The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 355 - Preying On The Weak (I)


"What? Why do you sound so surprised?" Apollo questioned while keeping his finger in contact with Erebane's forehead. Although his desire to experiment on his curiosities was overwhelming, Apollo very much wanted to understand the astonishment behind Azridan's words.

[Because...I never expected the link between worlds to be so prominent. I thought the contracted beings would be other lower existences at best. Who knew… Just what secrets do humans possess for a higher race such as Spirits to contract with them?]

Even as the warden of Apollo's system, Azrdian wasn't privy to many of the events linked to Astarat's history. Since his strength wasn't at the apex anymore, nor did his corporeal body exist, Azridan's use was limited outside of supplying Apollo with guidance.

"I don't know, but surely I can take advantage of this as well. After all, there are some insufferable Spirits on my execution list. I wouldn't mind crushing their skulls beneath my grasp," Apollo said with a menacing smirk. 

Finally, he allowed the dark energy to burrow deep into Erebane's mind in search of the previously present greed. If he could harvest that energy, it would be a pleasant addition to his current strength. 

However, the longer he spent perusing the mind of Erebane, the more disgruntled Apollo became. Despite his spirited attempts, he couldn't detect a hint of the earlier greed. It was as if it vanished without a trace; almost as if it was never there.

How could that be? Sin didn't just up and vanish.

With a frown, Apollo eventually stopped his fruitless actions. 'It would seem things never go my way. I should have expected as much. It's as if most of his mind has been sealed. Most probably the work of Destrys. Although there may be a good reason for it, I'm much more interested in acquiring that power.'

Meanwhile, Fuhrer remained still as he continued to converse with Destrys.

"Your young Lord has quite the nasty temper on him. If it weren't for me forcefully sealing that boy's mind, your Lord would have destroyed him without being all the wiser. I understand his thirst for power but don't let it corrupt his sanity," Destrys warned.

Fuhrer nodded, glancing in Apollo's direction. Although Destrys' warning was overall correct, Fuhrer didn't actually intend to act on it. After all, he was aware of the feats Apollo needed to accomplish. If his thirst for power wasn't strong enough then his will as a leader wouldn't be strong enough either.

Sadly, a faulty will was not allowed for a Monarch. When commanding a race, there was no time for second guesses or to let inferiority to plague the mind.

"Don't worry. As long as he channels it well, it would become his strongest source of strength. I'm sure you remember the attitude of the previous Lord. Reserved, yet always pursuing a greater power," Fuhrer answered. 

"I'm aware. But, I also know that he acquired quite the bulk of enemies in his youthful days. I recall many destroyed by his actions."

"Inevitable sacrifices. They should feel worthy to be sacrificed," Fuhrer replied without a hitch in tone. This was his belief. As long as it came to the rulers of the Demon Race, then their fates and actions took precedence over the general masses.

Cruel as it may seem, that was the way of the Nihilistic Rings. At the height of its power, before it was brought under one banner, countless wars were afoot; all spurred by the desire to acquire more power. Not just power in the form of physical strength, but land, resources, and wealth as well.

In this sense, Demons weren't much different from the humans who warred with one another.

"Very well. If that is how you view it. Anyhow, I believe it is time to cut this conversation short. It's consuming too much of the energy I have set aside to deal with the upcoming episodes. I leave the decisions to you. As long as you preserve his life, deal with the boy as you see fit. As for your young Lord's demands...tell him I hear him and I accept."

He then added with a faint chuckle, "Ah, the gall of youth. How wholesome."

"Indeed. We will see you when we get back. At that time, you'll meet your progeny."

After Fuhrer's response, there was no response. Destrys had obviously severed the link to retire to his prior means. On the other hand, Apollo gazed upon the battle and looked at the mutilated corpses of the Glories.

Because of Fuhrer and Erebane's fight, there wasn't a single one who possessed a whole corpse save for Vellaria, who was untouched. Unlike the rest, she didn't get involved in the battle. She just didn't have the heart to do so.

After witnessing the cruelty of Apollo and his subservient Demons, the threat of death nearly shattered her mind. She could only fall to her knees and mutter incoherent pleas for her life to be spared.

After seeing her, Apollo did something shocking and stepped towards her. "Ah, the faint-hearted one. What was your name again?"

Standing before her, Apollo knelt and lifted Vellaria's chin to scan the trepidation in her eyes. It was potent. So much so that it was difficult for her to look Apollo in his eyes without freezing up.

Surprisingly, this sight amused Apollo. On top of Sin, Demons also fed off of the fear and desperation of others. While sinful behavior comprised the foundation of Sin Energy, fear and desperation comprised Demonic Anima. Hence, why the usage of Demonic Anima felt so dark and putrid.

It was a condensation of both despair and trepidation itself.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" Apollo asked with a faintly irritated look. When she caught wind of this, Vellaria nearly yelped in fright.

"V-Vellaria. My name is Vellaria," Vellaria responded while struggling to look Apollo in his eye while he held her chin. Just a simple movement, yet it was capable of annihilating her wits.

"Ah, yes. I remember you now. Tell me, should I send you along with your friends? Or, perhaps I should attend to those dormant feelings you harbored towards them," Apollo questioned.

Before he allowed her to answer, Apollo brought her to her feet by her chin. Since he wasn't in his demonic form, the surveilling people had no way of knowing what he was doing. At the very most, they thought it was some type of dark technique.

After all, if he revealed his demonic form, he would just have Fuhrer do his handiwork and eliminate all eyes who bore witness to the scene.

"D-don't, please. I want to live," Vellaria pleaded with tears pooling in her eyes. Truth be told, she felt as if she would do anything to guarantee her life, even sell her soul to the devil!

"Then, right here, right now. Show me your resolve to relish in the blessing known as life. Tell me, what can you offer me?" Apollo asked with a smirk. Right after, he turned towards Typhir and beckoned for him, "Typhir, come here."

With a slow gait, Typhir drew closer. During that entire time, his gaze rested upon Vellaria. A disturbance was soon caused by all the murmurs that arose from the sight of Apollo's behavior.

"Woah, isn't that a child of a Great Family? To think someone would have the gall to cause all this destruction to their next generation. Even if surveillance isn't allowed...there are many eyewitnesses," one of the people in the crowd murmured.

"Yeah, I agree. He'd have to kill everyone here to silence them!"Another commented.

"You do understand that you're a part of those witnesses, right? What I'm trying to say is don't give that madman any fucking ideas with your rubbish!" Yet another commenter said. 

Though it may seem as if they were talking loudly, these individuals were just whispering. However, with Apollo's enhanced hearing, he could hear all of their remarks in an audible tone.

Truthfully speaking, Apollo had reached the point where he stopped caring about the repercussions of his actions on this world. After all, he intended to make waves in the Nihilistic Rings and to do so very shortly.

To do that, he would need to increase the pressure bearing down on himself. With the stakes raised, Apollo felt he could advance quicker. Especially so if strong Spirits cruised into the picture. Once he killed them, he could extract their essence for experience towards his level!

Before Typhir reached Apollo, he placed his hand on the hilt of his weapon preemptively.

Shockingly, Apollo shook his head, "No need. Instead, transfer to her the experiences I have given you. Of course, this is after she reveals what she can present."

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