The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 339 - Unfamiliar Elemental Zone


〈Alert! Congratulations, due to Fuhrer's actions, you have increased 3 Levels. [Current Level: 133.〉

Immediately, Apollo was shocked. First and foremost, Apollo was under the impression that outside of the Nihilistic Rings, after reaching Level 100, he would be unable to acquire experience. However, based on the message he just received, that didn't seem to be the case.

In fact, to Apollo, it just seemed like some conditions needed to be fulfilled before he could receive experience, 'Could it be the ability to extract experience revolves around how strong the being is? Because that Juggernaut unbelievably strong and has 3 levels.'

Not to mention, gaining 3 levels from a single opponent was akin to acquiring an entirely different piece. However, Apollo could tell the Juggernaut was an opponent he couldn't demonize. Although it seemed alive, it truly wasn't.

Forgoing its human-like emotion and behavior, it also possessed animalistic traits. More importantly, its "heart" was a ball of energy. It didn't possess any lifeblood, just energy flowing through its "veins." Overall, Apollo was absolutely shocked by this situation. 

Soon enough, the stagnant void faded, revealing Fuhrer's form gradually reverting to his previous state, the floating armor reattached to his body, dwarfing the sinister vibes billowing from his body. Apollo thoroughly understood just why Furcas and Valak called him the Infernal Slaughterer.

As he witnessed the Juggernaut's lifeless, bisected body, he was appalled. 'Its defense was ridiculous, just how did he manage to do this? Furthermore, from the signs, it appears to be a single clean cut. Even if he overpowered him, it would take a large effort to subdue him long enough to end the fight in one strike.'

All of a sudden, Fuhrer turned toward Apollo while gesturing before him. A humongous crystal was extracted from the Juggernaut's chest, floating towards Apollo's hand. Within moments, it landed in his palm, warm to the touch.

But, that wasn't what Apollo took notice of first. 'There's so much energy in here,' Apollo thought with widened eyes. Moreover, there was a difference between the energy present in the crystal and what the other source presented. This specific source possessed a blend of Spiritual and Natural Essence!

'No wonder it could retain its own emotions. It's a catalyst for both types of energies present in this place. Then, I wonder what we can expect from the true interior of this realm,' Apollo wondered, looking upward.

Since he had cleared all of the trials in an unorthodox manner, he was also curious as to whether or not his action would fetch him extra rewards. Faintly, he could hear the murmur of the voice which alerted him of the beginning of each stage.

According to what he understood, the voice was trying to calculate what he deserved as a reward and how much of a reward was sufficient to disclose. After all, he still needed to transverse the levels of the realm's true tests.

As this took place, Apollo beckoned for Fuhrer, curious about his transformation and just what other secrets he held.

"Mm, what do you need Lord?" Fuhrer questioned as he arrived before Apollo. The difference between his appearance now and just moments before was truly astonishing. In mere moments, Fuhrer had regained his composure, removing all signs of his prior destructive whims. 

"It has been brought to my attention—your identity as the Infernal Slaughterer that is. I'm curious, how did receive such a moniker?" Apollo inquired.

"Mm, that's a story that dates back to the Sinestres Warring Era of the Nihilistic Rings. I did what I had to do to assist the First Monarch in uniting the Demon Race under one banner. During that time, the number of beings I slaughtered was immeasurable.

After a moment, Fuhrer then continued, "Sometimes these actions were doing out of fury, other times they down because of orders. Regardless of the circumstances, these events gave rise to that name, and it stuck. As I learned of it, I began to continually live up to the requirements of the name."

"I see, all that slaughter, I would've thought someone of your composure would have this side to you," Apollo replied honestly, rubbing his chin with a tinge of excitement present in his eyes. 

Basically, Apollo didn't see this as a dangerous situation, but a very useful tool. Fuhrer's presence was vital to quelling situations outside of his control as long as the danger didn't originate from his determined path to power.

Granted, this only excited Apollo for an instant before other thoughts entered his mind, 'I can't live my life depending on Fuhrer for my safety. At some point in time, I'll have to be strong enough to handle my own well-being. If not, Fuhrer will just turn into my lifelong handicap.'

While he was grateful for Fuhrer's strength, Apollo had concluded to not abuse. The prior situation with the Juggernaut was justified—it was an opponent that neither he nor the other demons could defeat. Hence, it all rested on Fuhrer's shoulder.

