, Kareem explained, "Because until last year, you have been good and were behaving but now you have started going against the rules and doing things that you are not supposed to honey." Caressing her head, he sighed, "You are making things difficult for me."

"What did I do? I did not create any trouble, I didn't even harm anyone," she retorted.

"Just stay indoors for some time and I promise you that things will get after I figure out how to solve everything." Without waiting for her reply, he inquired, "I am asking you again Angella, did approach Ning for the first time in the supermarket?"

Without any hesitation, she lied, "Yes, that was the first time." She didn't want to tell her dad that she had purposely bumped into Ning at Bruce's store a few weeks before bumping into her at the supermarket again. Kareem had strictly warned her to stay away from everyone she had encountered in the past. Though Angella didn't have any plans to meet others, she couldn't stop herself from meeting Ning. After learning that Yichan had married some other woman, she couldn't wait to find out what was so special about the woman who managed to win his heart so she tricked her father's men and broke all the rules to meet her.

"Hmm then we have nothing to worry about because we have already erased the evidence." Kissing her forehead, he instructed, "Now be good and to your room, dad will take you out for a vacation soon, okay?"

Left with no other choice, Angella left without saying a word. She wasn't happy with how things were happening lately but she had no other choice, all she could was follow her father's instructions. Though her father wanted to keep her safe but she knew that wasn't the only thing he was upto, she was very sure that there was something else he was planning and working on.

After Angella left, Kareem instructed Wulos, "Keep an eye on her while I am away."

"Don't worry about that boss, I will be careful and—"

When he hesitated for a while, Kareem frowned, "What is it?"

"It's young master Karl, he—"

Scrunching his brows, he curiously inquired, "What about him? It's been days since I last saw that brat."

Wulos sighed and answered, "He is taking care of the Darwin guy but he hasn't been following our initial plan."

"Why not? What is he trying to do?"

"I don't know, he refuses to talk to me." Pausing for a while, Wulos suggested, "I think you should talk to him boss."

"Hmmm let me know where he is, I'll visit him before leaving." When he nodded his head, Kareem inquired, "What is my other son doing? The one who doesn't give a shit about his father and always does what he wants?"

Understanding whom he was talking about, Wulos answered, "Young master Lucas is still actively involved with the other group, in fact, he seems to share a very close relationship with Mo Yichan and his friends lately."

Helplessly shaking his head, Kareem sighed, "This Lucas is really pushing me to the edge, if he continues to do these things then I will be left with no other choice but to get my own son killed."

Kareem William had four kids all together, three sons and a daughter. Karl William was his eldest son from his first wife who passed away a year after giving birth to him. He then married another woman, Roger and Angella's mother. While he was married with his second wife, he had an affair with another woman, Lucas' mom. The affair started right after he married his second wife, this is why Lucas and Roger were of the same age.

Right after his second wife passed away, he married Lucas' mother and brought her home. Lucas was already thirteen years old when he met his half brother and sister so the special sibling bond never existed. Lucas had barely seen his father when he was young and wasn't very attached to him either but she was very close to his mother. This is one of the reasons why he broke all ties with the entire family after his mother died.

The close relationship that he shared with the people whom Kareem was after was creating a hindrance in his plan. He tried to warn him several times to stay away from the mess and not to get voluntarily involved in it but no matter how much he tried, nothing worked. Though Kareem had once managed to completely kick Lucas out of the business, Yang Bojin appeared out of nowhere and helped him out of the situation Kareem had created. The sudden involvement of grandpa Yang in Lucas's life made the whole thing more complicated than it already was for Kareem but there was nothing he could do, there was a certain limit to his powers.

"What next boss? What are your orders?" Wulos inquired.

"Just let everything be for now, contact Latif and ask him to find out what kind of talk Roger had with Yang Ning and let me know. But while I am away, your main focus should be to keep Angella safe, we can carry on with the plan after I am back," Kareem instructed.

"Okay boss, I will as you say."

Glancing at the watch, Kareem sighed, "Alright, I need to leave now otherwise he will start shouting at me for being late. I will talk to Karl on my way to the airport, so don't bother him but you have to keep an eye on Mo Yihong and Weilong." Without waiting for Wulos' reply, he walked out of the room.


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