The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 330 - Exceptional Puppetry


In the time it took for Apollo to clear up to phase 10 of the First Stage, he was shocked by the rapid by in difficulty. Compared to the first phase where there was but a single opponent, and an inferior puppet at that, the tenth phase was completely different. It consisted of 10 Grade Two Ordinary Puppets as opponents.

Each of them possessed unique weaponry and a pattern of attack. Furthermore, their every move synergized with the other puppets more fluidly than the round prior. This development displayed the increasing attainments of their creator.

Not only did the cooperation between the puppets become more seamless, with each progressive round, despite the lack of change in grading, but each of the puppets also grew stronger. It was to the point that Apollo needed to uphold a constant layer of Demonic Anima.

While the puppets were going stronger, it also allowed Apollo to continuously hone his movements and battle experience. This type of opponent, one which operated upon the program, without fear, was the type of opponent that benefitted Apollo the most. In exchange for the ruthless attacks he received, he tempered out the leftover instinct to guard himself against dangerous attacks.

Additionally, the constant release of warning signals begun to sharpen his perception even further. In his eyes, a path of evasion opened up that allowed him to continue his attack but also contort his body in an angle that made retaliation against him trick.

Overall, while the citation may appear dangerous, it wasn't truly the case. He merely needed to deal with what was in front of him. Maybe it was the continued battle with less room for recuperation, but Apollo grew wary of his current reserves and kept a fine control over the expenditure.

'Three long-range attackers, 4 defenders, 2 assaulters, and 1 assassin. This makeup covers nearly all weaknesses they make present. Also, this assassin-type puppet only attacks right after the assaulters have been decommissioned. It must possess some type of sensing ability,' Apollo surmised.

As Apollo reached these conclusions, he swayed and slid between a collection of attacks. The relentless onslaught barely gave Apollo time to think, much less react after sparing the matter some thought. However, that didn't stop his mind from working in the way it did.

He continued to piece together the tactics utilized by the puppets in an attempt to glean the purpose behind it. If the difficulty of the puppets grew gradually then this matter would have slipped his mind. Thankfully, that wasn't the case. The bizarre progression stimulated his mind.

Generally, an established combat pattern accompanied by an exponentially increasing combat ability meant this was a lesson. In some form, this was true. Even if it was subconsciously, Apollo found himself unlocking ways to deal with a swarm of enemies despite focusing on their individual movements.

The closer he watched, the more he learned about what he was witnessing. In comparison to the other round, he took his time. For one, the appearance of 10 ordinary puppets led Apollo to believe this was somewhere around the end of the first stage.

If that was the case, then Apollo wasn't sure if the next stage would differ in any way. Even if it didn't it bother him too much as he was more focused on developing himself rather than storming through the phases without mastering any of his abilities.

Likewise, this made him wonder if any of the other participants took the same route. He was sure they received the same warning about the stage where everyone was thrown into the same space. This experience now could only be seen as a saving grace.

If they took the time, they would realize the energy within the sources was digestible, it just took time to do so. If they stormed through and overlooked this feature, then they would be condemning themselves in the process. 

"Though some of them may be stupid, in times like this, it is most rewarding to wisen up," Apollo muttered. At the same time, he stabbed his hand forward before turning it into a palm, blasting one of the puppets into the distance.

This puppet was the one bearing the long sword, also the one which bore the most openings for Apollo to take advantage of. The previous hit was an instinctual reaction to four of the puppets closing on him rapidly. 

Right after this attack, two of the defenders pressed him, but Apollo dropped his center of gravity and twisted his arms while throwing two punches. When the strikes met the defender's shields, they too were blasted into the distance.

Suddenly, Apollo performed an abrupt turned and clapped his hands together before his face. Between his pressed palms was a slim dagger, shimmering with a silver gleam. "Sneaky thing, aren't you. But, unfortunately for you, I was waiting for this movement."

With a smirk, Apollo tapped his foot and both he and the puppet spun rapidly. However, unlike the puppet, Apollo was in control of his momentum. Not long after he started spinning, he paused and delivered a heel drop on the puppet's torso.

His assault continued. Without pause, he elbowed and then delivered numerous strikes to the spot his first blow landed. Circular cracks appeared, spreading from the point of contact. Under the continued blows, the puppet's shell soon shattered, revealing the crystal shining with a brighter luster than its previous counterpart. 

'Hmm, this crystal seems about 10% stronger than the other ordinary sources I've picked up," Apollo mumbled. But, he didn't have time to inspect the item closely. The other puppets sprang to his position quickly.

While watching them, Apollo noticed something that didn't appear before, 'Although I've been focusing on their individual actions, when I switch the scope and monitor their movements as a whole, I can see the inconsistencies. Although it is hidden well, it is there,' Apollo thought silently. 

With time, Apollo started taking advantage of the openings he learned of. The difficulty of battle dropped drastically and a few minutes later, he held the lifeless carcass of one of the puppets in his hand.

After extracting its core, Apollo dropped the husk on the ground and tossed this item in his inventory as well. As of now, there was a collection of approximately 100 sources of varying levels in his inventory. When he got the chance, the first thing on his agenda was to confirm whether or not this energy could be converted into Demonic Anima.

For now, he desired to take a breather and recuperate the expended energy. 

"Hm?" Apollo turned to his side, his interest piqued by a spectacle he wasn't expected. The shattered pieces of the puppets moved as if guided by some mystical power, flowing towards the center of the room.

A moment later, a blue pillar emanating billowing heat scorched the ground, leaving a sort of flaming inscription on the ground, but that wasn't the most eye-catching part of this fiasco. What caught Apollo's eyes was the material of the puppets being smelted down to an impressionable liquid.

  At the same time, another message echoed throughout the space of the clearing.

[The entire First Stage has been cleared. Unlike Stage One, Stage Two consists of 3 simple rounds. Complete them all and you will be granted the opportunity to experience the  Third Stage.]

'3 simple rounds? I find that hard to believe,' Apollo thought, shaking his head. Based on the matters taking place before him, he found it hard to believe that these rounds could be classified as simple.

At a glance, he could tell that not only was the material being purified by this blue flame, but it also appeared something was being injected within to bolster the qualities of it. This process was far from creating a simple opponent.

Then, Apollo felt a burst of energy as a crystalline source, 5 to be exact, descended from the ceiling's opening. Compared to the other crystals, these sources contained purer energy as well as a more vibrant signature.

In fact, Apollo was impelled to steal it from within the flame, but something told him that this unknown flame was stronger than his current Hellfire. If he contested the flame, he wouldn't be able to ensure his own safety.

Fortunately, if these rounds followed the same principles of the last, then these sources would ultimately end up his. As a result, Apollo tried his best to claim ahold of his greed. 

'In situations like this, the presence of greed will only lead to unforeseen circumstances. For now, let's just recover. Once we get everything sorted, then I can think about claiming those sources,' Apollo repeated in his mind. 

Just 10 minutes after Apollo started his recovery process, the pillar started to release energy rapidly, but it wasn't sloppy. The energy formed a sphere that rotated and fused with the crystal as it descended in the chest cavity of five purple silver puppets. 

When the crystal was placed inside, lines resembling veins appeared, a human-like appearance coated the silver exterior, and finally, the puppets opened their eyes. If placed side by side, there was no difference from Apollo.

The reconfiguration of the aura gained Apollo's attention, prompting him to open his eyes.

[Stage Two Phase One will now commence. Your opponent will be 1 Grade 4 Exceptional Puppet.]

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