
Despite the presence of two elders of renowned Supreme Families, Apollo remained unfazed by the sights of things. In fact, their appearance made Apollo quite happy. Because after his evolution, the pestering need from him to lie low seemed to dissipate gradually.

Although it wasn't confirmed, Apollo felt his own power had already escaped his peers. If that was the truth, then it was only a matter of time before the restraints upon his Demons lifted this as well. Once that happened, they'd recover even more of their strength and reduce the gap to their original power.

Meanwhile, Geneva couldn't help but feel tense as he moved to intervene. Even if she was sure something terrible took place, she couldn't allow anything to happen to Apollo. For one, he was the only one who possessed a cure for the atrocious wound inflicted by that near disaster-level Terror.

"Wait, wait. Elders, I'm sure there is no need for this matter to escalate out of hand. All we require is some answers, right?" Geneva remarked. While doing so, she glanced back at Apollo and signaled for him to stay in line. After all, each of these elders possessed a noteworthy status in their family.

"That all depends on how thing young man acts. We've already gathered enough evidence from the expression of these children. If that isn't enough, there is a ghastly killing intent leaking from this youth's body. That's only possible after committing a terrifying massacre. What else do we need?" the first elder asked. Despite being old, he possessed eyes as sharp as an eagle.

Furthermore, the lack of wrinkles and the like made it difficult to determine his true age. After becoming an expert of his standard, increased longevity was merely a byproduct.

"Elder Vidar, Elder Sabas, surely this isn't enough to spark a revolt. Do you really wish to upend the relationship between academies? We've already noticed the increased activity of the Terrors. We can afford something like this right now," Geneva responded.

Her response carried some weight as both Elder Vidar of the Braum Family and Elder Sabas of the Crux Family revealed changes in expression. As part of the task force tasked with dealing with the Terrors, they were the first to learn of this information.

And, with Geneva making it public, it put them in a difficult situation. Outside of the needed authorities, the general public wasn't aware of the Terror's threat, though some students were able to glean this information from the change in the academy's curriculum.

Such intensive training was a clear indicator of incoming war. Otherwise, the training regiment wouldn't be so exhaustive.

"You may have a point, but you also fail to realize that most of the kids who are missing also possessed a part in the task force. This ordeal has effectively crippled our new batch of soldiers. What will be the answer for this? Because we don't have them," Elder Sabas said.

However, something odd took place as a newcomer appeared next to Geneva.

"Elder Sabas, I believe I can shine some light on the issue. Would you allow me to?" 

Elder Sabas smiled faintly with a doting smile before nodding, "Well, of course. Why would I ever revoke that permission from my adorable grandchild?"

Needless to say, the new mediator, in this case, was Odessa. As a child of the Crux Family, she possessed an intimate relationship with Sabas. Although he called her his grandchild, he wasn't her direct grandfather. Due to their family structure, even the siblings of grandparents called the younger generation their grandchildren. As long as there was a blood connection, then it carried some weight.

"Alright. Well, I'd like to start by saying this was retaliation. It wasn't Apollo actively seeking trouble. Although he is something to always go overboard, as a soldier, isn't it correct for him to know ruthlessness?" Odessa questioned while looking directly into Elder Sabas's eyes. 

Before awaiting an answer, she then panned her gaze around the survivors with an eerily threatening gaze. As a Paragon, there weren't many who were willing to risk the ire of a Paragon, so they all avoided her gaze. All except one, who possessed a gaze just as overwhelmingly playful.

Naturally, this person was Alistair. The sole person who didn't fear a Paragon's pressure. After all, he was one as well. 

"Although you make good points, it doesn't excuse the fact many were killed. Besides, we expect ruthlessness towards the Terrors, not your own kind. Delve too deep and you lose your humanity, becoming nothing more than a tool for killing. Is that what you wish to cultivate?" Sabas questioned in return.

For a moment, Odessa was silent. Then she looked towards Apollo before confirming her own thoughts. She leaned closed to Elder Sabas and whispered, "But wouldn't that make us hypocrites? How many people have we turned into that exactly? As a Supreme Family, there is nothing but blood on our hands."

