The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 323 - Pummeling Desolim (II)


As the 4 copies of Desolim's arms appeared, Apollo's expression became intrigued, 'Isn't this similar to the phantom mirages of the Umbra Phantom Mantle? I wonder, how does it compare? It's just a shame that I can't summon it properly,' Apollo thought quietly.

While the change wasn't overly powerful, it was enough to counteract Apollo's earlier scheme of planting substantial amounts of Hellfire. With the additional arms, Desolim was able to deflect the Hellfire by slashing it to bits and using the sword winds to shift it away.

Nevertheless, this wasn't the only card up Apollo's sleeve. He prepared himself and brandished the two Hellfire short swords in his hands. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Apollo dashed forward, dragging a burst of dark energy along with him.

His entire body was wreathed in the embrace of the Umbra Phantom Mantle. Since it was the best he could muster in his current state, Apollo created two mirror images of himself. While it paled in comparison to what Desolim summoned, it was still enough to alleviate the divide in numbers.

As Apollo's short sword clashed with Desolim, he started to take notice of something, 'His style has changed. His main pattern of attack used to be quick and repetitive, but now, the momentum is interchangeable. Moreover, he's also switching up the number of arms focused on one attack.'

This difference allowed for Desolim to press Apollo back. As he was on the losing side, a smile appeared on Desolim's face. His pride had been reinvigorated now that Apollo failed to suffice against his onslaught.

"Yess! This is the power, a minor race such as yourself can never think to overpower a Spirit. If we abandon our Spiritual Bodies and call upon our true vessel, death would be your eternal friend," Desolim sneered with an egotistical expression.

In response, Apollo could only chuckle. If it was before, he would have been surprised by this information. Fortunately, Destrys had already revealed some vital information. Therefore, when it came to dealing with Spirits, he was actually better off than some veterans.

On the other hand, Apollo felt it was time he stopped fooling around. A silver gleam flashed in his eyes and an astonishing message appeared within Desolim's mind. It was so baffling, that for an instant, he was shocked motionless.

"N-not're not human," Desolim muttered, but his words failed to enter anyone's ears, controlled by a foreign presence.

During this small window, Apollo took it upon himself to create distance. However, it wasn't to recuperate. On the contrary, an amalgam of dark energy billowed towards Desolim that made him pale.

A burst of maniacal laughter sounded from behind the strike as rhythmic yet heavy steps could be heard, "Much stronger than these pipsqueaks! You'll do. All of my frustrations will have to be emptied unto you. Don't blame me, blame your stupidity," Valac cackled.

In the next moment, he disappeared and reappeared right before Desolim. Compared to the speed he showcased against Apollo, he was much faster. Since he suffered from no injuries and didn't seek to play around, he was in peak form from the start.

Although he remained in a humanoid form, Valac still unfurled his mystifying wings. Those who laid eyes upon it gasped in awe at its magnificence. But, there were also those on the floor with expressions of horror.

Before arriving here, Valac wreaked havoc amongst the students and their Spirits alike. With his speed, it was effortless to deal with them. He zipped back and forth and not once was he touched. Conversely, some of the Spirits were missing arms and a large number of students were unconscious.

The severe damage inflicted upon their Spirits in rapid succession caused a mental overload, sending them into a state of debilitating shock. Naturally, Valac didn't feel a shred of remorse as he caused this. In his eyes, the more chaos in the area, the more enjoyable it was.

Meanwhile, as Apollo was privy to this due to their connection, he held a faint intention to let Valac loose more often. Not only would he not have to move a finger to cause mayhem, but he would also reap the rewards!

When Valac mutilated the Spirits and rendered their summoners useless, Apollo was rewarded with Experience. Although it wasn't as much as killing a Greater Demon or subjugating his pieces, the experience was worthwhile nonetheless.

Regardless of the number, it was Experience he gained passively through his demon. Hence, Apollo was jubilant, 'So, not only does killing malicious increase my conduct, but it also rewards more experience when compared to the past.'

Back when Apollo killed the 3 mercenaries, while it increased his Demonic Conduct, the increase to his experience bar was negligible. At first, Apollo thought this was due to the system's intention to inhibit him from becoming a mindless murderer. Now, Apollo realized this was only partly true.

