The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 328 - A Different Realm


The door to Apollo's residence opened, revealing Apollo who bore a lax expression. As he turned towards Sylvester, he glanced toward the side unto Geneva's enclosing figure, "I take it you had a good stay," Apollo smirked, sauntering past Sylvester. 

Unlike Rezar, his reaction wasn't prominent, Sylvester's eyes merely followed the movements of Apollo. Only when he was a distance away did he shake his head. 'That type of attitude will be his undoing. It seems his superiors are air in his eyes. That won't suffice when he touches down in the World Reclamation Task Force in the future. He'll be corrected.' 

Meanwhile, Apollo reached Geneva's position, and silently, she led him towards the auditorium, which held the other participating freshmen. 

Midway through the walk, Geneva stopped and glanced at Apollo, "Tell me, are you able to follow through on our promise? These last couple of days have been filled with meetings to understand just how to deal with you."

While this would have unnerved others, Apollo merely glanced in her direction with a light smile. "You worry too much. As I told you before, all those people are inconsequential. If I give you my word, then you have it. There is no need to plague yourself with doubts."

Although his words were laced with unbridled confidence, Geneva still found it hard to believe. The arising circumstances surrounding Apollo seemed to be worsening. Yes, his progress was rapid and even on par with those who held a greater starting position, but the presence of more than one entity siphoning his essence worried Geneva.

Thus, despite Apollo's words, Geneva's expression didn't relax in the slightest. On the contrary, her worries deepened. This led her to offer a warning, "Be wary of the second floor and beyond. Just because the task is different every year, it doesn't matter. You have a lot of enemies and the means of the second floor and beyond follow one consistent pattern—it is a large-scale evaluation."

"Mm, I understand," Apollo nodded in understanding. Even though the information was much appreciated, it wouldn't do him any good to start worrying now. After all, he still had his collection of Demons by his side. Unlike the rest, this was his upper hand. 

In addition to Typhir, whose summoning capabilities were currently suppressed, Apollo still possessed 5 other Demons to utilize. In other words, he was a small-scale army, a team at the least. Hence, the reason for Apollo's lack of taut nerves.

In the meantime, their travel became quiet once again. Before fetching him, Geneva had allowed all of the available freshmen to convene within the auditorium. So, she and Apollo were the last to arrive.

However, not a single soul present thought anything of it. The news of the devastating fiasco that took days a few days prior had already bruited about the campus. The looks on everyone's faces paled when they bore witness to Apollo's arriving figure.

Some of them even winced and shirked back from his entrance. A great number of the freshmen currently in the Spiritual Infirmary were their acquaintances. Quite a few of them even started garnering relationships to secure their future.

Unfortunately, a hitch in their plans like Apollo appeared. Now, their vision of their future was blurred. It all depended on two factors to grasp ahold of it once again. It depended if they could form stronger bonds, or if their prior benefactor could recover and reinstate these individual's statuses as beneficiaries.

Of course, with the severity of their injuries, this seemed to be a far-fetched desire, that was, unless the upper echelon of this world was willing to separate with plenty of their illustrious healing items. Sadly, that was a pipe dream.

There wasn't a single Supreme Family in power that would sacrifice their items for these piddling existences. However, if the injured individual was summoned on the level of Paragons and the Great Families' heirs, then there was a good chance of this happening. 

Nevertheless, as of right now, that was the least of their worries.

Geneva approached the podium and gazed around before releasing a heavy sigh, "I'm sure you have all caught wind of the incident that has mutilated our numbers. While it is a tragedy, it isn't the end of us. This just means we'll have to act with caution."

Before continuing, she looked around and noticed the despondent attitude of the youths. 'It seems they're scared. Well, at least not all of them are.' A select few in the corner of the auditorium appeared restless, unlike the rest.

Then, there were a few anomalies. For example, Apollo whose attention was focused on communicating with his Demons, and Aaron whose arms remained crossed and his body still as if he was in a meditative state. 

