The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 334 - Fuhrer Appears


"This is ridiculous," Valac scowled, gazing upon the golden figure. Although he looked forward to fighting a strong opponent, just as it was no fun when the individual was overwhelmingly weak, Valac didn't find pleasure in this scenario when the opponent was needlessly strong as well. 

It reminded him of his past when he was powerless to do anything against Fuhrer and the other strong demons. He was subject to their torment without the strength to retaliate or voice his displeasure. Therefore, Valac stood next to the golden figure with a disgusted expression.

If he was alone, he was sure his chances at victory were less than 10 percent. Additionally, despite Apollo's presence, Valac still estimated his chances of victory at no more than 15 percent. In other words, Apollo was barely able to contribute 5 percent worth of reassurance.

On the other hand, this wasn't his fault. It was due to the bizarre combat standard of this golden. The superlative control of its energy rivaled upon the other ancient demons. Regardless of what idea popped into their mind to deal with this threat, Valac couldn't see it working.

'It's too fast. Its top three concerning features are its appalling speed that puts even me to shame. Its frightening strength despite a lack of charge up, and lastly, its swift reaction speed. When all is said and done, this is a terrifying enemy to face alone. However… if I was an Archdemon,' Valac thought, a slight frown appearing on his face.

Based on the fluctuations he sensed, if he broke into the Archdemon state, the augmentation of his strengths would be more than enough to quell this headache before them. Unfortunately, even in the past, he wasn't allowed to become an Archdemon. 

Due to his attitude, he was forbidden by the First Monarch, a portion of his abilities sealed in the process. Unlike the other demons, Valac was too malevolent. Even his allies weren't safe from the repercussions of his actions. Until he got his spiteful ways under control and learned to command his impulses, his path to advanced demonhood was sealed.

Suddenly, a low rumbling noise could be heard from behind Valac and the golden figure. From within the huge indent in the wall, a large stone fell upon the ground as Apollo moved, attempting to extricate himself from it.

However, the strength behind the strike dealt an insane amount of damage. If hadn't transformed earlier, and instead received that strike while in his human form, then there was no doubt in his mind that he would be unconscious.

'That strike should be on par with Fuhrer's strike. I hate to say it, but this doesn't seem to be an enemy that just I and Valac can deal with,' Apollo thought, spitting out the remnant of blood in the process.

Fortunately, the pendant was already in the process of healing some of the internal injuries he received. Since his defense wasn't lacking, the strike wasn't strong enough to cause extensive damage, but it was still enough to jolt Apollo's internals.

'No matter the drawbacks we have to face, this is Fuhrer's opponents not arise,' Apollo determined. He then continued after a short pause when he finally removed himself from the wall. 'Fuhrer, appear!'

Another portal, larger than the last and accompanied by a black, shadowy cyclone of energy opened directly behind Apollo. From within, Fuhrer's imposing figure appeared. Unlike the usual appearance, Fuhrer exited while rotating his arm and cracking his neck.

"I see that the opponents you have a face are experiencing steady growth. You've done well to hold up until now. I'm also proud that you didn't attempt the Third Annihilation again. With your current state, it's sure to produce an odd state of desire," Fuhrer revealed.

Unlike the first two Annihilations, the third one—the Devouring Nebula Strike fed upon Apollo's desire to swallow everything. This effect produced another side-effect—a sublimation of intense desires. If one's mind wasn't strong enough to handle the deluge of dark thoughts, then it was advised to refrain from use.

The first time Apollo used it was pure coincidence. After all, he was in a special state and it was as if his mind was taken over by a mystical force. Even the temptation that followed the strike was capable of penetrating the odd mental defenses he showed at that time.

Unfortunately, entering that state wasn't something under his control at this moment. To obtain control over that state would require prolonged training, something he had yet to indulge in.

"I tried," Apollo responded, spitting once again. Finally, all of the trace blood was spit out of his mouth and he felt somewhat better. "Destroy him," Apollo uttered with a cold expression.

"Very well," Fuhrer nodded, turning his attention to the golden figure, whom of which was currently analyzing Fuhrer's strength, However, how could he live up to his identity as a Daemos if he allowed his strength to be peered into?

When the golden figure tried to glean his power, the feedback it received was filled with errors. Regardless of the repeated attempts, they all yielded the same results.

All of a sudden, the golden figure spoke, but unlike its past renditions, this puppet's voice was far from mechanical, "Interesting. Quite impressive, I've finally figured out the identity of these odd beings. They aren't Dark Spirits, no. No, they're something far worse—Demons!"

It then continued, "Never in this lifetime would I believe the scriptures were true. This is truly an existence worse than those belligerent Spirits. But, how… How did you arrive here? You need to be sent back!"

At the end of its words, a strong burst of energy hurtled from the golden puppet's body. The ground cracked and emitted the remainder of its torrential energy, putting on a display to affect their morale. 

Regrettably, this ensemble held no effect over Fuhrer. He merely withdrew Brynhildr and pointed it downwards, in front of his body, "Stop this ruse. It's useless. Your display of power is nothing more than the tantrums of a child."

"Child!? How dare you call me, thou who has lived for a thousand years, a child? I will show you the research of this 'child," the golden figure scowled, its energy signature skyrocket once again. 

Immediately after, the golden rushed towards Fuhrer full speed. Its speed was twice as fast in comparison to before. Fuhrer's word had truly enraged it. Belittling its research was unacceptable to this individual. Hence, its drastic reaction.

Meanwhile, Fuhrer didn't make any movements in return. Silently, he watched as the golden figure closed the distance rapidly. Only once he was within a few meters did Fuhrer take a step forth, swinging his sword in an arc.

A shadowy whip of energy extended the range of his attack, attempting to cleave the figure in half. However, the figure reacted quickly, ducking under the horizontal strike without compromising its current speed in the process.

On the contrary, lowering its center of gravity and perform an even more explosive movement. Yet, Fuhrer didn't fret. His expansive battle experience allowed him to foresee how certain enemies would retaliate.

Moreover, Destrys' assistance made these abilities even more pronounced than before. The reinforcement of his mind presented numerous benefits. One of which was a direct increase in his reaction speed. 

The golden figure threw a punch containing terrifying energies but Fuhrer parried the move with the blunt side of his sword, channeling the energy beside him as he deflected the strike. Another sound akin to an explosion sound but the lack of a target infuriated the figure.

"?!" The figure retreated immediately, a sword scar appearing on the floor where he once stood. This attack was barely able to be sensed. The only reason it was possible to feel it last minute was due to the figure being virtually side by side with Fuhrer.

On the other hand, the reason the strike couldn't be sense it because Fuhrer suppressed its presence. It was a strike composed of pure intent, suppressing not only the space surrounding him but the strike itself.

Of course, while the figure was still in a state of shock, Fuhrer followed up, sending three more fluid sword attacks directly after. Right before the energy waves arrived before him, the golden figure recovered.

'Tch, this newcomer is tricky. His attacks are slimy and focus on the gaps in my defense. He isn't faster than me, but he doesn't make useless movements. All of his actions have a purpose and they linked together,' the figure surmised, recounting Fuhrer's actions.

Suddenly, Fuhrer disappeared under the blanket of true darkness, swallowing his presence along with it. Despite heightening his sensitivity, the figure was unable to sense him. 

"Come out! I know you're still here. I don't have time to play these games. Try me if you want!" the figure scowled. Even though he yelled continuously there was no response. "Very well, you've left me no choice!"

The golden figure moved abruptly, arriving at the center of the clearing. A clear white energy wreathed its first and a moment later, the whole terrain suffered destruction under the bombardment of the figure's obliterating fist. 

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