

As the abnormal blade collided with Ererbane's blades of darkness, they shattered like fragile glass. While they weren't weak in the slightest, Fuhrer had manipulated the composition of this specific blade. 

Not only did he allow the blade to retain its powerful properties, but he also added his own, creating a monstrosity of an attack. Despite Erebane's attempts to block or deflect it, the blade continued to burrow through the conjured defenses.

"Damn, damn! Just what did you do to this thing?!" Erebane shrieked with widened eyes. No matter how he tried to dissect the blade to perceive the changes, it was futile. It was an energy belonging to the Demons, something he possessed no knowledge about.

If he wished to glean some from Destrys's source, then that would take too long. And, judging by Fuhrer's current actions, it was clear he wouldn't allow him the opportunity to do so. As a result, Erebane was left to one option.

"Arghhh!" With a roar, Erebane held out his hand before him. A large staff started to materialize before his hands. As it formed, the residual energy coalesced into dark flames which would amaze anyone who saw.

How could flames be so beautiful?

The wisps of flames, while black in color, possessed a crystalline purity. It was akin to looking at a black gem with an incorporeal form. Though it was beautiful, it was extremely taxing to facilitate, causing Erebane to turn deathly pale.

Meanwhile, Fuhrer appeared from within the shadows of the blade and executed a swift vertical slash. It was precise and to the point, intending to chop Erebane in half. If it was successful, then it would spell the end of him.

Unfortunately, it wasn't that easy. The summoned staff moved of its own accord, arriving in the most opportune position to block Fuhrer's sword.


Despite Fuhrer's explosive slash, neither side gave way. Surprisingly, even though that staff was airborne, it wasn't affected by the strength behind Fuhrer's strike. It was absurd, to say the least. So much so, Fuhrer raised his eyebrow in astonishment, displaying his shock.

"Whose weapon is this? Could it have come from the same source of your current power? If so, you're just digging a larger grave for yourself. The more you tap into what's not yours, the higher the risk you run," Fuhrer said with a faintly disappointed expression.

"Tch, shut up already. You talk too damn much. What is with you geezers and always monologuing as if you know everything," Erebane squeezed through gritted teeth. The pain was already running amok in his body.

However, if he gave in now, he knew it would spell his doom. It was safer to incur the repercussions of his actions rather than fall at the swing of Fuhrer's weapon. Thus, painstakingly, Erebane utilized every fiber of his being to uphold his actions.

"Heh, you must want to see the demise of this newly acquired vessel. Very well, I will satisfy you," Fuhrer replied. Until now, Fuhrer was holding back. Since he first learned of Destrys's presence, Fuhrer wanted to refrain from killing Erebane and intended to disable him at the most.

After all, the relationship between the First Monarch and Destrys ran deep and with Fuhrer's loyalty, he wasn't willing to blasphemy any of the First  Monarch's former ties. However, there was also the possibility of Erebane coming here for Apollo.

If that was the case, then he wasn't willing to take that risk. Furthermore, he was sure the First Monarch would have made the same decision in this situation. Not to mention, Erebane was drawing upon a power far beyond him.

Typically, this led to a single outcome—death!


Fuhrer released his aura in full, withholding nothing. The all-encompassing aura of the void spilled from his body as his Suppression Intent filled the surrounding area, weighing down everything. Lastly, a mix of Demonic Anima and Sin Energy deluged the expanse as well.

When everything was factored together, Fuhrer became a monstrosity. With a light gait, Fuhrer slowly advanced towards Erebane. As the epicenter of this phenomenon, when he moved, so did the force he conjured.


Fuhrer slashed horizontally, effortlessly executing the Tenebrous Sword: Phantom Millennia. A relentless barrage of numerous void slashes converged on Erebane's position. This sight would terrorize anyone subject to it, but Erebane could only grit his teeth.

In response, he pulsed his palm, making the suspended staff rotate and create a barrier constructed from palpable darkness. As the void blades made contact with the barrier, it seemed as if the barrier absorbed them.

It appeared the barrier was similar to the theory of shock-absorbent pads, where a portion of the attacks was absorbed by the malleable surface of the barrier. However, Fuhrer was familiar with this type of protection.

"Everything possesses a limit. Let's see just how much you can take," Fuhrer said. Over and over again, Fuhrer continued to launch this single strike. Every time the barrier absorbed the Phantom Millienia, it seemed to become increasingly unstable.

On the other hand, Erebane coughed up a thick clump of blood. The strain was damaging him and he was reaching critical levels. Yet, Fuhrer didn't dial back his actions, continuing to be heavy-handed. 

Soon enough, Erebane was brought to a knee, holding out his hand to continue to control the staff. Even the slightest movements were becoming excruciatingly painful, but Erebane ultimately closed his fist, which caused the barrier to expel all of the absorbed slashes. 

In a flash, a mind-boggling number of void blades inundated Fuhrer. However, Fuhrer revealed a mirthful smile in response. After biding his time, it was time to let loose in the truest sense.

With an exhale, Fuhrer widened his stance with one foot moving two steps farther. Afterward, Fuhrer brandished his swords countless times, each swing producing phantom-like afterimages. To the onlookers, his movements seemed as if he possessed numerous arms.

Moreover, from the lack of exertion, it appeared Fuhrer was in a special zone. As all of his activated abilities coalesced into one great advantage, he turned into a leviathan Erebane just couldn't contest!

A look of horror crept upon Erebane's face as he witnessed this scene. He couldn't believe it. He at least expected this abrupt attack to stifle Fuhrer for some time, yet it appeared his hopes were just that—empty dreams. 

Again, Erebane ejected another mouthful of viscous blood but continued to hold on. The staff before him begun to rotate, soon provoking a disturbance in the ambient darkness.

"T-this...will be the end," Erebane muttered weakly. As the darkness was riled up, it soon congregated to form a thick vortex. Starting from a small vortex, the rampant dark winds worsened into a tempestuous hurricane, which assailed everyone in the area.

As Apollo watched the battle between these two, he was pleasantly surprised. Each side displayed techniques that weren't outside of his grasps. Considering his current standing, if he continued to advance then the moment would come when it was his turn to employ these techniques, or at the very least, his version of them.

Once the hurricane reached its epitome, with the staff at its heart, it hurled towards Fuhrer. 

Fuhrer noticed the moment it moved and narrowed his gaze. Until now, he had only unleashed the first two Tenebrous Sword techniques. Now, it was time to reveal the third!

Compared to the others, this one was unique as it channeled both Ira and Superbia along with the Tenebrous Way. The contrast of crimson and gold along with the faint gray birthed what was known as a beautiful tragedy.

Rather than a slash, the third technique was a simple thrust. A stab that gave rise to a cataclysmic aftermath. A few seconds after the release, the tenebrous energy shattered, leaving the two volatile energies to come in contact with one another.

However, as they both tried to devour each other, their actions incurred a horrific reaction. Something akin to a black hole was formed and it started to engulf everything into its center upon collapse.

"Enjoy the Third Tenebrous Sword: Collapsing Void," Fuhrer said with a chilling smirk as he sheathed Brynhildr.

Amidst the hurricane sucking its obstructions to shreds, Erebane's eyes widened as his body was dragged towards the terrifying void.

However, before he could allow it to happen, Fuhrer heard a voice echo throughout his mind.

"My old friend, do you mind doing me a favor and sparing him? In the meantime, you can seal him effectively disabling him. He has already left himself in an utterly horrid state."

As the voice asked this of him, Fuhrer's eyes glided back and forth between Erebane's dismayed appearance and Apollo's fervor. 'Do I oblige this request?'

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