The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 370 - Seven Unmatched Stigmata (II)


The appearance of the first Stigmata shocked Apollo. Not because he was unfamiliar with them, but because their introduction differed greatly from the Infernal Ira Stigmata. Unlike his first experience with the Stigmata, the system projected the orientation of the Stigmata directly into Apollo's mind.

'I didn't expect it to be so… comprehensive,' Apollo thought to himself. Beginning with the Voracious Gula Stigmata, it held two positions. First, the tongue required an engraving, while the reverse function needed to be applied to the Tainted Temple. 

With such a small structure, Apollo expected it to be many times easier than his first engraving, however, his expectations were baseless. Every Stigmata possessed an identical difficulty. After all, the factor which determined the extent of difficulty was the grading of the Stigmata.

And, the Seven Ungodly Stigmata were the crux of the demonic way. Thus, each of its pieces were just as complicated to grasp. Be that as it may, as the strongest demon blood ran through Apollo's veins, mastering these Stigmata wasn't impossible.

No, in his case, it was a certainty. It just took monstrous willpower to follow through.

"Fine, we'll begin with the Gula," Apollo muttered before exhaling. A turbid green gas ejected from his throat before forming an orb right before him. As the minutes passed, the gaseous orb solidified into a liquid sphere. 

As he watched this, Fuhrer was appalled by what he was seeing. "C-Condensation of Sin? And on his first try? Could it be the stigmata are just as frightening as the legends record? If so, how could the olden Lord be defeated? Condensation at the first stages is unprecedented!"

As with any other energy, Sin Energy followed a distinct path of gas to liquid to solid. But, each stage was difficult to transition between. Typically, it required a Sin Purity in the late stages. Otherwise, the Sin Energy would carry too many impurities to condense.

Yet, Apollo's Stigmata, or rather the technique which created them, acted as a catalyst to forego this step. With this the difficult part bypassed, this technique made it so the only requirement was a special bloodline, along with adequate willpower.

In fact, even Azridan didn't awaken the Stigmata Apollo's body revealed. On paper, it might seem like the same technique, but Apollo's bloodline stimulated the hidden facilities of the Stigmata. Nevertheless, just the superficial version was enough for Azridan to reign supreme through his generation.

If not for him being too trusting, it would have been a matter of time until he absorbed the portion of the Monarch's legacy accessible to normal Demons. As for the true legacy, it resides within the system given to Apollo, hence the sealed descendant tab.

Only the true descendant of the First Monarch held the key to opening the depths of the lost realm. After all, a severely helpful tool existed in that place. If obtained, Apollo's control over the demons would be irrefutable.

But, to make that a reality required Apollo to hold the power to trample over all of his brethren. As of now, that wasn't possible. For one, the Lords were his biggest obstacle. Each of them possessed control over their Sins at the Perfection level. In other words, if he was to fight one of them, they'd be able to weaponize whatever he threw at them!

Therefore, the Lords didn't attain their positions by batting their eyes. It came from exceptional prowess and the triumph of many contenders. A bloodbath was required to succeed in those positions.

Regardless, Apollo focused on his current task at hand. Fuhrer's thoughts didn't affect or even register in his mind as he continued with his actions. 

Gradually, Apollo opened his mouth, drawing the condensed orb of Gula closer. Small tendrils separated from the orb and assaulted Apollo's tongue with a prolonged sizzle. Even though Apollo's reaction was negligible, the pain was enough to make him wince.

For some reason, the pain didn't seem to target his body, but his soul. Similar to when he attempted the same process with Ira, the persona of Gula seethed within the extracted Sin.

However, almost as if it was protecting him, the Infernal Ira Stigmata released a glimmering light.

A crimson energy surged into the green orb before causing it to turn placid. The previously disturbed surface smoothened in mere moments.

But, Apollo was far from done. Next, the diagram of the Dauntless Superbia Stigmata appeared in his mind. The placement of this one was on his spine and Tainted Temple, respectively. Pure golden energy billowed from his body before converging behind him.

Unlike the orb of Gula, the Superbia took on the form of a double-edged sword placed behind his spine. 

Witnessing this ordeal, Fuhrer frowned, "The worst of worst. Superbia is an extremely dangerous Sin because that pride is capable of wounding one's self as well; self-destructive. Hence, why when mixed with Ira, it becomes combustible."

Regrettably, this was a process Fuhrer couldn't intervene in. The slightest outside made failure an extremely probable outcome.

Subsequently, the diagrams of Avaritia, Invidia, and Acedia Stigmata appeared simultaneously with their orientations being the right eye, left eye, and forehead. The Insipid Acedia Stigmata took on the form of a sharp rhombus, whereas the two other stigmata—Covetous Invidia Stigmata and Insatiable Avaritia Stigmata—caused Apollo's eyes to adopt six starred pupils.

However, the last one, the Deluging Luxuria Stigmata, appeared above his loins in line with his navel. With each of them present, they formed a complete map across Apollo's body. 

