The Devil’s love

Chapter 103 - Baby Steps

"What the hell, from where did a baby come from?" Yufan asked.

"Exactly why baby? I mean why do you think that she doesn't want one with you?" Guiren asked. ​ ​

When Bojing frowned, Yichan pursed his lips and asked, "Brother Bojing, what did you do?"

When Bojing shook his head and Yichan asked, "What have you been doing since morning? I mean how did you start?"

Bojing thought for a while and started reminiscing about everything that he had been doing since yesterday. "I hugged her to sleep yesterday."

"Yeah okay and?"

"I did not leave the bed until she got up and I also gave her a morning kiss."

"WHAT?" The all four shouted in unison.

"Okay let me get this straight, you had never hugged her to sleep before and yesterday was the first time you did that?" Yichan asked.

When Bojing nodded his head, Yufan asked, "And you had never given her a morning kiss but you gave her one the very next morning after you hugged her to sleep for the first time?"

"And I also saw you both holding hands while walking, was that the first time too?" Guiren asked.

When Bojing nodded his head, Yichan asked, "And where did this baby thing come from?"

"She asked me what I wished for and I told her that I wanted us to have a cute little daughter just like her and-"

Turning towards Guiren, Yichan narrowed his eyes. "You taught him this didn't you?"

Guiren widened his eyes in shock and shouted, "What?No, this is insane and I would never do anything like that ever okay?"

Turning towards Bojing, Yichan narrowed his eyes. "So you came up with that on your own Brother Bojing."

"What? You people told me that I should do all of this so that she fees special and-"

Cutting him off, Yufan snapped, "We told you to make her feel special not give her a mini-heart attack."

"Oh God sister-in-law must have felt terrified." Guiren murmured.

Bojing frowned and asked, "But why?" Did he do something wrong? He was following what the experts had told him and yet he was getting bashed by everyone.

"Why? We still have to tell you why?" Yufan asked.

"Geez brother Bojing, you are worse than me." Muchan said.

Bojing frowned and was about to retort when Yichan added, "Don't you know what baby steps is?"

"Exactly, have you ever seen a newborn baby jump and walk around?" Guiren asked.

"What do you mean? You think I shouldn't have done all of that?" Bojing asked.

"Well, whatever you did isn't wrong brother Bojing but doing them all at once and that also consecutively is wrong. Your pace is definitely freaking sister-in-law out. You have to slow down and take things slow. Take one step at a time, baby steps." Yichan didn't understand whether to cry or be happy. Brother Bojing was obviously a very fast learner but his pace of implementing things was horrifying.

"And you haven't even confessed your feelings for her yet and you are already talking about having babies?" Guiren asked.

When Bojing thought about it, he felt like slamming his head against the wall. The way Suyan ran away, he was sure that he had scared her.

Just then Yufan received a call from Jason who sounded very anxious and angry.

"Woah guy calm down first and tell me what happened?" Yufan asked.

"Is big boss with you?" Jason asked.

Passing his phone to Yichan, Yufan said, "It's Jason."

Taking the phone from his hand, Yichan asked, "What is it?"

"Boss I have been trying to call you since a really long time but your-"

"My phone died mid-way so-anyway, tell me what happened?" Yichan asked.

"I found out who that number belongs to."

"Who is it?" Yichan asked.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Jason added, "It's Roger's number and he is coming back tomorrow."

When Yichan heard the name, he pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes. His expression turned dark and cold.

When Guiren saw the change in his expression, he frowned. "Yichan, what happened?"

"Are you sure?" Yichan asked.

"A hundred percent boss and I even tried to track his exact location but I cannot see it. That means that he is definitely travelling and when I checked his last location, it was the airport. I hacked into the system and found out that he is flying over here." Jason had already gathered all the information about Roger along with his whereabouts.

When Yichan did not say anything, Jason added, "Ehh and boss, don't get angry but I did a little more research than you asked me to." Pausing for a while he continued, "I wanted to know how the lady boss is associated with Roger so I did a little investigation. Roger and the lady boss seem to share a pretty good relationship. Nothing lovey-dovey though but-"

Cutting him off, Yichan ordered, "Keep an eye on him." Before hanging up the call.

Passing the phone to Yufan, Yichan took a deep breath to calm himself down. It had already been three years since he had heard of Roger. In fact, he had almost forgotten about him until today.

The thought about the text that Roger had actually dared to send his wife was making his blood boil.

"What is it?" Bojing asked.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Yichan answered, "Roger is coming back."

When Yichan mentioned Rogers' name, everyone's expression darkened. The existing happy and jolly environment was overshadowed by a tense one.

With his hands tucked inside his pocket, Bojing asked, "When?"

"He will be here by tomorrow." Yichan answered.

"Jason told you about him?" Guiren asked.

Yichan nodded his head and explained, "Ning received a message from an unknown number today so she wanted me to find out who it was. I had asked Jason to look into it and it turns out that number belongs to Roger."

"Ning knows Roger?" Muchan asked.

Yichan was about to say something when Ning called him out.


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