The Demon's Bride

Chapter 669: Taking Down-II

Chapter 669: Taking Down-II

Beelzebub clicked his tongue and signaled Esther to go behind him. Esther instead shook her head. She leaned her palm toward the wall and Beelzebub can it decipher the spell she whispered when all of a sudden the wall caved in and he felt himself sucked away inside the wall. Without a trace, Beelzebub had disappeared from the place and Esther was alone in the castle.

She made her way out of the wall with her hand both raised on her sides. "I only came here because you people have kidnapped me away."

Heaven appeared to be surprised by his expression where his brows were spread wide after hearing Esther's voice. Uriel and Michael sighed with a frown on their forehead. "You should have stayed on that box," Uriel uttered, looking baffled by how she was able to escape the box and go back to the castle.

"And fall to my death? No thank you," Esther answered, and at this Michael tilted his head.

"Fall to your death? You were kept safe in the box." Heaven asked in confusion as if he wasn't the one who had put her inside the box and sealed her there. Not to forget the man act ridiculously innocent when he had been the one to accuse her niece's husband as the killer for Gabriel.

"A box where you guys have left at the end of a cliff," Esther continued to reply the conversations thrown at her when in truth her hand tried to draw back so she could put a small magic to buy time for her to escape. However, Michael was quick to call this and raised his hand to the air, at the same time pulling both Esther's hands forward.

"Who did you say left you on the edge of a cliff?" Michael was the one to ask and with a pursed lips, his golden eyes went to glare at Malphas who was standing not far from them. "Didn't I had said to put the her on the safest place possible? How on hell's name that whenever I gave you an order you managed to do barely one right thing?"

"Master, you told me the safest place from Hell. And you know that the only safest place in Hell where there's no monster or demons around is in the Starcliff edge," answered Malphas with a looked of accused.

Esther watching how Malphas had called Michael master when in truth his master was Lucifer was confused. The rule of demonic servant was for them to serve only one demon for eternity. Yet the servant had called Michael, an archangel as his master. What was going on?!

"Yes the place is safe from monsters or demons but the nature there isn't savory for you to leave a box containing a person inside," Michael placed his palm to cover his forehead. His expression said enough of how tired he was to Malphas.

"W…wait," Esther looked back and forward from Malphas' downcasted red eyes before looking toward Michael's bright golden eyes. "What do you mean by Michael as your master? Malphas have you betrayed Lucifer?"

"Betrayed?!" Malphas shrieked as if the very word was a taboo for him to speak aloud for. "Th… There's no way I would ever dare to do that, Lady Esther! If Master here were to know I betrayed him my head would be under the ground buried like a carrot at once!"

"You are speaking too loud and too unnecessary, Malphas," warned Michael. "I think I get what this is about. Apologies for keeping it a secret." Esther watched how Michael's eyes that was once bright golden switched to red a signature evil smirk then played on his lips.

On the opposite side of the realm, blood flowed down from Ernest's stomach. He managed to escape a deadly wound that could kill him but as he tried to heal himself, he found it strange how his wound cannot heal. Although it was Ernest's body, however, Elise knew the would currently maneuvering the body wasn't him but Apollyon.

"What did you do?!"

"You seemed to know everything which why I would also think you know how dangerous it is to take even one slightest injury from me, Apollyon. But there's a limit to how you can predict things. You can't ever control a person as you wish," Elise pushed herself from the ground where she had slide off earlier and looked at Apollyon who refused to be looked down as if the gesture Elise did had greatly wounded his monstrous pride.

"Little girl. You know nothing. I am far older than you and I know more about everything there is to be in this world more than you, Satan, or Michael! I am one who have find the answer to everything on this world," Apollyon laughed manically when he quickly casted a magic toward himself. Elise moved back as she could feel how her senses prickling across her skin, warning her of the dangerous event that was soon to come.

Elise watched how Apollyon had stood back on his feet, or she would better describe, his power had allowed him to suspend on air. An enormous amount of demonic energy surrounded him, covering his wound with a pitch black energy that spread wide, all over his body. Elise didn't want to miss the chance to wound Apollyon who appeared to be in the middle of transforming. Using Jett, she had crafted him with her imagination into a spear and threw the weapon as fast as she could to pierce the man's heart.

But before the tip of the spear could hit, Apollyon released his hands that he crossed, at the same time bursting all his energy that he accumulated. One swipe of his hands had pushed the wind to defy its nature. Elise had tried to hold on to her ground but was pushed back harshly by the echoes of the energy.

Apollyon, who had soared on the sky, had appeared so different from before. Even the slightest fragment of Ernest's features couldn't be seen from the new appearance he had taken where his nose was talker and crooked. His hands, that spread wide on his sides had turned dark and scaly where his claws had grown sharper and thicker. On one side of his head was a horn that crooked upside while the other side had nothing.

"No one had pushed me this far, little girl and I will make you pay for this!" Apollyon roared, his screeching voice had shake the ground beneath Elise as she pushed herself from the ground, relentlessly glaring back at Apollyon with no hint of fear.

"You should stop calling me a little girl or else you would feel ashamed of being defeated by a little girl," Elise uttered aloud, her words had only sparks more anger in Apollyon that caused her to smile.

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