'With him suffering a complete awakening, the Stigmata now require a similar simultaneous activation. Though it will be painful, I have nothing but trust in his ability to complete this process,' Fuhrer inwardly thought.

A few moments later, the energy burrowed into Apollo's body. An overwhelming surge of pain caused Apollo to tremble temporarily before the sensation of being cleansed washed over his body.

At the same time, a message appeared before Apollo's widened eyes.

〈Alert: Body being cleansed. All techniques foreign to demonkind will be expunged and replaced with skills fitting of your stature.〉

Once this message appeared, Apollo's eyes bled, releasing murky blood. Instead of crimson, it was grey with specks of black embedded throughout. Similarly, the same liquid seeped from Apollo's orifices until the process concluded.

Afterward, Apollo's body felt unusually light. Although pain still assailed his body, it wasn't the foremost sensation. Power thrummed through his body!

Eventually, the fresh markings settled, allowing Apollo to a much sought breather.

"You've done well. It wasn't as excruciating as you estimated, right?" Fuhrer chuckled while taking a step closer. After a simple inspection, Fuhrer found he couldn't confirm Apollo's Sin Purity.

However, Apollo couldn't respond for a while. Although the pain had subsided, the shock from the overwhelming information hadn't. Each of the stigmata finished their verification and hinted at an ability for Apollo!

〈Alert! All your abilities have been determined. However, a few remain sealed until you meet the required prospects.〉


(Demon Monarch System) Lv.5

Name: Apollo Kaiser

Race: Greater Demon [50.00%]

Title: Monarch's Descendant, Azridan's Successor

Age: 18

Level: 150

Experience: 0.00%

Health: 100%

Demonic Anima Reserves: 25,000 units.


Strength: 1,750.0

Agility: 1,625.0

Intelligence: 1,650.0

Vitality: 1,580.0

Comprehension: 195.0

Willpower: 165.0


[«Traits»]- 7

«Supreme Demon Body»

«Gluttonous Soul»

«Vacant Soul»

«Eye of Mimicry»

«Eye of Desire»

«Intrepid Mind»

«Tempting Corruption»


[«Techniques»]- 5

«Demonic Imposition: Adamantine Servitude» [Partially Awakened]

«Demonic Providence: Domination» [Sealed]


[«Sin Margins»] 

Ira - Primary [Infernal Hellfire]

Gula - Initial [Endless Devouring]

Avaritia - Initial [Boundless Desires]

Superbia - Initial [Adamant Will]

Invidia - Initial [Covetous Eye] 

Luxuria - Initial [Corrupted Eye]

Acedia - Initial [Languish Perception]


[«Demonic Servants»]

[Daemonic Avatar] 

Erus Fuhrer (Demon Knight) - The Tenebrous Master 

»Greater Demon« [5,000] 

[Demonic Acolyte] 

Typhir Estrada (Demon Knight) 

»Lesser Demon« [0]

[Demonic Follower]

Furcas (Demon Knight) - Wiseman of Corruption

»Greater Demon« [0]

Valac (Demon Knight) - The Terrible

»Greater Demon« [0]

[Demonic Servant] 

Zarkath (???)

»Weakened Greater Demon« [0]

Jorgun the Anomaly (???) 

»Weakened Greater Demon« [0]


[«Interdimensional Inventory»][«Inheritance»] [«Lucky Draw»]


In addition to each Sin attaining the Initial level, Apollo also learned of their accompanied abilities and the traits they offered. Although he didn't take the time to delve into their intricacies, Apollo understood their general uses from the changes in his body.

However, the two new techniques were entirely unfamiliar to him. Even focusing on them didn't impart any knowledge. 'Perhaps its sealed state prohibits me from receiving information, but that'll change soon enough. Obviously, they must require a higher state.'

"What do you wish to do now? Should we revisit the Nihilistic Rings? Your current situation should enable you to stay longer. And, your growth will be much faster."

"Yes, but not just yet. Before I disappear, I have to make it so Geneva or the others don't come looking. Furthermore, has her change finished yet?" Apollo inquired without turning around.

Since it was a comprehensive change, Elaia's transformation was taking longer than Typhir's or even his.

"Almost. It would seem mimicking her bloodline takes some time. Perhaps she might even receive a blend of Sin to portray her earlier abilities," Fuhrer answered.

"Mm," Apollo nodded before rising to his feet. "Come with me. Let's go visit the administration. I have no use for these items, anyway."

"But you could just devour them," Fuhrer suggested. 

This caused Apollo to stop in his tracks. The idea was viable now that it was mentioned, but Apollo had something more fitting in mind. Thus, he smiled and rejected the idea, "No need. This type of devouring is superficial. We have a better option if we bide our time. In the meantime, let us get the important matters started."


Two magnificent wings unfurled behind Apollo with a medley of color flowing through newly formed gems on the joint of his wings.

"Following right behind you." Seconds later, Fuhrer split opened a portal. According to Apollo's estimations, Geneva and the rest of the administration should be having a meeting.

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