The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 321 - An Example Within The Masses


"Absolutely selfish. We all know you're lying, just admit. Your current attitude confirms that you're hiding something. This is all your fault, so you need to rectify it!" Another person in the crowd voiced their own gripes with Apollo's attitude. As a collective, their momentum was strong.

It was enough to convince themselves that they possessed enough sway to influence Apollo's decision. Unfortunately, they weren't aware of Apollo's hedonistic tendencies. If one had to refer to a term for Apollo, an outlaw was the only befitting description.

In response to the repeated claims, Apollo chuckled. 'Since you all are so convinced that I'm the issue behind it, then let's play along.' After his small thought, Apollo took up a lax stance before glancing around the surrounding area.

"Whatever I gained within the Origin Room is my own belongings. There is no rule stating that I must disclose my comprehensions to you all. In fact, that is an asinine belief. Why would I help you all?" Apollo sneered, presenting a derisive expression to all.

In the back, a few familiar faces appeared and frowned at the current development. Amongst themselves, they chattered. "Nadida, what is Apollo doing? He can't be thinking to egg all of them on and remain safe and sound?"

Gradually, Nadida's frown deepened as she recalled an event that happened surrounding Apollo, "He might very well do so. He even did this to the Glories before, these unknown people aren't worth anything to him."

All of a sudden, another figure appeared, "Correct. I've witnessed it all. If there is one thing that Apollo is, it is careless. In this case, I don't know if we should fear for the other students' safety or if we should interfere," Odessa commented, looking at the current situation.

Unlike the rest, she was more shaken up. This was because she had warned Apollo just a day prior. She did so that he would refrain from taking action. After all, if he took action, it wasn't him that would suffer, but the Academy.

'Dammit Apollo, I revealed this to you so you don't jeopardize the strength of our team. While you were gone, it was brought to our attention, that while it is an individual event, in truth, the strength of the entire team is taken into account,' Odessa inwardly thought. Towards the end, she sighed, preparing to intervene.

However, before she could do so, Nadida extended her arm and stopped her, "Don't. Let him settle his own issues. If you come in the middle, there is a chance of you getting hurt. I don't know what it is, but it feels like Apollo keeps changing."

For a moment, Odessa stopped in place. In truth, she felt the same way. She felt Apollo's tendencies and his reactions to trivial situations were becoming too extreme. Nevertheless, she also knew that with his personality, her words were powerless to change anything.

Due to this, Odessa refrained from moving. She stood side by side with Nadida and the others and witnessed Apollo's following actions. 

On the other hand, Apollo noticed their entry but didn't pay any mind. This was because most of the students presented started to exude hostile auras. Most of them released auras of a Zul Knight whilst some of them emitted mental fluctuations.

As this happened, Apollo raised his eyebrow, "Hoh? For those of your emitting mental fluctuations, use of a Spirit is prohibited."

"Bah! On what authority? You can't do shit to us," A familiar voice sounded within the crowd. They split apart revealing Grayson with a cold expression. Compared to before, his aura was much darker as well as solidified. 

With his arrival, Apollo's attitude changed. After all, he was the cause of Typhir prior dreadful injury. In fact, Apollo nearly lost control the moment he appeared, but he recalled Fuhrer's training. As a leader, his disposition was of the utmost importance.

Thus, he took a breather and quelled the seething emotions within himself, 'Although I am a creature of emotion, my purpose is to evolve beyond that. If I wish to do so, it all starts now.'

Once Apollo calmed himself, he looked toward Grayson, "On the authority of my Seat in the disciplinary committee. If you fail to adhere to the rules, then I have no qualms about punishing you all. It all depends on your own actions. Should you go down that route, I will accompany you," Apollo responded with a lighthearted smile.

Although his words didn't sound like a threat, it was one through and through. After all, if he was to accompany them down that road, it meant he would summon his own "Spirit". Until now, there wasn't a single soul in the Academy except for Geneva and Sapphyr who had witnessed his "Spirit".

