The Devil's Harem

Chapter 101 - Club Rosaro

Chapter - 101

Club Rosaro,

One of the most popular places for the rich, elite and high profiles of the society to hang out. Alex has never been here, but from what Margaret had told him along the way, this is the place where if you dig deep enough, you can find the ugly side of many of those elegant and sophisticated champions of society. During the day, they are busy putting on a show in front of the people, but at night, they shed their masks away and dive into depravity. On the surface, it was just a high-end place for fun, but that's just on the surface.

But when Alex tried to find out more about what she meant by the ugly side, Margaret refused to dwell deep into it. She didn't want Alex to know how dark the industry she was part of was.

Soon, Alex stopped his motorcycle in front of the club as Margaret instructed and followed behind her as they walked inside. Though it was early in the morning, the club was not empty, and several drunkards lay motionless, sleeping on the table as well as the floor.

Other than the drunkards who lay wasted in their own vomit. The waiters were busy cleaning the mess scattered all around.

But when they saw Margaret walk into the club, everyone stopped what they were doing and stood in two rows to welcome her. Alex, who followed behind Margaret, was left in awe seeing this. It was just like the mafia scene he had seen only in the movies. The head of the Mafia would walk in, and all his minions would stand up, attentive to his welcome. The demeanour Margaret showed in front of these people was completely different from how she acted in front of him.

Alex was not the only one who was surprised. Even the waiters and managers were astonished to see Margaret walking into the club early morning in her joggers with someone other than the man they were used to seeing. Other than the man who always followed her, they have not seen her very close to any other man.

"Where is the manager?" Margaret asked one of the waiters. She didn't wish to waste time. Margaret wanted to get done with Alex's job as soon as possible. But when she looked around, the manager was nowhere to be seen.

"Manager... He..." The waiter stammered to answer her question.

"I asked you where is he?" Margaret asked again. Her words were casual, but her tone was threatening.

The waiter, still hesitant to reply, stole glances at others standing beside him for help. But they were all looking straight at nothing, avoiding their friend.

"He is in the VIP lounge 10," The waiter finally steeled his heart and told Margaret before she could ask again. It was not like he was at fault here.

"What is he doing there? Didn't I explicitly make it clear that no one... No one is to use VIP lounge 10 and 11 without my permission?" Margaret asked. Her voice didn't raise, but Alex could feel the suppressed anger in her voice.


"Just move aside" Margaret pushed aside the waiter and walked off from there in long strides. From the looks of it, she was ready to crack some nuts open. Alex followed her in silence. Alex was used to the flirtatious and always smiling Margaret. He had never seen her even so much as frown at someone, but here she was, out for blood. Alex felt it was best not to say a word. He might ruffle some wrong feathers unintentionally.

* * *

Knock! Knock!

Margaret knocked and waited for someone to open the door as they stood in front of the room that read 'VIP Lounge 10,' and below it was a sticker pasted that read, 'Not available for use,' in big, bold letters.

Tapping the ground impatiently, Margaret continued to wait for a while, but no one came to the door. Getting no response, Margaret looked at the waiter, who in turn looked down, trying to avoid her gaze.

"Get me the master key from his office," Margaret ordered, and the waiter, as if waiting for an opportunity to sneak away, sprinted from there, leaving Margaret and Alex behind.

"They look afraid of you, hehehe..." Alex tried to lighten up the mood. Margaret hearing him looked at Alex but did not respond. Soon the waiter came running with a card in his hand. Margaret took the card from him, swiped it on the lock, and the door was open.

As soon as they entered the room, Alex was stunned for a while as he looked at the scene in front of him jaw-dropped. Memories of the night he spent with Susan in the hospital ward began to reemerge in his brain. And he couldn't help but feel his pants go tight.

Margaret, on the other hand, was furious to see the sight in front of her. She was ready to grab a club and beat the shit out of the man, but when she saw Alex's reaction, her anger almost vanished in an instant, looking at that cute face. She thought Alex was shy to see the mess in front of them.

"What are you looking so intently at? Haven't you seen or done anything like this?" Margaret asked, teasing the poor innocent soul.

