
A gigantic figure emerged from within the debris of the destruction, releasing a deafening roar strong enough to clear all of the debris. Because of this, its appearance was revealed. The simplest way to describe its figure was a titanic monster, resembling a mix of different creatures feature-wise while retaining a bipedal form.

However, instead of two arms, the Juggernaut possessed six arms, each equipped with unique weapons, ones saturated with a cataclysmic aura. The aura surrounding the weapons was so strong it materialized, forming a faint mist around the Juggernaut's hands.

Upon noticing this, not just Apollo, but even Fuhrer was surprised. 'Perhaps I have spoken too soon, this thing is extremely odd. The sensation it exudes is even stronger than the transient form of that woman the lord in the process of healing.'

Instantly, Fuhrer made an estimation based on the generalized strength of Geneva. However, one must remember, Geneva was a bonafide Zul and Spirit Lord. Both her cultivations, in mind and body, had reached a frightening level from Apollo's standpoint.

After all, the realm wherein one was dubbed a "Lord" meant they unlocked the ability to gain absolute control of themself, touching upon the boundary required to attune with the natural laws of their world. 

Thus, if Fuhrer compared the Juggernaut's strength to hers, then in raw power, it was comparable to a middle-class Archdemon. Contesting against this power in pure strength, wouldn't be ideal. Luckily, neither Fuhrer nor Apollo was alone. Just as the Juggernaut posed a massive threat, so did his Demon.

Granted, the fact that the Juggernaut also possessed 6 arms couldn't be overlooked. Theoretically, if its abilities were as nightmarish as they believed, then there was also the probability of it singlehandedly going against Apollo and his team of demons.

"Prepare yourself and do not hold anything back! The fluctuations emanating from this thing are disastrous," Furcas uttered, numerous black markings appearing in his eyes faster than usual. He understood the direness of the situation, so didn't dawdle keeping a reserve over his power.

Mostly because of the items Apollo held, but also because he was to take a supportive role in the battle. While Fuhrer also possessed a sort of foresight, it was limited to himself as the more he used it, the more he became focused on a single objective.

In that state, delivering information would disrupt his focus and cause him to lose what he gathered. To avoid that, it was best to have Furcas handle all matters related to observing movement and relaying information.

A magic circle filled with demonic inscription appeared on the ground as Furcas pressed his hand on the ground, injecting his infernal energy inside. As it appeared, separating lines with a dark eye attached to the end of each tentacle, soon detaching from the ground and traveling towards everyone.

Once a tentacle reached them, it latched onto the back of their neck, connecting them to Furcas. "With this, I'll try my best to warn you. But, you must also remember, since it's split to other individuals, there may be a delay in information until my cognition reaches a state of overdrive.'

Unlike his usual means of communication, this message was transmitted through the tentacle, directly into everyone's mind.

Suddenly, the Juggernaut turned its colossal head towards everyone with a menacing grin, "Food. You're my food, aren't you? Let me devour you!"


The Juggernaut moved, traveled at a speed that defied the assumption around its massive physique. It moved so fast, it resembled a whitish blur, matching its pale white skin. 

However, it wasn't Fuhrer but Jorgun who moved to intercept the Juggernaut's approach, stamping the ground in the process. He accumulated momentum quickly and met the Juggernaut's charge, a clamorous disturbance ensuing after. 

For an instant, it seemed like Jorgun and the Juggernaut were on par when it came to strength, seeing as Jorgun was the one with the strongest physique. But, that wasn't the case.

A playful grin appeared upon the Juggernaut's lips, a massive hand creating a shadow over Jorgun's shocked countenance. In the next moment, a resounding explosion sounded accompanied by an immense cloud of dust.

From within, the Juggernaut walked forward, cracking his neck, "Tch, a letdown. I want to tenderize my meal before I devour you, but if it this easy, perhaps your meat is already soft. Ah hahaha!"

For some reason, the Juggernaut's laughter irked Fuhrer, causing him to look towards Apollo, "Do I have permission, my Lord? I know we had an agreement after making a pact, but this type of opponent is not only insufferable but possesses the strength to back up their attitude."

Apollo didn't answer right away, first observing the posture of the Juggernaut.

'Zero defenses have been raised, the weapons in its other hands haven't moved in the slightest and finally, it moves with a leisurely gait. All while affecting the atmosphere around it. Is this why that voice called it an ultimate creation?'

The more Apollo pondered the background of this creation, the more he was impelled to crush it. Rapidly, the desire to crush the Juggernaut amplified, leading Apollo to permit Fuhrer's actions.

