The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 99: Learning and Journey

In front of Jason, the book given by the old knight had these clear words written on it—

“Every secret technique has its own characteristics!”

“Different secret techniques can complement each other or may even conflict!”

“But there is one exception to this rule!”

“It does not conflict with any other secret techniques, nor does it provide any assistance.”

“That is: the Flash Technique!”

“The initial Flash Technique appeared in the Duyi School of learning, where it was used as a sort of entrance test; later, in the Dur School, it was developed and elevated to a secret technique that could assist in attacks.”

“Of course, most of the time, it’s just used for illumination.”

Jason had the Flash Technique!

After discovering that secret techniques could complement and conflict with each other, he had temporarily given up on studying them.

Now, there were no such concerns.

At the same time, there were no concerns about “Charge” and “Whirlwind Dance” either.

“The most important moment in my life was the time I spent in the barracks, where firearms were not as advanced as they are now, and people relied on swords, spears, bows, and crossbows in their hands. However, a person’s energy is limited, and it’s tough to choose another when you’ve chosen one. Those with swords and spears would be shot at from a distance by bows and crossbows. Therefore, the secret technique ‘Charge’ became an essential skill for those wielding melee weapons, and different schools were developed from it.”

“What I have left for (after smudging out, it was written again) you, Jason, is the most original version; it will not conflict with your Night Watcher’s strength, in fact, it can even play a certain supportive role.”

“Of course, this goes for Whirlwind Dance as well.”

“However, Whirlwind Dance requires more skill and practice, but I believe you can definitely overcome it.”

The text had been recorded with precision, letting Jason breathe a sigh of relief.

He had always been worried that “Charge” and “Whirlwind Dance” were techniques he would be unable to learn.

But now, he had no more misgivings.

However, Jason did not rush to make contact but continued to read further.

“Glory Strike!”

“This is not only a part of the knightly profession but can also be considered the most important aspect of all warrior professions (at least, that’s what I think). Without it, the entire profession is incomplete.”

“But it’s not a secret technique!”

“It is a ritual!”

“What you need is not just practice and setting up the process of the ritual, but also understanding.”

“Understanding what honor means to you!”

“Here’s a reminder: Have you ever fought to the death for someone?”

“If so, write it down.”

“Go and understand it.”

“Though it may not be honor, it is very close.”

The following records were on how to practice “Charge” and “Whirlwind Dance,” as well as how to set up the ritual of “Glory Strike,” quite intricate.

Even the “Charge,” described by the old knight as the simplest secret technique, spanned over a dozen pages.

Jason was sure that it would require reading and studying each word, one by one.

After all, the books left by the old knight were not “secret technique scrolls,” so he couldn’t use the satiation to learn quickly.

Of course, there was a “secret technique scroll” for the Flash Technique.

Jason chose to study it immediately.

[Condition met, do you wish to consume 1 point of satiation to learn the secret technique? Yes/No]


Following his affirmative response, detailed information about the Flash Technique appeared in front of Jason.

[Flash Technique (Basic): To perform it only requires a simple Dufol Language syllable combined with two hand gestures, which is why it became an entrance secret technique for many schools and forces, and also gradually became a kind of test; Effect: Consumes a little physical strength to create a dazzling bright light in the palm of the hand, causing blindness damage to any creature using eyesight within a 3-meter radius.]

Unlike the strange phenomena that occurred when learning other secret techniques,

[Flash Technique] only presented a simple Dufol Language letter: Bi.

Though it was branded onto his heart in the next moment, Jason hardly felt anything, as if it had never happened.

Moreover, [Flash Technique] only required 2 points to upgrade from basic to beginner level, just like an ordinary skill.

“Indeed, it’s an introductory, most harmless secret technique.”

Looking at the introduction and the cost for the next level of [Flash Technique], Jason couldn’t help sighing.

However, Jason would never underestimate any secret technique

For he knew well that every secret technique has a specific purpose.

When each secret technique advanced to a higher level, there naturally came greater changes.


He had saved up more satiety, just in case.

“Flash Technique”, a touch was enough!

Start with the easy, then proceed to the difficult.

After quickly learning the “Flash Technique” using the satiety, Jason glanced at the sun that had fully risen above the horizon.

In the glow of the sunrise, the already ripe wheat looked even more golden, several scarecrows stood erect, dutifully fulfilling their responsibilities, farmers had begun to patrol their fields, and further afield, hunters had already teamed up and set out.

Bustling with vibrant life.

A far cry from the gloom and bizarre atmosphere of the night.

Jason raised his hand to completely extinguish the kerosene lamp, adjusted his sitting position, and stretched his bent legs out on the lion-fur rug, leaning against the side of the carriage so he could relax completely.

Then, he continued to flip through the book gifted by the old nobleman, which he held in his hands.

He began to study the contents in detail, as he had previously planned.

From sunrise to sunset.

From country paths to bustling cities.

For three consecutive days, Jason did not leave the carriage except for necessary activities like eating.

This made Coachman Peters admire him, while also doubting his initial assumptions once again.

From what he knew about ‘Bear Tower’, aside from some of the older members, most found it hard to study books, while those from ‘Snake Pit’ loved reading.

Just as the people from ‘Wolf Fortress’ loved to play cards.

This had almost become an important proof for identifying each other.

Of course, everyone hides.

Especially in this era where gunpowder is on the rise, and schools are in decline.

If one does not know how to hide…

It truly is a disaster waiting to happen.

“Maybe this is also a form of hiding?”

“Of Griffin Camp origin.”

“Hiding ‘Bear Tower’ background, and at the same time, books could make people overlook ‘Bear Tower’.”

“Because nobody would associate book reading with the once ‘Mad Bears’.”

Peters speculated in his heart.

Then he did not forget his responsibilities as a coachman.

“Sir, we will reach Taor by the afternoon,” he said.

“We need to replenish water and food.”

“The carriage needs cleaning and the horses require at least a half-day’s complete rest.”

Peters knocked on the small window behind him to inform Jason.

“All right.”

He left the professional matters to the professional; after three days of acquaintance, Jason had already affirmed that Peters was a competent coachman. Although he might have some secrets, who in this world did not have secrets? Not to mention him, an ‘outsider’ who had just taken up the position of ‘Secret Keeper’.

With Jason’s consent, Peters sped up the carriage.

Just as Peters had said, they entered Taor punctually in the afternoon.

Under the watchful eyes of the patrolling guards, Peters presented ‘Delin Carriages’ documentation, and then the carriage passed through the low, semi-circular archway into the cobblestone-paved streets, lined with buildings three to four stories high, with contrasting triangular roofs and chimneys aplenty.

Jason’s gaze swept across these buildings, and he couldn’t help comparing them with ‘Lorde’.

Undoubtedly, Lorde was somewhat more prosperous.

As for ‘Nightless City’?

Jason would never compare any city to that location.

Because that place was just ‘too terrible’.

A hopeless case.

If possible, he really did not want to return.

Jason couldn’t help but lament.

But at that moment, a strange sound suddenly reached Jason’s ears.

It was…

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