The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 325 - Avoiding Obscene Damages


"I didn't ask for your response. This merely time for you to listen. Furthermore, I don't think you're foolish enough to utter that word you're thinking about, right?" Valac questioned with a malevolent expression, his grip tightening around Desolim's neck.

Audible cracking sounds could be heard from the site his hand landed upon. In response, Desolim dropped his weapons and clutched Valac's hand, attempting to pry it open. Unfortunately, when it came to strength, it appeared Valac was his superior. A shade of hopelessness appeared in Desolim's eyes.

'How is this possible? I've already used my Reality Manifestation, how is he still stronger than me? Is it possible he is on par with a Heroic Spirit? If that's the case...then what about that other thing I faced? Just what is that?' Desolim thought to himself, a desperate expression on his face.

Subconsciously, Desolim started to compare Valac and Fuhrer's strength. While his opponent now showed signs of exertion, Fuhrer's fight was more on the effortless side. To Desolim, Fuhrer was an insurmountable wall. No matter what approach he took, he was incapable of breaking his defenses or even touching him for that matter.

Nevertheless, it seemed Valac had grown bored of the newfound pleasure. To him, Desolim was on the brink of breaking and once that happens, there would be no more pleasure to gain from this battle. As a result, he was compelled to end this matter here and now.

Silently, his expression grew cold and emotionless as he lifted his hand behind himself. A pale blue flame appeared, coating his hand until it could no longer be seen. But, that wasn't the end of the process. The flame then melded and took on a new shape, the form of a blade which started spiraling with a horrendous sensation.

"Let's just end this here," Valac uttered, intent on concluding this matter. Without another moment's hesitation, he thrust his hand forward. 

All of a sudden a burst of air hurled in all directions with Valac's position as the point of origin. Due to this development, Apollo narrowed his eyes. Whoever just appeared, they were able to avoid his senses. This meant the person who arrived was beyond his level.

  Once the dust cleared, his curiosity was quelled and the form of a titan was revealed, grasping Valac's wrist. "Senseless violence, there is no need to be so heavyhanded. As you can see, you thing of darkness, this Spirit as damn near defenseless."

The titan's rough speech was then accompanied by a forceful shove, sending Valac flying into the distance. Moments later, Rezar appeared, perched on the shoulder of the titan, "Tch, what in the world do we have here?"

Since most of the participants were in unconscious states and the Spirits almost out of commission, it was rather silent. However, unlike Grayson and his Spirit, none of the other students' injuries were as serious. 

Slowly, Rezar turned his head towards Apollo with a deep frown, "As a disciplinary officer, I would have hoped you'd handle a situation better. But, to expect more of a ruthless savage was my mistake."

In addition to his disappointment, Rezar instantly estimated the damages done here. It wasn't limited to the students but the surrounding structures as well. Some of the infrastructures were damaged as a result of Valac and Desolim's clashing. 

Based on his estimation, the damages this area sustained outclassed the stream of resources usually diverted towards the Outer Barracks. Because of this, Rezar could only sigh in lamentation of his earlier decision.

'He might be strong, but his head is filled with air. He openly disregarded the rules. Even more so as a disciplinary officer. If you can't quell a situation without the use of overbearing force, that's what the communication device is for,' Rezar internalized, shaking his head endlessly.

Fortunately, after turning his head, he could sense a few other figures heading this way. If he was lucky, this ordeal wouldn't be his responsibility. Nevertheless, until they arrived, he still needed to apprehend the culprit.

"Apollo, surrender yourself. Let's avoid the extra needless headache," Rezar suggested, sparing Apollo a certain type of look. Standing on Rakesh's shoulder, his posture seemed to be rather imposing. However, things could never go smoothly.

Apollo took a step forward, but from his demeanor, it was clear he was intent on backing down, "On what grounds do I need to surrender?" He questioned, narrowing his eyes. Now, he was set on testing the operating principles of this academy. He wasn't the one who launched the first strike.

In the rules, the summoning of a Spirit can be counted as a punishable offense. Especially so, when it was done with extremely hostile intentions.

Be that as it may, as a figure of authority, Rezar didn't very much like the questioning of a youth. One who was a part of his organization no less.

