The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 392 - Master Of Sins (III)


The room was silent for a moment, but Lucifer snapped his finger with an expression of realization, "I recall these. The tome you are referring to was written in our ancient native language, identifying them as the Arcanas, the Angulus, the Celestius, and lastly, the Tytaens; which loosely translates to the Spirits, Angels, Celestials, and the Titans."

"Correct," Saehtyn nodded. Although the tome was difficult to decipher, with the help of an ability granted by the Sin's themselves, each lord was able to decipher their respective tome. But, each tome only held the unique experiences of that Sin.

However, should the information ever be pieced together like it was now, then it would paint a complete picture that elucidated on the important history of the Demon Race. Even the history that was erased after the Lost Council was sent into hiding due to powerlessness and the Monarch's disappearance.

"So, what relevance does this have to our issue now?" Lucifer wondered while panning through his memories to spruce up his understanding. However, the volume of information embedded within his tome was so much to remember that most of it was buried in the depths of his mind.

Fortunately, a clear image of the tome remained, so whatever was forgotten could always be revisited, which is exactly what Lucifer was doing as he perused his memories of the tome. Eventually, he came across a particular fragment of information.

It was dated eons ago, but from the story it told, Lucifer realized the relationship he thought to be there was, in fact, a figment of his imagination. 'Why did I believe the relationship between these races were fine? Just because their presence was recorded didn't mean they were allies.'

"Well, that's the thing. According to my tome, each race possessed a handful of extremely strong individuals, but they were also banned from engaging in intimate interactions. But, here's where the records take a turn."

"From my understanding, my tome only understood the wrath of the other races when they found out that the first and only leader of this race defied this law. Because of this one incidence, an entire war took place, dragging all 5 of them alike into the pits of irreconcilable hatred. In the end, two sides joined together, whereas one surrendered and the other remained inactive. But the specifics are omitted."

"No, they aren't. They are on my tablet," Beelzebub voiced, before continuing with the story. "It was the Angels and the Titans who joined together against us Demons, whereas the Arcana surrenders and the Celestials remained neutral in this fight. Of the 4, they were the ones who incurred the least losses, or rather, that's how it seemed on the surface."

"I remember the rest. My tome holds this information," Lucifer said, taking the mantle to reveal even more of their history, "The two leaders of the Angels and Titans fought against our Monarch, forcing him to a disadvantage. But, although he was at a disadvantage, he made some last-minute measures. From there, the story ends."

"What the hell? So is this Monarch dead or what? This is an ancient story, but it's a teaser! Where are the true details?!" Mammon yelled while angrily smashing his foot. It was just getting good, and yet the story ended right there; it was simply infuriating!

"Who knows; that was countless years ago. Can anything survive that long? I doubt it because even we are only tens of thousands of years old. If I'm not mistaken, this incident could have happened millions of years ago," Saehtyn replied.

Of course, if they learned that someone like Fuhrer, who was eons old, was still alive, then they would undoubtedly seek him out. By this notion, Fuhrer was truly an ancient demon. And, so were Furcas and the others.

With all of the information from their tomes present, these Lords now understood a fraction of their history, even the fact that their creator, while acting outside of the Monarch's wishes, made these positions to ensure a semblance of order remained.

After all, he was a demon who lived in the times before order came to be. So, he knew very well just how destructive disorder for the demons was. Especially in a time where their safety was already at risk.

Due to the Monarch's single action, he had marked the race for doom. But, it was unknown if his actions were intentional or not. Did he seek to evolve his race? Or was he just perhaps testing the others races to see how much they valued their words?

Either way, his actions while unique, still paved the way for incalculable dangers.

As such, now that the Lords compiled their information, Saehtyn drew another feasible condition, "So, what if this results from those races finding our changed positions? What if that ripple has nothing to do with our issue? Or, it's the exact opposite and it's present to assist us?"

"Then I'd say that we are in trouble. Assuming that was the case, but it could also be a little far-fetched. After all, would those races truly harbor a grudge for that long?"