Following her response, Sabas was speechless. All her points were correct. Speaking of this now was hypocritical at best. Their foundations were built on the sacrifices of countless lives!

Similarly, Elder Vidar stayed out of this as well. Because when it came to history, the Braums were much darker than the Crux's, literally. As a Family with deep ties to shadow abilities, their tendency to operate on the dark side was more frequent than their counterparts. 

"Ah… either way, just sweeping this under the rug is difficult, to say the least. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are many Great Family children as victims, right? This means the blowback isn't just from us. You'll be handling their wrath as well. Is this truly something that boy can afford?"

With this point being brought up, Odessa could only frown. Given their extensive military powers, the Supreme Families didn't fear any retaliation from the lesser familiar. Just their upper echelon was enough to level most of the Great Families without much effort.

Meaning, the Great Families understood that their presence was a luxury and not really a necessity. If their behavior were to necessitate it, they would waste no time is eradicating the Great Families.

Meanwhile, Apollo continued to shift his gaze around. Truth be told, this situation was meaningless to him. Outside of figuring out the abilities and reason for the Terrors, he held no ties towards this world. As such, he didn't fear the repercussion of his actions.

Even the Kaisers no longer existed on his radar. After evolving, the impressions of the former Apollo vanished completely. It seemed as if his soul was overriding the facade created for his protection. Slowly but surely, the secrets would unveil themselves as Apollo grew stronger.

"My Lord, what do you wish to do? I can tell from your expression that this is all just annoying you," Fuhrer asked. While it was the truth, Apollo still shook his head.

"Just wait it out. It's only a matter of time. Self-interest is the best interest. I'm sure these old fogeys just want to avoid a headache. Not to mention, you sense it, right?"

"I do. And, it is worsening fast. It's only a matter of time before that race previously talked about makes their grand appearance. Although, I wouldn't say they are much of a threat," Fuhrer hinted before glancing over at the two elders with a smile.

Although they tried to hide their inspection, each of them tried to estimate Fuhrer's strength. On top of the hoax of their words, they wanted to understand how much of an opponent he was.

Since they were unable to, they weren't willing to jeopardize their lives. Compared to the others, this generation was filled with too many anomalies.  There was no telling just how strong the so-called Spirits these children contracted with were.

In fact, some of them didn't even follow the applied natural order. With Astarat's Spirit weakened, the restriction experienced some defects as well.


Eventually, both of the elders sighed and gave into Odessa's logic. However, not before leaving a message of their own.

"We take no part in this incident. The severity of the situation will be put on your shoulder. Take it as a learning opportunity on how to manage your subordinates' actions," Sabas before lightly tapping Odessa's shoulder.

In response, she nodded before turning towards Apollo, only to see him vanish from where he stood. Instead, he appeared alongside Geneva, whose expression wasn't the best.

"Seriously, just once. ONCE! Can you avoid trouble? Wait," Geneva examined Apollo well before giving him an odd look. "Why do you look different? It wasn't more than a few days, yet it seems like you've aged two years. Just what is going on with you right now?"

"Changes are bound to happen. Now tell me, are you willing to change? Because I smell a storm brewing and it may implicate others. Danger forms on all fronts and with that injury, I doubt you can shield even yourself," Apollo said with a small chuckle.

Hearing these words, Geneva's eyebrows creased further. Judging by his words, Geneva felt that Odessa's earlier words were untrue. Perhaps this entire incident was the work of Apollo, and was all orchestrated to put her in a position to fall under his control!

Of course, these speculations were merely her own and not what was voiced by Apollo.

"What are you trying to say?" Geneva finally muttered after some time. 

Instead of answers, Apollo's right eye gleamed with an amethyst light, enrapturing to all who laid eyes upon it. While envy was capable of taking what Apollo sought, another ability existed outside of that.

When mixed with the presence of Acedia, Apollo's left eyes now possessed the power of projecting the corruption he wished! 

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