"On the grounds of you taking this incident to an extreme level," Rezar rebutted. Then, he glanced towards Rakesh while continuing, "Will you do so peacefully or will I have to take matters into my own hand?"

The threat within Rezar's words made Apollo's eyebrows raise. Never did he take kindly to threats. In fact, they were the prerequisite to awakening his latent stubbornness, "You'll very well have to take matters into your own hands. I won't be moving an inch."

"Tch, it's always a headache," Rezar scoffed. At the same time, he tapped his foot and jumped down. While in the air, his eyes remained locked on Apollo, "Rakesh, fetch that defiant little boy."


Rakesh's backfoot splintered the ground as he closed the distance between them in a mere instant. It was a shocking sight to see such a tall figure more so quickly. His speed was no less than a Spirit oriented around speed, yet he seemed to be more of a defensive Spirit. This discovery left Apollo shocked as he recalled something.

'That right there is a bonafide Heroic Spirit. Just the emission made Desolim's strongest technique seem like baby attempts. Nevertheless, I still won't be coming along with anyone. Fuhrer!' Apollo exclaimed mentally.

The void hiding Fuhrer split apart, revealing a dark figure donned in a marvelous armor of the abyss. Concurrently, they drew their sword with an imperious disposition.

Right before Rakesh arrived, Fuhrer appeared in front of Apollo and raised his sword, halting Rakesh's momentum. For a moment, both side's eyes widened but Rakesh remained astonished.

'There has never been a child who could summon a Spirit capable of neutralizing a  Heroic Spirit. After all, all Spirits need time to grow and acquire more of their original power,' Rakesh thought, but then he also realized another fact.

His expression grew solemn, "These aren't the fluctuations of Spirit. I've read about this in our council records. You should be a partner to the Shadow Worlds! You're a-"

"Continue your words and your tongue will never work against. If you reveal our identity, you'll experience a harsh end," Fuhrer interjected, showcasing a diabolical aura. While lips never moved, Rakesh got the message.

Regrettably, Rakesh had his own set of pride, and Fuhrer's claims trampled upon it. As a result, those words impelled his reaction, "How dare you! These outlandish claims will never come to be!"

A flash of rage exploded from Rakesh as he summoned his bulwark and used the sharp edge of it to thrust towards Fuhrer. As the shield hurled towards Fuhrer, he merely raised his hand and caught it.

The transference of force obliterated the ground in a cone shape behind Fuhrer, but when it came to him, his body didn't flinch in the slightest. This blow albeit powerful didn't faze Fuhrer in the slightest.

After healing part of his soul with the help of Destrys, he was able to manipulate forces more thoroughly. With his body as the medium, he shifted the force of the blow behind him. In other words, when it came to purely physical attacks unless the force shattered his capabilities, those types of attacks next to useless. 

In response, Rakesh clicked his tongue. A white aura encased his shield and this time, Fuhrer reacted differently. He brandished Bryhildr and conjured multiple dark sword winds. Each strike chipped away at the white aura surrounding the shield but to his surprise, his attacks seemed rather ineffective.

'The regenerative rate of this ability is pretty high. This vitality should be on par with an Archdemon, but that's only part of his strength at that level. As far as reaction speed, strength, and energy output go, they're all well within my level. This will require the use of more refined techniques,' Fuhrer surmised.

A moment later, his stance changed. It was the form of his first Tenebrous Sword. The change of aura stimulated Rakesh's caution as well as his thirst for battle. Since leaving the frontline, Rezar rarely entered worthwhile combat, resulting in the rustiness of Rakesh.

However, one thing was certain, the outcome of their clash would be far more devastating than Desolim and Valac. Yet, despite this fact, Rakesh couldn't suppress his desire to engage in battle.

Both his and Fuhrer charged at each other, their summoners standing aside. 

Sadly, this couldn't be tolerated. The current state of the Academy was less than desirable.

Thus, 3 figures showed up and immediately stopped the clash before it could happen.

Within the three, two of them wore displeased expressions. As for the last one, it appeared as if he had only shown up for convenience.

"Rezar, what do you think you're doing? Do you not see the state of this area already? What will happen if you allow Rakesh to run amok? This place would be utterly destroyed," Geneva seethed.

"Indeed, I am disappointed in you," Sylvester scoffed. On the other hand, a small chuckle garnered their glares. 

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