"Me? No... I haven't," Alex said and looked away, not wanting to give away that he was lying.

"It's not like it is something indecent? This is something natural. All species do this be it animals or humans," Margaret said, trying to hold back her laugh.

"Humans do this behind close walls, and what is so natural lying naked with a couple of girls?" Alex asked. In front of them was a man lying on his stomach with his butt out on display while two girls lay on either of his sides, snuggling him.

"Well..." Margaret wanted to counter, but she was cut short by Alex.

"Can we just leave?" Alex asked.

"Fine, let's go," Margaret said, throwing her hands in defeat.

When Margaret and Alex walked out of the room, the waiter was still there, waiting for them.
"I want him in my office in the next five minutes," Margaret told the waiter, "I don't care how you do it".

"Yes, ma'am," The waiter said and walked away.

"Follow me," Margaret said to Alex.

"Yes, ma'am," Alex replied in the spur of the moment.

"What?" Margaret looked back at Alex to confirm if she heard it right. And if she was, she won't be very happy with it.

"I meant Margaret".

Margaret smiled, "Silly boy," and turned around to leave. Alex, on the other, could just follow her lead. He really hoped that after getting done with whatever it was with this room, she could help him out.

* * *

"Are you still brooding over that?" Margaret asked when she looked at Alex silently sitting there.

"And here I thought guys loved having more than one lover," Margaret teased Alex, "Looks like I have bagged a great deal."

"You won't mind if the one you loved had other women besides you?" Just as Margaret finished, Alex asked.

With a smirk on her face, Margaret didn't shy away from answering, "It will all depend on the man. If he is worth it, be my guest."

"Worth?" Alex looked at Margaret, eager to know what she meant by worth. He didn't believe her words. No one would be happy to share the person they love with anyone else. Well, he certainly won't.

Just as he was about to ask her to explain. A man, looking all dishevelled and dirty, barged into the room.

"Out!" Margaret said, sipping on her coffee.

"Boss..." the man tried to explain as he tugged his shirt into his pants but was interrupted.

"Out..." Margaret, on the other hand, was in no mood to hear him out. She didn't even look at him as she ordered him to leave.

"Yes, ma'am," Surprisingly, the man obliged and went outside, closing the door behind him. Outside, the man adjusted his clothes and knocked. He continued to wait patiently for Margaret to allow him inside, but there was no reply whatsoever.

Waiters would come in and leave with beverages and snacks, but the man continued to stand there waiting for his turn.

"Why don't we call him in now? He might not help us with what I need to know," Alex told her.

"Who is he to refuse me?" Raising her brows, Margaret asked.

"Still..." Alex though, was not much convinced by Margaret's confidence.

"Fine, but let me tell you, you still have a long way before you understand this society and the people around you. Everyone here is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and you are too good for them," Margaret advised Alex.

"Not all are like this. Well, at least you are not like this. I trust you completely," Alex replied. He truly felt that but saying it would also plant a seed of trust in Margaret's heart for him. After he was done with this matter, he needed to work on finding out more about Margaret and the girl in his visions. This was laying the groundwork for it.

Margaret felt a few strings in her heart get tugged. Her cheeks turned a bit red, and averting her eyes from Alex's, she murmured, "Glib tongue."

"So? Are you going to call him?" Alex asked, breaking Margaret's imagination.

"Ahem..." Margaret cleared her throat and tried to compose her emotions. Once she was back to her cold demeanour and overbearing self, she said, "Your matter has to wait. I need to settle a few things before that," and before Alex could say anything, she called out," Come in".

After standing outside his own office for about half an hour, when the man heard these two words, he felt like someone had seeped the elixir of longevity into his withering body. It was a melody to his ears. With his body rejuvenating with energy, he rushed inside the office. But when his gaze met with Margaret's, he stopped in his tracks and stood in front of Margaret with his head hung low enough to touch the ground.

There was complete silence in the office. One could hear the anxious breathing of the manager. With each passing second, the atmosphere in the office was getting more and more stifling.

Alex didn't know what to say, and the manager had no words to explain himself. It was Margaret who finally broke the ice.

"What were you doing in that room?"

* * * * *

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