
Not too far from Ashiraem's Tower…

Apollo's gaze fell upon the tower while traveling at rapid speeds. Although he told himself that he wasn't ready for it, an innate feeling drove him to think about the tower quite often. In fact, Apollo started to wonder about it, causing him to look to Azridan for some answers.

'Azridan, do me a favor and help me wrap my mind around something. Is that something you're up to do?' Apollo questioned before sparing Sapphyr a quick glance. For some reason, she seemed lost in thought as she traveled alongside him.

Initially, this wasn't something Apollo would worry himself with, but because she was now one of his followers, he could more or else sense when her mental state was amiss. Still, he didn't voice his concern because he needed some answers from Azridan first.

[What do you need, lad? If you're curious about your techniques, then I'll tell you right now that I'm at a loss as well. I didn't know that there was a hidden effect once they were all engraved properly.]

'No, it's not that. I didn't expect you to know since the system has omitted the information. Based on our past experiences, I've come to learn that omission means your lack of knowledge as well. Regardless, I'm more interested in this tower located at the center of Ashiraem,' Apollo responded.

For a while, Azridan was silent as if he was sifting through what he remembered about them. Eventually, he came across the first set of information.

[Well. First, they are obelisks and not just some simple towers. Their original purpose was different from what it is used for today. Especially since after me, the knowledge on this matter was lost.]

'And that knowledge is?'

[They're cores. Even Fuhrer should know about this as well since he once told me that he had a hand in their creation.]

'Really?' Apollo answered with a tinge of surprise laced in his thoughts.

[Correct, you can ask him. Nevertheless, the true purpose of those obelisks was to give the Sins a place to sleep. Quite literally, in fact. They originally contained the Primal Sources of the Sins, but now, they're empty husks of their former glory.]

'But, I thought the Lords occupy them. How can they be empty husks?'

[Because they're incomparable to what they once were. For this information, I think you should ask Fuhrer. That is, if he's willing to tell you, because my knowledge on the matter is shoddy. Had I been able to absorb my fragment, then I'd understand more.]

'I see,' Apollo nodded before turning his attention towards Fuhrer, who used a continuous string of Void Shuttling to close the distance between him and Ashiraem. 

Initially, Apollo was going to seek this information from him so that he could deal with the gnawing feeling that kept pestering his mind. But, he instead focused on Sapphyr for the moment.

"Something troubling your mind?" Apollo questioned while also flicking a small wisp of dark energy against Sapphyr's cheek. This interrupted his stupor and caused a light blush to appear on her cheeks as she looked at Apollo.

"Sorry for that. I was just thinking about something. I know I've changed but I can't help but wonder if this opportunity can be presented to my mother as well? I'm not sure how much longer she'll last in that place," Sapphyr said with a voiced laden with worries.

In return, Apollo spared this request some thought. Although he only sought the most useful subordinates, he also came to realize that his intentions weren't ideal. Because, if he only accepted those with high potential, who would he delegate the gruff work to when it came time to take everyone on a journey to conquer?

Thus, Apollo's mindset gradually veered to one that covered all of areas of his needs. Still, that wasn't the only gripe he had with Sapphyr's request. Since she was freshly changed, Apollo didn't expect all of her prior thoughts to disappear completely, nor did he want them to.

Because, if used ideally, then these emotions could become Sapphyr's fuel. After all, she was a demon centered around Ira as well, which meant wrathful emotions could empower her.

However, too much of those emotions could impact her negatively.

"It's certainly a possibility, but you must also remember that the choice will be up to her. Not everyone will be like you and welcome this change with open arms. Some will detest the feeling that we present. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have kept my race hidden for as long as I did," Apollo responded.

In return, Sapphyr nodded. Not just because his words were logical, but because she felt the same way. For example, Geneva didn't accept the change at first. It took Sapphyr convincing her to ultimately lead her to take that step.

Now, she was stronger than ever. 

Suddenly, Geneva appeared right between them with a mischievous expression, "Well, aren't you two unusually close? Care to invite me into the conversation?"

As an Archdemon, the changes she experienced were more apparent, as well as overwhelming. Whereas Sapphyr retained some of her earlier emotions, Geneva's Sin medley had already started to change her thoroughly.

But, it wasn't as fast as it could be due to Apollo's absorption of her excess purity. Nevertheless, the rate of her change was still shocking nonetheless.

"By all means, you can. But, I have something to do. In the meantime, you two can catch up," Apollo said before closing his eyes to focus on the link between him and Fuhrer. However, Geneva felt some displeasure towards his actions.

"That's not fair. He talked to you, yet when I came he ignored me," Geneva complained before looking towards Sapphyr who shrugged in response. She truly didn't know the answer, as all of Apollo's conversation took place in his mind.

Not to mention, he blocked their abilities to sense information from his mind, effectively turning their links into one-way traffic. Aside from Fuhrer, whose link was tens if not hundreds of times stronger than the rest, the others couldn't sense any changes in Apollo.

With that being said, Fuhrer immediately sensed when Apollo directed all of his focus towards their link. Typically, he only did this when he had some questions that required clarification. 

"Ask away, young Lord," Fuhrer said before Apollo could even speak, which made Apollo feel as if his tendencies were becoming too predictable.

'Perhaps I should learn to randomize myself. Predictably is one of the worst traits to have, especially in a battle against someone with extreme amounts of vigilance,' Apollo thought before voicing his question, "The obelisks; what were their original purposes?"

"Hm? What spurred that question?" Fuhrer wondered. After all, Apollo's inquiry about these towers was something that still eclipsed his level. Therefore, Fuhrer was almost certain this question was the result of outside factors.

"Azridan answered my earlier questions, but he also said that you know of their origin. I'm not sure if it's just based on your age, or if you have confirmed that you indeed possess this knowledge," Apollo answered.

In return, Fuhrer ceased his Void Shuttling. Not only because of Apollo's question, but because he had already arrived at their target, unlike the rest.

"They were the original Daemonic Vessels of the Sins," Fuhrer revealed, which shocked Apollo. If that was the case, then he now understood why Azridan described them as empty husks of their former selves. However, Fuhrer didn't appear to be finished with his answer.

"But, now they're just figureheads at most because the Sins were moved elsewhere. Since the Monarch suspected some retaliation for his deeds, so he temporarily implanted the Primals Sources into some physical vessels, which ultimately resulted in some lesser byproducts. Do you have any clue what those byproducts are?"

"The Lords?" Apollo guessed, only to receive Fuhrer's amused chuckle.

"No, you simple lad. The creations were what we called the 9 Kings. Except, there were two additional demons, forged from the leftovers of the Monarch's savagery and ruthlessness—two extreme demonic powers," Fuhrer said, which catapulted Apollo into deeper shock.

From what he understood, the true identity of the 9 Kings was the upper echelon of the lost council, but according to Fuhrer's words, they could be the Sins themselves?!

"If that's the case, then what do we face during the trials of our Sin Path?" Apollo muttered skeptically.

"Listen to my words, lad. I said temporarily. Meaning those sources were extracted once again and hidden in a secure place right before the great war. But, just a mere fusion for a few years was enough to instill unimaginable strength in the Kings. And, those are what you have to go up against," Fuhrer said.

Finally, Apollo landed before the gates of Ashiraem's sole city while staring at Fuhrer in shock. 

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