If one looked closely, one would notice a stream of gentle air rolling off his body. It formed a miniature barrier around him, including controlled flickers of lightning. 

Suddenly, his eye cracked open and he peered in the direction of Apollo and then Geneva before closing them again. Small crackles of lightning danced within his eyes in that short moment.

A voice warned in Aaron's head. However, he didn't respond but accepted it nonetheless. "Young one, I urge you to be careful. Those two share a link in their core essence. I'm not sure what it means, but you should be wary of them." 

Meanwhile, Geneva finally continued, "With that being said, I believe it is time we move. Remember, move with caution, and don't forget, it all rests upon your shoulders now. If you find yourself in the position to help your peers, I urge you to do so. This excursion means more than you know."

In response, some nodded but others couldn't muster a response. Most of their gazes continued to fall upon Apollo. They wondered whether or not he would be the plague they would need help from or if he would be one to render aid in times of need. 

More importantly, they all wished that this scenario wouldn't come to be. 

Geneva waved her hand and guided the students to the walls of the Academy. Once outside, they traveled even further into the distance and came across a special transportation circle.

"This links to the center of Pangea Island, the destination of our travels. Come," Geneva beckoned. At the same time, the circle emitted a noise, symbolizing the initiating sequences. Blue lights rose from the ground that soon filled the engravings of the circle.

The moment it was done, a portal appeared in the middle of the circle. Unlike the ones Apollo utilized to travel to the Nihilistic Rings, where the other side was unknown and filled with chaotic energies, this one was different. The other side revealed their transport location.

Moreover, from what they saw, they seemed to be some of the later arrivals. There were already people stationed into organized columns with differing uniforms.

"Follow after me and refrain from talking. No matter how much you are antagonized for your current numbers, just ignore it," Geneva stated, warning everyone. Compared to the rest, she possessed less than half of their participants.

Each of the Famed Academies was granted 100 spots, equating to 900 individuals. On the other hand, the last 100 spots were meant to be shared between the bottom 3 academies. Those who didn't fulfill the criteria to enter this space would have to undergo a different task to enter their second year.

Regrettably, they wouldn't possess the same special privileges as those who obtained increased reputation for their Academy. 

Soon enough, Geneva and her students all exited from the portal and took their position.

Before everyone, there stood 2 aged individuals each wearing distinct, luxurious robes. Each of them held a significant status within their respective Supreme Family.

"Ahem, we are the Vice Heads of the Braum and Crux Family. We are the overseers of this event. We will bear witness to those who achieve success within this trial. There isn't much to reveal as the realm will do that for you. I will just wish you all a safe journey," one of the aged males announced.

Likewise, the other male nodded along, "Yes. Have a safe journey! Those of you who come close to the record, we may even extend a welcome to the likes of you."

In an orderly fashion, the sectioned groups entered two opened gates. If anyone over the Zul Knight and Spirit Warrior level tried to gain entry, their bodies would be evaporated by the obscene defense of the portal.

Since it was an area left behind by an unknown force, there wasn't a human alive who could contest its lethality. In the past, there was an individual who tried it. Needless to say, he didn't end well. 

Soon enough, it was Apollo's turn to enter. Without a moment's delay, Apollo stepped through the portal and found himself in a foreign area. It was similar to a crypt, where ghastly flames lit across the corridor. However, at the end of the halls, there was a large clearing.

Be that as it may, Apollo was unable to sense any signs of life emanating from that direction. 'This must be the individual test that Geneva mentioned. I wonder how large this area is to separate 1,000 people comfortably.'

As he was lost in thought, numerous clicking noises echoed in the atmosphere gaining Apollo's attention. Despite the noise, Apollo still sensed a lack of life.

"Hmm?" All of a sudden, a warning signal flared in Apollo's mind. He raised his arm in response, slamming against an incoming assailant. From the initial contact, Apollo could tell they weren't too strong. 

Yet, something was amiss, "No life signal? What is this thing?" Apollo wondered. It appeared to be a human, but from his eyes, it was no more than a carcas.

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