The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 357 - Truth Behind The Realm


After dealing with Erebane, Fuhrer wasn't idle. He took this time to perceive information shrouded in the depths of this mysterious staircase area housed by the exemplary pagoda. However, its outside appearance was merely a facade. It hid a gruesome truth buried underneath.

"I've uncovered...everything I suppose," Fuhrer answered while glancing up at the ceiling of the pagoda. Now that they stood on a level above the prior one, Fuhrer was able to pierce some of the erected defenses tasked with protecting the intricacies of this area.

"Such as?"

"As in, the treasures these youths covet aren't treasures at all. They're tools used to covertly siphon their Spiritual Essence and channel it elsewhere. The initial trial is merely a pretense for the selected item to drain them," Fuhrer exposed.

Yet, Apollo wasn't shocked by this information. After all, this place was simply too good to be true. Who would leave an entire realm of treasure unattended? Obviously, there was a hidden motive behind those actions, and based on Fuhrer's findings, this seemed to fit the bill.

"How long do you suspect this has been going on?"

Before answering, Fuhrer observed the ley lines hidden within the walls. The flow of energy seemed to converge at the ceiling and then disappear without a trace. However, Fuhrer was well aware that energy didn't just disappear, nor could it be easily destroyed. The easiest way to affect energy was to displace it.

So, Fuhrer was rather confident that the energy was vanishing behind the protection of some type of barrier. And, judging by the fact Fuhrer couldn't really sense its presence, quite a significant amount of effort should have been sacrificed to erect it.

"A millennia, at the very least. The absorption system shows signs of being archaic and the practices don't appear to be from present time. I even dare say this may be the realm of this Minor World's sovereign ancestor," Fuhrer commented while running his finger against the wall.

While he could just inject his Demonic Anima into the wall as per his incorrigible tendencies, that would be more detrimental than helpful in this case. After all, the foundations of this area were built atop this system, with its complexities acting as a core.

In other words, if Fuhrer destroyed the system, this pagoda would destruct along with it. With its immense size, this wasn't a gamble Fuhrer was willing to take at this point. Maybe if the situation grew dire in the future, he would consider it, but that option was null for right now. 

"I see, so it seems the Academies have been tricked for countless years. Can you tell if the origin of the creator is human or not?"

"It seems to be a human, but it's a higher energy source. So, I assume it's some type of transcended human. Or, based on the instability, perhaps incomplete?" Fuhrer responded, but from his tone, it was apparent that he was unsure about the topic.

Nevertheless, for Apollo, any information gained was useful information in his hands. 

"So, I just need to travel beyond that ceiling up there, right?" Apollo asked while continuing to stare above at the seemingly normal ceiling. However, he was already well aware that it was simply a mirage hiding the deceitful truth.

"U-uh, reaching the ceiling is impossible. Our instructor warned us not to attempt to reach there. Not only is it suicidal, but it has also never been done. Even the past Paragons never came close to that ceiling," Vellaria muttered once she caught wind of Apollo's conversation.

The defenses of the area were simply mind-boggling. The amount of mental fortitude as well as physique stability needed to venture that high was astronomical. Hence, why no one had ever successfully done so. The requirements rivaled near inhumane standards.

No matter how strong their talent was, a human's physique came with natural limitations. There were some things talent just couldn't overcome. Not to mention, the reason the realm rejected anyone over the Zul Knight Realm was obvious!

The stronger the entrant, the higher the chances of them stepping inside that enigmatic area rose. Once the secrets were unveiled, there would be no turning back. Perhaps it would even mandate the death of the person lucky or rather unlucky enough to succeed.

"Hm? Well, let's just say I'm a boy of miracles. As I recall, I'm not like these other Paragons. I'm something much greater," Apollo said with a calm smile. Afterward, he extended his foot to take a step before turning around for a short moment.

"I expect my answer by the end of this ordeal. If you run, I will find you… or maybe not. I may just let you resign yourself to your tragic fate now that you bear that damned marking."

With Apollo's playful tone, Vellaria could sense just how insignificant her life was to Apollo. Even if he didn't manage to turn her, he could always ramp up his efforts in corrupting Geneva. 

Compared to Vellaria, she was several times more useful. The only reason he refrained from pushing too hard was that he wished for Geneva to demonize at her utmost strength. If he was still a Lesser Demon, then it would stifle her transformation process, which in turn wasted a great deal of her innate power.

Thus, Apollo used this time to find the proper catalyst to propel himself into the Greater Demon—another reason he was adamant in passing through that restriction. Perhaps his answer rested on the other side.

Apollo's Demonic Conduct had skyrocketed to new heights after having his demons slay so many humans, especially the Glories. It was already enough to fulfill the last requirement of evolution. Yet, the much-awaited sensation never appeared.

It seemed that more stringent expectations accompanied the identity of the First Monarch's successor. For a moment, Apollo thought back to Fuhrer's words. With the question bothering him, Apollo conversed with Fuhrer telepathically.

"Fuhrer, that Complete Awakening you mentioned. How would I go about doing it? There are some Sins that I've never been subjected to. Wouldn't it be impossible for me?"

"Mmn, not quite. You see; you misunderstand. This process isn't based on what you've been exposed to, there just needed to be an affinity in your soul. And, based on what I saw, every last Sin applies to you. There is a boundless wrath buried within you. This is an insufferable pride that surfaces from time to time.

"Your responsibilities have also led you to lust and greed after power, while also turning into a glutton for it. As for your sloth, you may not realize it, but sloth comes in many varieties. Yours manifests in your desire to delegate tasks to others, such as your lower demons. Lastly, you were born from envy—feeling jealous over the possessions of your peers and family members. In short, you're an amalgamation of every Sin; you just need a catalyst to activate the process."

"Like what?" Apollo questioned immediately. After finding out this information, he was excited to start the process.

However, in response, Fuhrer merely tapped Apollo's forehead, "That is for you to determine. As a creature of emotion, you need to discover what your personal catalyst is. What drives you? And not just the expectation projected onto you, it must resonate within your inner being."

Apollo grew quiet as he contemplated Fuhrer's word. According to him, the last shackle for evolution didn't reside in the body, but in the mind. When it came to the mind, hints of shrouded information were much harder to find.

Hence, why Demons with a Tainted Temple experienced some difficulty when advancing to a higher level. If their hearts were attuned to their Sins, then the evolution wouldn't fail.

Meanwhile, Apollo took this time to carefully ponder just what he was missing. In the meantime, he continued to ascend the steps one by one. Apart from Typhir, his actions were absurd in everyone else's eyes.

It was as if the staircase posed no issue to him! There wasn't the slightest pause in his steps as Apollo continued to ascend higher and higher. At the same time, he also spared some attention to the increase in his experience, stats, and even level.

His assumptions were correct. Destroying a Spirit enabled him to turn their core energy into experiences and the general values were similar to killing a newborn Greater Demon. 

On the other hand, as Apollo and his Demons advanced, Vellaria could only watch them with a blank expression. Her time was running out, and she had to make an important, if not vital, decision. 

'I will only surrender my future to him if he can truly make miracles occur. If not, I'm better off just perishing when the time comes,' Vellaria thought with a defeated sigh. 

Yet, her eyes widened suddenly as she watched Apollo's actions.

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