"It's possible. Especially if they're hellbent on eradicating us," Saehtyn added.

"Mm, how about you eradicate me by abdicating my pink throne's seal?" Asmidia winked playfully, but she then followed up with some words that held some truth, "Because it's possible the Monarch's little playtime ended up with a little plaything, hehe~"

"Are you saying…"

"Yeap~ It's possible the races went to war because the Monarch's action gave birth to something they feared. After all, who would give up power after tasting it? For example, you guys. Would any of you abdicate your throne willfully?" Asmidia asked, but it seemed rhetorical as she added her own answer immediately after.

"If you say yes, then you're a naughty liar~. Just look at how you all reacted when you learned that you could no longer scan your ring's territory. You panicked at the assumption of your receding power," Asmidia giggled with a teasing wink.     

Even Abaddon, who was busy leaning against a pillar, showed signs of being distraught when he learned that Acebion wasn't under his complete control. After all, the thought of losing power while at their peak was frightening to think about.

"Yes, we understand. So shut up and go back to your insufferably lascivious self instead of being smug," Lucifer said before clicking his tongue in annoyance. Truth be told, he'd much rather hear her lewd remarks instead of her reciting the inexorable truth.

Suddenly, Lucifer backtracked to another thing Saehtyn mentioned. "You said something about being approached? Do you mean by those who claim to have ties to the Monarch?"

"Precisely. He called himself Irzanach, and he told me once before that he was on the brink of bringing you all to his side," Saehtyn revealed.

"Interesting, he told me the same thing," Lucifer nodded, while rubbing his chin meaningfully.

Eventually, every Lord present revealed that Irzanach had indeed approached them with this same line. They even went on to reveal that Irzanach promised to give them 100% control of their Sin's Primal Source should they swear their allegiance to him.

However, none of them accepted the offer, even Belphegor and Mammon, which was surprising. In most cases, Mammon was foolish enough to let his greed drive him, leading to some terrible decisions. 

Meanwhile, Belphegor was just partly a fool. Wave something with an enticing scent before his face and you were immediately talking his language. Yet, neither of them bit the bait. Although they were foolish, they were intelligent enough to understand when something was suspiciously ideal. That typically meant something was amiss.

Not to mention, from what they sensed, Irzanach wasn't too much stronger than them, so just how could he claim to give them 100% of a Sin's Primal Source, when he himself didn't possess it?!

"Yeah, his behavior was too odd for me, so I sent him away. Plus, he kept giving me an odd stare despite me sensing a repugnance from him," Asmidia commented while shuddering visibly. This made all of her assets shake, which in turn caused Belphegor to salivate.

"Damn, get the hell away from me!"


Without hesitation, Lucifer kicked Belphegor into the wall before wiping Belphegor's unsightly saliva from his suit.

"Wait, did you just say you sensed something repugnant? But, aren't you attracted to all demons, save for Belphegor? Isn't that what fuels your position?" Saehtyn questioned with an extremely odd expression. Apart from Belphegor, whose appearance was outright disturbing, appearing to be nothing more than huge, unsightly slob, Asmidia never once mentioned being repulsed by a demon.

"It is, but I don't know. There was just something so off about it. I could only distance myself and not pry. It was also like something or someone of equal power condemned him. Perhaps he wants to use us as a catalyst to break that condemnation?"

Saehtyn and Lucifer pondered the possibility but also revisited the information their overlapped pieces produced. "There was a possibility of being infiltrated, right? What if the infiltration was long ago? For example, during the time of someone's condemnation?"

"Are you saying that the one who has been infiltrated is the one who approached us? But, wouldn't there be dissonance in the current age? Such a demon would have to at least be a million years old," Lucifer responded with narrowed eyes.

"Not quite. Remember, those tomes were still being etched to this day. So perhaps the matter regarding infiltration is recent! Next time he appears, I suggest we test him, because he may very well be linked to the source," Saehtyn voiced.

Eventually, everyone agreed to this course of action, but they didn't vanish from the throne. Besides this development, there was still another matter to speak about.

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