The Devil’s love

Chapter 121 - Horrendous Cooking Skills

Wrapping his arms around Suyan's shoulder, Bojing asked, "Have I ever stopped her from doing anything?" 

Turning towards Suyan, Bojing tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and asked, "Have I?" ​​

When Suyan blushed and shook her head, Bojing smiled. "You don't have to ask before doing anything okay? Do whatever you feel like."

Ning sighed and helplessly shook her head. "I miss my husband now, where is he?"

Glancing at the watch, Meili frowned, "Guiren should also be here by now."

Just then, Yichan entered the mansion. "Someone is missing me."

"Ahh there you are." Rushing towards him, Ning pounced into his embrace and pouted her lips. "Yi, brother Bojing is making us jealous with his PDA."

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Yichan sighed, "Hmm is it? Oh my baby felt bad?" Pressing his lips on her forehead, Yichan started kissing all over her face, making the others roll their eyes at them.

"Great, they have a different level of PDA." Nuying sighed and helplessly shook her head. She was already frustrated after being interrupted and left cold for a couple of times and now she had to see this other couple's PDA. Could the day be any worse? 

"Yichan do you know where Guiren is?" Meili asked.

"Uh Huh, I just had a talk with him a few minutes ago. He is already on the way and will be here any minute." 

"And what about Muchan? Is he coming too?" Nuying asked.

Yichan raised his eyebrows while Meili, Ning and Suyan chuckled.

Awkwardly clearing her throat, Nuying tried to explain herself. "I mean, everyone is here so I was wondering why he isn't."

"Hmm Muchan is always late for gatherings like this. I am pretty sure that he must be making out with that hot nurse back in the hospital. Ah they both are so into each other that-ouch." Yichan yelped in pain when Ning pinched his waist.

"Honey that hurts." Rubbing his sore waist, Yichan pouted his lips and complained.

"Then stop lying okay? Muchan is not like that." Turning towards Nuying, Ning added, "Nu, don't listen to Yichan okay? He is just trying to tease you." 

"But babe that is a fa-" 

Cutting him off , Ning grabbed his tie and dragged him towards the kitchen. "Time to make your strawberry pudding Mr Mo."



"Hmm so how are you going to make it?" Ning asked.

"I know how to make one babe so why don't you trust your husband and go outside. Talk to your friends and chill outside."

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Ning asked. She wasn't really sure about Yichan's cooking yet. 

"Don't doubt my cooking skills okay?"

Hooking her arms around his neck, Ning smiled. "Honey, make sure that you don't burn down my kitchen otherwise, I'll throw you out of my house."

Yichan gulped in nervousness and nodded his head.

"If you don't understand anything, call me okay?" 

Patting his chest, Yichan proudly exclaimed, "Don't worry babe, I got this."

After making sure that everything Yichan needed was right in front of him, Ning left the kitchen in peace.

After nib left, Yichan ribbed his hands together and murmured, "Alright Yichan, let's get started."



"Wait, why were you worried about me?" Guiren asked.

Pouncing into his embrace, Meili sighed, "I was just scared." 

Wrapping his arms around her, Guiren asked, "Babe, why would you be scared? Do you think that I would leave you alone and never come back?"

Without waiting for her reply  Guiren added, " If you are think that I'll do that then-"

Cutting him off, Meili shool her head, "No, I know you will leave me."

"Hmm then what is it? What are you so worried about?"

Just then Yufan and Hannah arrived.

Pulling away, Guiren kissed her forehead and said, "We will talk about this later okay?"

Meili smiled and nodded her head.

"I hope we aren't late?" Hannah asked.

"You are right on time, Yichan just entered the kitchen to make the dessert."

Yufan widened his eyes in shock and asked, "Wait what? Yichan is making the dessert today?"

When Meili nodded her head, Yufan sighed and took out his phone. "Let me order a cake for us otherwise the meal will feel incomplete."

"Ah don't, Yi said he is making one so trust him. I am sure he will make the best strawberry pudding and-" Ning stopped midway when Yufan and Guiren started laughing out loud.

"You probably don't know how horrendous your husband's cooking is." Guiren said.

"Ahhhhhh it still gives Guang and me chills whenever we think about that dinner party that Yichan had organized." Yufan added.

"Yeah, Yichan is very nice and handsome but his cooking skills sucks." Hannah said.

Ning pouted her lips and started wondering whether she should believe them or her husband.

As everyone was busy discussing about how horrible Yichan's cooking is, someone was having a tough time managing everything.



Staring at the mixture which had already turned brown over the stove, Yichan frowned. Something didn't seem right. The last time he made strawberry pudding along with aunt Lin who obviously did the majority of the work, it definitely didn't look like that.

Taking out his phone, Yichan video called aunt Lin who had taken an off for a whole week to visit her daughter back in her village.

"Young master."

"Ahh sorry for disturbing aunt Lin but do you remember that we made strawberry pudding together a few months ago?" Yichan asked.

"You mean the one we made last year?" Aunt Lin asked. 

"Hmm yes, I am making it again and do you think this looks okay?" Switching to the rear camera, Yichan showed aunt Lin the dark brown mixture.

"Ah young master, it's already burned. Turn off the stove." Aunt Lin shouted over the video call.

Yichan widened his eyes in shock and quickly turned off the stove. "Okay aunt Lin, what do I do now?"

"Hmm why don't you ask young madam to help you?" 


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