The Devil’s love

Chapter 218 - Weird Connection

Meili sighed and nodded her head, "Hmmm, I think I am just thinking too much."

Placing her hand on her shoulder, Ning tried to calm her down. "It's not your fault, with everything that has happened in the past , your reaction is very normal." ​​

"You look a little tensed too, what happened? Is everything okay with Yichan?" Meili inquired.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Ning sighed, "Everything is okay between us but something chaotic happened today, Yichan's dad came back along with his family."

"What? When did this happen?" Meili yelled in shock.

"Today and to top everything up, they will be staying with us," Ning added.

"But why? I mean his dad coming back is already making things worse but staying with you guys makes everything even more worse."

Ning nodded her head and answered , "I know but the situation called for it, grandpa got super angry and started thrashing Yichan's dad so we didn't want to keep then together and then something even more unpredictable happened."


"Remember how I met with an accident five years ago in the States?" When Meili nodded her head, Ning added, "So coincidentally, the woman who helped me is Yichan's dad's new wife."

"No, seriously? I didn't see that connection coming," Meili squealed in shock.

Massaging her forehead, Ning sighed, "Even I didn't but well, it is what it is. So Yichan wanted to return the favour by letting them stay with us until they find a place to stay." Pausing for a while, she added, "I thought they would be staying here for a week or so but then I found out that their son enrolled into a college here in the city."

"That means they are going to stay here forever?" When Ning nodded her head, Meili inquired, "Why is he back now?"

"I have no idea Mei."

"Don't you think this is a bit suspicious? I mean he never showed up for so many years and now he is back all of sudden along with his entire family," Meili pointed out.

"Yes, it is indeed very suspicious but we cant say anything until we find out his real intentions." Pausing for a while, she sighed, "Honestly, I don't care about him or his family. I just care about my husband, I don't want all of this to affect him. Yichan has already been through so many things since he was young and I know that though he is acting all cool and unaffected, this isn't easy for him."

"Sometimes I feel like you and Yichan are the same, meant to be together. Both of you had a tough childhood and your parents suck."

Ning chuckled and nodded her head, "That is literally the most solid common thing that we have."


Mo Corporation.

"I heard about your father." Walking inside his office, Yufan added, "Are you okay?"

Yichan sighed and nodded his head, "Yeah man, I am fine, just a little bummed out after everything that happened today."

"I know it's tough for you but remember that you have Ning with you now and also your friends, so everything is going to be okay." Pausing for a while, Yufan inquired, "Did you find out why he is back? I feel like he has a solid reason for that."

"I have already asked Jason to look into it and he is looking into his." Glancing at the watch, Yichan frowned, "He was supposed to be here half and hour ago but—"

"Big boss, I think your father is back because of lady—" Jason stopped midway when he saw Yufan.

Noticing Jason's sudden hesitation, Yufan raised his brows in suspicion. "And why did you stop after seeing me?"

"I stopped?" Letting out a nervous chuckle, Jason said, "No I didn't, that was all I had to say."

"So big boss, I think your father is back because of lady is all that you wanted to say?" When Jason nodded his head, Yufan added, "What lady?"

Hesitating for a while, Jason tried to cover up the truth. "What I actually meant is that big boss's father is back because of a lady who is his ex-wife."

"What? He came back to look for his wife?" Yufan snapped.

Helplessly shaking his head, Yichan sighed, "It's okay Jason, you don't have to hide anything from the guys anymore."

"Hide? You guys are hiding something from me?" Yifan inquired.

Pretending to wipe his non-existing sweat, Jason chuckled, "Woah thank God the hiding part is over." Without waiting for anyone's reply, he rushed towards them along with his laptop.

"Wait a second, first tell me what is going on," Yufan demanded, he was already very pissed after finding out that things were being kept away from him and he deserved to know that truth.

Looking at Jason, Yichan gestured him to quickly fill in the details for Yufan.

"Right away boss," Jason exclaimed before summarizing the entire situation to Yufan.

After taking in everything that Jason told him, Yufan immersed himself to a very deep thought. "You mean the Jiang family as in Jiang Corporation?"

"Yes," Yichan answered.

"This is very strange," Yufan muttered before explaining further, "So you know how I have been investigating Roger right?"

When Yichan nodded his head, he continued, "I just received news about Roger's family having some kind of a connection with the Jiang family."

Yichan frowned and inquired, "What kind of connection?" Everything was already very complicated but the sudden involvement of Roger made things even worse. Considering the fact that Yichan hated Roger from his gut, he wasn't liking the sudden new connection between Ning's maternal family and Rogers family.

"I don't know yet but I have some men investigating it," Yufan involved.

"Do you need Jason's help? Things will fasten up if you have him," Yichan suggested.

"Jason will be a big help."

"Alright then, Jason you have a new task but before we get into that tell me what you have," Yichan asked.

"Yes right, I just found out that day before yesterday your father received a mail from an unknown source saying that they have Darwin," Jason informed them.

"Darwin? Who is he?" Yichan inquired.


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