The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 396 - A Strong Surge, Information Points


A strong surge of Sin Energy hurtled through Firaria, causing not just Apollo and his followers, but even the miscellaneous demons roaming the street to peer in the direction of the Lord's Tower. From what they sensed, the tower was the point of origin for this disturbance.

However, the Sin that most of the spectators sensed wasn't Ira, but Superbia. So, they were taken aback by the presence of this Sin. After all, the gatekeepers turned away all demons who didn't walk the path of Ira.

But, Apollo and the others thought differently, "That Superbia is even stronger than mine, but I doubt an Archdemon from Suprenis is strong enough to force their way in here," Apollo muttered.

"I don't think that's the case at all. From what I have sensed, this purity is locked at the edge of perfection. Based on what I'm sensing, it should belong to someone who has yet to become a Daemos, yet is stronger than a typical Noblesse," Fuhrer commented.

In light of this revelation, Apollo's expression changed drastically, "Do you mean that the Lord of Suprenis is in that tower?"

"Possibly," Fuhrer admitted. The obelisk was originally designed to disrupt anyone who intended to peer inside. So, Fuhrer was unsure of the exact proceedings taking place inside. Still, with his keen senses, it was enough to infer some possible scenarios.

However, while Fuhrer was unsure, Apollo came across a certain answer.

[He is correct. But, continue to watch. I can sense a despicable entity building up their energy.]

As the warden of the system, Azridan possessed some unusual advantages. One being an affinity with things built by the First Monarch.

And sure enough, after Azridan revealed this to Apollo, a ripple of Ira possessing a bizarre presence appeared and clashed against the Superbia. But, when it appeared, Azridan's voice brimmed with anger because he recognized this energy anywhere.

It was only gained after coming in contact with one of the Monarch's fragments left to the public.

[It's them. They're here.]

"Them. You mean them, as in the one's who betrayed you?" Apollo responded constantly.

[Correct. And they've achieved a level on par with my previous strength. If I'm not mistaken, all four of them—Irzanach, Xynthos, Kirheim, and Zekilyx—should all be within the confines of that tower.]

"What do you suppose we do?" Apollo questioned. Although he was almost certain that he was no match for them, Apollo also understood what obtaining vengeance felt like. While it wouldn't undo the wrongs dealt in the past, it did provide a minute sense of closure.

[We do nothing. Because as of it right now, it's not our fight. And, if they ever learn of your presence, then they'll want to understand how you obtained the Monarch's true power yet have not been to the inheritance place, nor have you crossed the Noble Boundary.]

"I know. This wasn't for me, but you. However, since you know how to suppress your anger, I won't press the matters. Instead, I'll offer you a promise instead. If the Monarch gave the Kings their vessel, then there's bound to be a method for me to give you one as well. When I'm strong enough, I will repay the assistance you've given me in full."

[I look forward to it. In the meantime, an ideal situation has opened up to you.]

"Yes, I'm aware of it as well," Apollo said before looking towards his followers. "Fuhrer, have you located any areas with particularly increased traffic, for example, some kind of information hub?"

"Not exactly," Fuhrer answered. While he had indeed found many of such places, their number was too broad for them to cover in a short period. By the time they finished sifting through the location, they would have most likely lost the advantage of the current situation. 

In return, Apollo could only sigh. He would be lying if he said it wouldn't be a letdown to not take advantage of this unique situation. But, if Fuhrer couldn't do it in such a short time, then it meant the numbers were truly large.

However, someone who seldomly talked took a knee before Apollo, "My Lord, if you will?"

"What is it, Zarkath?" Apollo answered.

"I have some insider knowledge pertaining to the hidden information channels of Firaria. Before I was a guardian of the Link located in Ashiraem, I was one of the officers in charge of those channels. I still remember a number of the more important locations."

Apollo's previously disappointed expression changed as heard this. Although Zarkath was just a product of Apollo's whimsical actions to prove his superiority, it seemed his actions had indeed paid off. Zarkath pulled through just when he thought he'd have to settle for putting a dampener on his plans.

With that being said, Typhir still found something unusual. He didn't realize it before, but it clicked now that Zarkath mentioned the presence of the Links, "Didn't that gatekeeper say that those without the Sin of Ira will be turned away. If so, then isn't the presence of the links redundant?"

"Nope," Fuhrer shook his head. "It's actually not a bad policy. If you truly delve into the gatekeepers, then only those indigenous to the Suprenis are forbidden from stepping foot in here. Conversely, those with multiple Sins are still welcomed."

"I see," Typhir nodded before falling quiet. Although he received an answer, this policy still felt obscure to him.

Meanwhile, Apollo remained without an opinion, because this was the exact thought that made him chuckle earlier. 'I'm guessing that unless it's someone like a Lord who can shatter the restrictions placed on them, this policy was introduced to prevent any issues arising.'

Which was the truth. The tumultuous relationship of the Sins would only produce chaos identical to the initial state of the demons. 

"If that's the case, then point us in the direction," Apollo said, taking their attention away from this discussion.

"We'll have to get our hands on a map before that is possible. Even if I remember their positions, their routes are tricky to get to. Not to mention, there are still at least 100 main points. Though, if we are only looking for places relevant to household information, then there is only about 10," Zarkath said.

But, Apollo shook his head in response, "We don't need information on households, per se. We just need some relevant information on some strongholds."

"Mm, if it is so, then the number should escalate to a marginally higher number. We'll still need a map," Zarkath surmised after doing his best to remember the relevant information. But, as an officer, he wasn't a member in the highest position.

So, he was always accompanied by someone of a higher rank when making his errands to various drop-off points. Not to mention, whoever he traveled with possessed a medallion that linked to some of the smaller hubs in the area. It gave them the ability to transport to a closer location, essentially minimizing a large portion of the travel time.

Eventually, Zarkath brought them to a shady area, but it was useful as it provided a map that highlighted all areas of Firaria without fail. Plus, the material the map was made from allowed Sin Energy to be injected inside to be used as a sort of marker.

After examining the map for a while, Zarkath listed all of the areas that operated with this kind of information before giving it to Apollo. However, instead of rushing towards the area identified on the map, Apollo turned towards the others.

"How much of this map can you all remember after looking at it?" 

"I don't need to answer that question," Fuhrer replied with Furcas nodding in agreement. Among the demons, both of their cognitive functions were much higher than the rest. So, it was effortless to remember.

Especially for Furcas who tracked the positioning of the dark stars.

"It's easy enough," Geneva nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I have no issue memorizing the positioning," Sapphyr added as well.

However, Jorgun blinked while staring at Apollo with an embarrassed expression, "C-can I see that one more time?… maybe three more times? I promise I'll get it by then!"

The others could only give disappointed stares, but Apollo just shook his head, "No need. I can't entrust you with this matter. Forgetting isn't the issue. I'm almost certain you'll end up blowing a fuse when something becomes too difficult. Therefore, you're with me."

Apollo stowed the map within his grasp before giving everyone directions. Everyone aside from Ouroboros and Elaia were given specific coordinates to check. On the other hand, Apollo's group of four traveled towards the largest information hub.

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