All of a sudden, a bell chimed in Apollo's ear and no one else's. 

[Reward determined. You will be given: Gold Inscription Key and 10,000 Contribution Points as well as towards the objectives you complete.]

When Apollo read the alert, he felt a change, a package appeared before him, but it didn't appear as if any of his demons could sense it, 'This concealing technique definitely doesn't originate from Astarat, it gives me a feeling no weaker than Destrys. Just where will this realm take us?'

Despite his unanswered questions, Apollo received the package, storing it in his inventory. From what he read, he didn't receive any currently useful item. They all seemed as if they were related to this space.

'I guess expecting items for myself was too much to ask for. Then why did Robyn request a physical item? Perhaps that can only be obtained outside of this area,' Apollo guessed.

Now that the controllers of this area had administered all of the rewards, a spatial doorway, similar to the one everyone entered to get to this place, opened up. Apollo looked back to his demons before snapping them.

Every one of them except Typhir turned into a collection of dark energy that entered his forehead.

"For now, it's you and me. We'll summon the others once we obtain a thorough understanding of this place. After that…'' Apollo paused, a malicious grin appearing upon his lips, "We'll have some fun and return some enmity."

"Sounds enticing," Typhir responded with a faint smile. He rested his greatsword upon his shoulder and followed Apollo through the gate.


A few moments passed and a ripple occurred in space, a doorway opening up to reveal two figures. Obviously, this was Apollo and Typhir. Apollo spread his perception the moment they touched down, searching for any familiar or even unfamiliar faces.

However, even within a 200-meter radius, he didn't sense a single opponent. On the contrary, all he did was sensing locations with varying energies and orientations. Some of them resembled pristine shrines, possess a light, ethereal energy, while some were subterranean volcanic areas. Spaces covering all aspects of attributes existed in this place. Furthermore, Apollo felt some of the area calling out to him. When he matched them side by side, he realized the areas that were beckoning to him, were the place with elements matching his affinities.

'Could it be that this space is linked to our affinities? If so, then shouldn't I sense people? Unless..' 

Quietly, Apollo extended his senses into one of the resonating areas, but all it did was confirm his thoughts. "So it's true, once you enter these places, the inside is sealed, prohibiting our senses from penetrating."

"In other words, we can only enter these places blindly. Somehow, I think it is a test of courage. Not just everyone is willing to enter a place without prior knowledge," Typhir commented, looking towards an area housing a violent cyclone, and another—an active volcanic spring.

"Correct, but what do we care. We've already suffered in Ashiraem. I doubt this can match it," Apollo said, dashing forward. However, before entering, Apollo took a glimpse of his status screen, paying close attention to his affinities and attributes.


(Demon Monarch System) Lvl.4

Name: Apollo Kaiser

Race: Lesser Demon [99.99%]

Title: Azridan's Successor

Age: 15

Level: 133

Experience: 0.00%

Health: 100%

Demonic Anima Reserves: 10,500 units.



Body Cultivation Realm: ~Rank 4 Zul Knight

Spirit Cultivation Realm: ~Rank 2 Spirit Warrior

Meridians: Saint-Grade (Middle Tier)

Zuls: 31,500

Oz: 1,050

Strength: 1,050.0

Agility: 925.0

Intelligence: 950.0

Vitality: 760.0

Comprehension: 115.0

Willpower: 95.0

[«Traits»]- 5


[«Techniques»]- 7


[«Elemental Affinities»] 

Level 9: Darkness, Fire

Level 7: Metal, Wind, and Lightning

Level 5: Earth

Level 3: Space 


[«Demonic Servants»]

[Daemonic Avatar] 

Erus Fuhrer (Demon Knight) - The Tenebrous Master 

»Greater Demon« [5,000] 

[Demonic Acolyte] 

Typhir Estrada (Demon Knight) »

Lesser Demon« [0]

[Demonic Follower]

Furcas (Demon Knight) - Wiseman of Corruption

»Greater Demon« [0]

Valac (Demon Knight - The Terrible

»Greater Demon« [0]

[Demonic Servant] 

Zarkath (???)

»Weakened Greater Demon« [0]

Jorgun the Anomaly (???) 

»Weakened Greater Demon« [0]


[«Interdimensional Inventory»][«Inheritance»] [«Lucky Draw»]

Stat Points: 0

'I think it's time to increase these affinities that I've been neglecting.'

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