As a result, he was free to choose from a selection of his acquired Demons. If that was to happen, all hell would break loose, literally. Apollo had half a mind to let Valac run amok but forbid him from entering his demonic form.

Compared to the rest, Valac's demonic form was more eye-catching than the rest. In addition to his illusion dark-gold armor, he also possessed wings akin to crystalline metal. If such an appearance was to be made public, an uproar would commence.

After all, only Heroic Spirits and beyond would exude the feeling Valac could. Conversely, revealing Fuhrer would be overkill. Even though he could control his power perfectly, he gave off an archaic sensation. 

Again, only Legendary Spirits could give off archaic sensations. Their lifespan eclipsed their lower counterparts. Even existing for 100,000 years wasn't a far-fetched claim.

"Tch, you act as if your threat means something. You're not the only one who has been focused on training and honing their current skills," Grayson retorted. At the same time, his aura flared. Those around him were appalled to find that he was approaching the higher limits of a Zul Knight.

"What?! Grayson has already broken past the middle threshold of a Zul Knight? That would mean he's entered the later stages!" One of the participants exclaimed. Naturally, they were one of his followers riding his coattail.

Usually, followers would kiss up to the leader and butter up their ego. Unfortunately, they were unaware that they were indirectly hurting themselves. When they allowed their leader to possess a swelled ego, it meant they would offend those who were unknowingly out of their league.

Nevertheless, Apollo merely raised his hand in response. A collection of dark blades materialized before his palm, "Is that your stance?" He questioned. From his tone, it was evident he couldn't careless about Grayson's response.

Grayson's eyes narrowed, zeroing in on the blades that were being formed, 'Dark energy? He's learned how to disregard the chaotic elemental order within Natural Essence? Commendable, but it still pales in comparison to Spiritual Essence.'

"Of course!" Grayson exclaimed. As soon as he did so, a portal opened before him, revealing a portal. "Desolim, come forth!"

Once again, a figure donned in silver armor with black embellishments as well as two refined rapiers appeared. Without pause, his attention all pooled towards Apollo. As the only person to ever combat him, he was an opponent that was always on his mind.

"Ah, it is you again! Ahahaha, fight me," Desolim cackled, dashing towards Apollo. 

But, before he could reach him, Apollo made his own move. He released the festering blades of the Void Rend technique. In an instant, they lost their presence, turning invisible. For a while, they traveled unabated, however, not for long.

As a Dark Spirit, Desolim was sensitive to fluctuations of dark energy. Thus, he brandishing his rapier rapidly and deflected the incoming blades of energy. Without a loss of momentum, he turned into a spinning storm.

His dual rapier lacerated the space before Apollo, but he dodged them effortlessly. His increased cognitive abilities allowed him to follow the trajectory of Desolim's slashes. At the same time, he reserved enough energy to even talk, "Very well, it seems I didn't crush you enough before."

A crazed gleam passed through his eyes. Not only did he think about summoning one of his demons, but another terrifying thought also passed through his mind. Unlike before, this wasn't a simple match, the surrounding students presented their intentions of intervening.

Numerous portals began opening, revealing a variety of odd beings. As a result, Apollo gave a ruthless order.

From within his residence doorway, a figure that others hadn't seen for quite some time appeared.

"If you join, I'll take that you forfeiting your life. It's been a while since I battled with any of you," Typhir barked, a greatsword dripping a malevolent aura perched on his shoulder.

Although his voice was low, it was akin to explosions resounding within everyone's ear. Due to Fuhrer's training, his body was akin to a peak Zul Knight. Although his mental abilities were lacking, his physical capabilities made up for it.

On the other hand, an odd occurrence took place.


A resounding explosive noise echoed as Apollo was seen walking through a cloud of dust. In an exchange between him and Desolim, he had come out on top! He stretched his neck and looked at Desolim buried into a boulder.

"Is that all you've got? My strong suit is my body, not my energy." Apollo said with a  smirk.

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