The Devil’s love

Chapter 233 - College Days

Dining area.

When Yichan came down, the food was lavishly served and all ready to eat. ​​

"You are right on time honey," Ning smiled before gesturing him to sit down.

Looking around when he did not see anyone, he inquired, "Where did everyone go?"

Sitting beside him, she answered, "Well, I asked aunt Lin to leave early and rest—"

Cutting her off, he frowned, "You prepared everything all by yourself?"

"No, Yitian helped me alot." Passing him the plate, she added, "I don't know if you wanna know or not but he is talking over the phone in the kitchen."

Letting out an affirmative sound, he started placing food on Ning's plate first. "We could have just ordered takeout babe, you didn't have to take so much trouble."

"We have been eating out a lot lately, it's not good for the heath so I'll be cooking for us everyday. There is nothing much to do in the office lately so I can come back early," Ning answered.

Yichan was about to say something when Yitian stepped out of the kitchen.

After seeing his big brother, Yitian hesitated for a while before informing, "Mom and dad won't be coming back today, they are staying at a friend's place."

"It's alright, you should have your dinner before the food turns cold." Passing him a plate, she continued, "You should have dinner with us."

"N-No it's alright, I will just take my food and have it in my room," Yitian awkwardly answered.

"Ah why would you eat alone? There is plenty of space here, right Yichan?"

Nodding his head, Yichan answered, "Yes, you can eat here."

After getting his brother's approval, Yitian smiled and slowly sat down beside him.

Passing Yichan the scallops, Ning stated, "Yi, taste this first and tell me how it is."

Taking the plate in his hand, he inquired, "You made them?'

Looking at Yitian, she nodded her head, "Yes, I made them."

Taking a bite, Yichan remarked, "It's very nice."

Rubbing her hands together, she beamed, "Let's start eating then, it's just the three of us and there is still a lot of food inside so please go for seconds and thirds."


Fifteen minutes later

"So Yitian, when is your college starting?" Ning inquired.

"Tomorrow," he answered.

"That is nice, college life is quite fun actually so don't forget to have fun," she smiled.

Without looking at him, Yicahn asked, "Which college is it?"

Awkwardly clearing his throat, he answered, "Hailmen college."

"Wow you got through the entrance exam? That is impressive," she exclaimed.

"I gave a few online exams and an interview, they just accepted a few foreign students in each department, I was lucky that I got through," he informed.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Yichan instructed, "Though Hailmen's is a really nice college but you should be very careful, it's famous for bullying."

"That is true but I don't think you will have to go through that problem and even if someone bullies you just tell me, I'll kick that person's ass." Punching the air, she added, "Just letting you know, I know karate."

Knocking her forehead, Yichan chuckled, "You are not going to kick anyone's ass."

"Ah what are you talking about honey? If someone bullies Yitian, aren't we going to do anything?"

"If something like that happens, I'll ask Linhou to take care of it," he answered. Though he really did not care about his half brother, how could he just watch people bully him? No matter what the entire situation was, Yitian was still a Mo. Taking a mental note to ask someone to visit Hailmen's college, he added, "I'll take care of everything."

After getting his brother's assurance, Yitian felt a lot at peace. He was actually very nervous for his first day because he was new in the country and had no friends.


After having dinner, Yitian wanted to help with the dishes but Ning sent him away to rest early because it was a big day tomorrow.

After he left, Yichan washed the dishes while Ning wiped them.

"Yi, do you miss your college days?"

"Not really, what about you?" he inquired.

"I miss it but I don't wanna go back."

"Why not?"

Keeping the cloth on the counter, she grabbed both his butt cheeks. "Because I did not meet you when I was in college and how do you expect me to survive without getting a chance to grab you cute tushy."

Helplessly shaking his head, he chuckled, "Do you have any idea how lucky you are that my hands are covered in foam?"

Tiptoeing, she sucked his earlobe before slipping her hands inside his t-shirt, "Then shouldn't I take advantage of you?"

"Have I ever stopped you from taking advantage of me?" Turning towards her, he tapped the tip of her nose and smiled, "I am always available for you which means you can take advantage of me all the time."

Hooking her arms around his neck, she ran her fingers through the back of his hair. "Why are you looking so handsome today?"

"Handsome? Really?" When she nodded her head, he added, "Hmm then shouldn't you reward me for looking handsome?" Without waiting for her reply, he buried his head on her neck and started showering his kisses.

"Stop, it's so ticklish," she chuckled.

Just then, Yitian stepped into the kitchen and widened his eyes in shock. He then quickly turned around and apologized, "I-I am so sorry, I just wanted some water." Without waiting for anyone's reply, he ran away.

Pulling away, Ning chuckled, "I think we scared him." Giving him a peck on his cheeks, she added, "You go to the room and I'll quickly rush over after giving him some water."

Kissing the back of her hand, he said, "You go to the room and rest, I���ll give it to him."

"Are you sure?" When he nodded his head, she smiled, "I love you and come soon."

After Ning left, he grabbed a bottle of water and made his way towards Yitian's room.


Yitian's room.

When Yichan entered the room, Yitian was reading a book.

"Can I come in?" he inquired.

When Yitian saw him, he quickly got up and nodded his head, "Of course."

Looking around, Yichan placed the bottle on the table. "I have already asked someone to arrange a bookshelf for this room, it should be here soon."

Awkwardly clearing his throat, Yitian answered, "Thank you so much."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Yichan added, "I heard that you are working for some online software company."

"Yes, it's a part time job."

"Don't work for that company anymore." Without waiting for his reaction, Yichan added, "Online companies are not one hundred percent trustable and since you are starting college soon, you should focus on your studies starting now."

Without arguing or raising any kind of objection, Yitian nodded his head in agreement, "Okay."

"I also hear that you bear your own expenses."

"Yes, I don't like taking money from father," Yitian answered.

"Hmm, don't worry about the expenses for now, I'll take care of it."

"There is no—"

Cutting him off, Yichan explained, "It's not what you think, it's like I am investing on you." Pausing for a while, he added, "Later when you start working, you can return everything with interest."

"I don't want to trouble you in anyway—"

"That is no big deal because I will be profiting from you." Without waiting for his reply, Yichan walked out of the room.

Stopping midway, he added, "The scallops were very tasty."

Scratching his forehead, Yitian smiled, "You liked them?"

Letting out an affirmative sound, Yichan walked out of the room.


Zhang Mansion.

Guiren's room.

Spreading the new sheet on the bed, Guiren chuckled, "Why are you so grumpy now? I am changing it."

Massaging her waist, Meili instructed, "Make sure that it's neat and well tucked."

"Yes madam."

Trying to get up, she groaned in pain, "You are such a monster Guiren."

Shrugging his shoulder, he answered, "You wanted to try something new and that was new."

Glaring at him, she snapped, "I said new, not something that would make me unable to walk."

"We had fun though which you cannot deny honey, the walls and the dirty sheets which I just changed are the witness," he stated.

Rolling her eyes at him, she complained, "How am I supposed to step out of this room in this condition? What will grandpa and your mom think of us?"

"They will not think anything." Without waiting for her reply. He explained, "Mom won't think anything of you and grandpa too, everyone is busy in their own lives."

Wrapping her arms around her waist, he inquired, "Do you wanna stay here for the night?"

"I don't know, do you wanna stay here?"

"It's up to you honey, I am okay with anything until and unless I get a chance to sleep next to you."

Leaning against him, she sighed, "I am too tired to travel today."

Kissing the top of her head, he smiled, "Let's stay then."


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