Immediately, Fuhrer released a restraint on his body, a tempest of energy billowing from his body. At the same time, a blanket of darkness deluged the floor of the grand clearing, seemingly altering the environment.

Finally, this development earned the intrigue of the Juggernaut, raising his eyebrow, "Hoh? I can do something like this as well." 

Different from Fuhrer's internal release, the Juggernaut's was more external, once again causing an intense rumble to plagued the clearing. Even the stones weren't spared, both floating and being crushed simultaneously.

Furthermore, half of Fuhrer's darkness was pushed aside, but he didn't mind this. On the contrary, Fuhrer expected this to happen after sensing the dormant aura of the Juggernaut.

Fortunately, Apollo understood Fuhrer's intentions. The Juggernaut might not be able to sense it, but Valac and the other could sense it clear as day!

'He's altered the environment differently than the Juggernaut would expect,' Apollo mused. Soon after, delivering an order, "Everyone, attack! Annihilate the enemy."

Without hesitation, Zarkath, Valac, and Fuhrer blitzed towards the Juggernaut, taking advantage of Fuhrer's creation. By expending some of his Sin Reserves, he created an environment temporarily rivaling Ashiraem and Suprenis except, the two Sin energies were held together by the Tenebrous.

The benefits of possessing a once Daemos in battle were immense.

Meanwhile, Apollo arrived next to the dazed Jorgun, placing his hand on his chest, "Wake up, big fellow. You have a job to do just like the other. Will you just let that colossus knock you around? I'm sure you want to retaliate with a vengeance," Apollo said.

Afterward, a jolt of Anima surged within Jorgun, awakening him with an echoing gasp, "My Lord, my apologies. I have embarrassed you."

"That isn't the issue. Accompany your brethren and claim victory," Apollo ordered, brushing aside Jorgun's guilt. 

"I will!" Jorgun affirmed, jumping to his feet. His eyes locked onto the Juggernaut, resentment festering in his eyes. Jorgun advanced, akin to a stampeding bull accumulating momentum, soon joining the battle.

Unlike last time, he didn't settle for a brutish blow, he wielded a battle-ax, channeling his destructive momentum into sharp strikes. Yet, just one of the Juggernaut's arms sufficed to deflect even strike he launched.

"What?! What de shit is this?" Jorgun snarled, appalled by the ease the Juggernaut neutralized his strikes with.

"Focus!" Fuhrer remarked, sparing Jorgun a look. Suddenly, something they had never witnessed before took place—Fuhrer summoned an identical copy of Brynhildr in his right hand and ramped up his assault, effectively neutralizing two of the Juggernaut's arms.

Moreover, sometimes his strike would also require a third hand to be utilized. When he saw this, Apollo was inspired to commit an action he had never tried before.

He closed his eyes and held one hand out before him, 'Come on. This has to work now,' he thought, focusing on a single individual. While the rest of his demons could be summoned, Typhir didn't seem to be able, or there seemed to be something blocking the ability.

Hence, Apollo felt now was the best time to resolve the blockage. If Typhir couldn't be summoned, then a part of his combat strength was missing.

Quietly, Apollo channeled his Tainted Temple and merged it with the power of the system he could control actively. Gradually, he could feel the connection between him and Typhir strengthened, but he was also given insight into the reasoning behind the blockage.

"It stems from the connection to his mother. It seems strong sentimental feelings have to be overcome. However, Typhir's is also unusually strong. He must possess an unquestionable relationship with his mother. No wonder he asked me not to let his mother find out about his condition," Apollo internalized.

Only after he promised to always keep his mother safe, did Typhir relinquish his firm grasp over his mother.

A few seconds later, another gate opened, but unlike the rest, a dense destructive aura leaked from it. Typhir stepped through moments later, glowing markings all over his body. It was clear he was embroiled in battle already as his stigmata was already in use.

Without a second thought, he nodded towards Apollo and rushed to join the battle.

"Ahahaha! Another meal! Come, come, come!" the Juggernaut's maniacal laughter spread out, forming a soundwave capable of attacking the demons. Fortunately, Furcas warned them to raise their defenses as soon as he noticed the odd fluctuation.

On the other hand, Typhir simply dived into it, stapping one hand forth, his Destructive Intent forming a spiral. With every fight he took part in, his skill with his repertoire grew more refined.

At this sight, Apollo grinned; he felt complete. "Now, why don't we complete the party!"

Apollo's aura surged, the barrier containing his aura shattering incrementally. It wouldn't be kong before he experienced the evolution of a Great Demon.

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