'As I advance, I become more knowledgeable of the expectations that befall me. The system wishes for me to be ruthless, but only when my mind is refined enough. Only then will I possess the requirements to negate the fulfilling feeling of murder,' Apollo surmised.

After becoming a demon, malicious acts became rather enjoyable. In fact, if a human was to learn of his thought process, they would be frightened by what they witnessed. Compared to a human, a low-ranked Demon's modus operandi was simply savagery.

This was why Fuhrer stressed the matter of evolving beyond the mindless lower rung of Demonhood. While it was okay to retain your violent tendencies, for Apollo's line of work, it would also require the ability to withstand.

Suddenly, a fissure in space opened up but nothing revealed itself. Or, that was what everyone else saw. In Apollo's eyes, the situation was completely different, 'Is it done?'

'Completely done.' Fuhrer replied telepathically. The order Apollo gave him was to deal with all of the extra students that Valac didn't. Unlike Valac, Fuhrer's methods were less invasive and more straightforward. While within the cover of the void, Fuhrer conjured numerous blades and launched them forward.

Each blade punctured the chest of the surrounding Spirits simultaneously. It was a one-sided massacre. And, although these Spirits were Spiritual Bodies and wouldn't die unless their real bodies did, the damage pooled to their summoners.

To recuperate themselves as well as their Spirit would take an ample amount of resources as well as time. Thus, there was a collection of unconscious students currently littering the battlefield.

Upon noticing this, Grayson's eyes widened, "I-Inhumane monster! What have you done? Is there any reason to be so heavy-handed? If you destroy their Spirits like that, the damage to their mind will be obscene! It'd be akin to crippling them."

"Unfortunately, that isn't my issue. By choosing to go against me, they should have been prepared for this outcome. This is the result of their inane actions. Now, let them wallow in the trenches. As for you, I suggest you focus on your current fight. My summon can get a little...unruly~" Apollo said with a light chuckle. 

His playful response caused Grayson to seethe. Now, not only did he have to deal with the chaotic state of his mind, he needed to withstand Apollo's condescending attitude. It was truly infuriating, it made him feel powerless.

"Eeeyyaaaaaa!" A pained scream resounded and they turned their heads to Desolim buried into the ground with Valac standing over him. If one looked closely, they'd realize Desolim's limbs were pinned to the ground by Valac's metallic feathers.


"Shut up! You're too noisy. Where do you get off ruining my fun?" Valac spat while landing an explosive punch on Desolim's face.

In response, Desolim's eye reddened, akin to a maddened bull. Sadly, this only garnered Valac's hysterical laughter. "Yes, yes! I love that look. Give me more. I want to fuck you up so much!"

With a frenzied smile, Valac continued to pummel Desolim's chest, cracking his ribs and stern in the process. The sounds of cracking bones were like a symphony of refined music passing through Valac's ears.

To make matters worst, Valac impaled Desolim's chest and pried open his torso. In contrast to what one would believe, as a Spiritual Body, there were no organs. However, there were systems of energy similar to the structure of organs.

The moment he laid eyes on them, Valac's eyes brightened, "Woah ho ho ho, what do we have here." A blue flame lit on Valac's finger as he examined Desolim's insides. They trembled in response to the appearance of that blue flame.

"S-stop...stopp….Eeyyaaaa!" The pained scream echoed throughout the barrier. Since Apollo came prepared, the signs of battle from this area were reduced to a minimal. Although he could've had Fuhrer deal with all of the residual aura before it leaked it, he didn't wish for that to happen.

After all, Apollo took pleasure in public crushing those who went against him. As a result, he was perfectly fine with having some form of authority appeared.

On the other hand, Grayson wasn't so lucky, "E-enough..I've learned… pl-ease stop." His voice was so strained and powerless, it sounded like he would lose consciousness at any moment.

Regrettably, his plea didn't appeal to a tinge of remorse in Apollo, "No, you haven't learned, you have lost. There is a stark difference. If the roles were reversed, there is no proof you would relent. So, I won't either."

"Valac, continue. Pummel him until he is unrecognizable," Apollo chuckled darkly. 

"S-someone...please," Grayson struggled, his voice akin to a whisper. At this point, he just wished for someone to appear and thwart Apollo's tyrannic spree. If it went on any longer, he was sure that everyone present would face irreparable damage.

As of right now, they had already reached the precipice of mental crippling. 

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