The Demon's Bride

Chapter 609: Crossing The Sea-II

Chapter 609: Crossing The Sea-II

Elise appeared back to the castle where she was greeted with a large mess outside the castle. The ground had been shattered to half and there was three large slashes on the ground that appeared to be made from a claw, a large monster with a terribly large claw. She knew what would face her was her grandfather's anger but Elise had come to see through his penalties. What she did not expect was the castle looking like a mess.

"Lady Elise," Orias came with a surprised look when seeing her. "His majesty is awaiting for your presence in the castle."

Elise nodded her head once and entered the castle. She saw how many eyes looking at her and learned that Hell have more ears on the walls then the mortal world does. Whatever happens to the royalties will be spread amongst the high demons.

Appearing in front of the throne room, many demons dispersed. Clearly everyone and even the blind could tell how angered the king was at the moment. No one dared to come near the door let alone the room except for Elise.

When she entered, she was met with Satan's whose eyes had turned entirely black, "You are here. Tell me who planned for this. You or your father."

"Both of us," answered Elise without lying.

"The person who had found the method on bringing the dead to life, do you know who it is? It's me. Dear my granddaughter you are making a big mistake. A terrible mistake," Satan pushed himself from his chair, walking toward Elise and stopped when there was about ten steps distance between them. "To bring back a dead person there should be an equivalent exchange to be made."

"A life with another life," Elise completed Satan's words that had the man narrow his eyes.

"You know? Then what are you doing now?" Satan demanded for answer, "You have no soul to be exchange and you have to bear in mind that in order for the dead soul to leave the abyss, a soul must be exchanged, the soul of someone close to you. Are you ready to sacrifice your father or any of your little friends? You don't have the heart to do that."

"Yes, I don't," answered Elise boldly. "I cannot sacrifice any life especially those near me which why I won't. I know, Grandfather, the ritual always involve with one soul exchanged for another but I won't agree to such a method. Which why I won't do the same. If I had let you resurrect Ian, whose soul are you going to exchange?"

Satan didn't answer but his expression was rigid.

Elise nodded her head as she expected her grandfather's silence, "I have learned it from father. That to bring the soul from abyss one have to exchange soul of the person close to them of their own soul. You were going to exchange Ian's soul in exchange for yours, didn't you?"

"A half of my soul should be sufficient enough to bring the soul from abyss."

"But your soul reflect Hell which mean you sacrifice the strength of the kingdom," answered Elise who had learned everything beforehand from her father.

At first, Elise like others, guessed that her grandfather was a simply domineering person who controlled other's life as if it was his. But she learned that wasn't so. The truth revealed that in order for her wish, Satan would exchange his kingdom, his own soul. That was enough proof for Elise that the man wasn't as evil as others painted him to be.

"Grandfather, my husband is a precious person to me. His existence is not something anyone could ever replaced just like how grandmother Ariel is to you. He is my bright star. Sometimes he was too bright for me but he had helped me countless time with his brightness," Elise saw how Satan looked at her attentively, sharing an understanding look to her. "But grandfather, your existence is no less and neither is father. I don't want to lose anyone which why I will search for one solution where I won't have to sacrifice anyone especially those close to me."

Satan's eyes widened where finally he broke into a smile where he doesn't look stern. Instead it was a sincere and proud smile.

"You have to know no one had ever dared the trick you pulled to me. It was daring but was well planned and not the bit careless for your own terms. Tell me then. After all the trick you pulled on me, what penalties do you want from me?" Satan inquired her with a lesser demanding tone. It felt that in a flash the wall between them crumbled.

"I only wish for one thing," Elise uttered, "Please mend your relationship with father. You two need closure which I am sure grandmother would wish the same."

"Selfless child, you don't have to wish for that for I will try to do that the best I could it had been my plan for sometime to fix the rift our family had. I might not be the best at it but efforts won't go in vain. You can think about another penalties for me," Satan gave her another option. "However, what method do you have in hands so you won't have to exchange anything?"

Elise smiled wide at the question, "Trust." She answered. "Ian told me he would come back for me and I trust him."

Ian opened his eyes when he felt his body becoming lighter. He then pushed himself from the ground, finding himself inside a dark room where there had been four creatures surrounding him. The creatures were cloaked in black, their body hunched forward and while one cannot see their face as it was veiled with their clothes, their hands that stuck out was bony and disfigured. Behind them was a large black pair of bat wings.

"Ian White," voice came from one of the four creatures, "Welcome to the abyss, the place in which your soul reside before you go to the purgatory. We will be here to read your sins and rule out your punishment."

Ian closed his eyes once and opened it again with a sigh, "You don't have to welcome me. You will regret it, death angels."

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