The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 300 - Presenting Preemptive Bait


"I guess it wouldn't hurt to explore Ouroboros' curiosity," Apollo answered after taking Fuhrer's suggestion into account. Until now, Ouroboros never asked for much. Thus, allowing him to come first for once didn't bother Apollo. In fact, Apollo had a feeling that whatever Ouroboros was seeking would benefit the entire team.


"Exactly how far do you want to go?" Apollo questioned while holding out his palm. A moment later, Ouroboros landed in his palm before sparing him an odd look.

"I don't know...but I guess far? I just know that I need to go in that direction. I can feel it. My bloodline is calling out to it. So I must go," Ouroboros expressed. Since he was so ardent about going, Apollo discerned that it was of great importance.

As a result, he unsummoned both Zarkath and Jorgun, only leaving Fuhrer, Furcas, Typhir, and Valac in his presence. 

"Lord Apollo, I think have come across something. I like this place, my mind feels free!" Typhir exclaimed while marveling at his hands. Unlike Ashiraem, Suprenis felt much more comfortable. Naturally, this meant his affinity with Superbia was even stronger than his Ira.

Upon noticing this, Fuhrer grinned, 'Uncanny, my exact make-up. It seems that Superbia will become his main Sin whilst Ira will act as his auxiliary. However, it won't become a weakness because both of them are adequately strong. Especially after I impart all of my knowledge unto him.'

"That's good. Continue to hone yourself. Also, if you can, try to come in contact with your second Sin. I'm sure you should be arriving at your personal threshold soon," Apollo answered. Then he shifted his gaze towards Fuhrer, "Can you take us to where Ouroboros wishes to go? If it's you, it should be possible to arrive with time to spare."

"Very well," Fuhrer agreed before taking on his gargantuan form again. But, before they could leave, the surrounding demons who remained after dealing with the aftershocks of Apollo and Valac's battle stepped forth, barring their exit.

"Valac, what is that appearance? How can we let a child be our lord? From this point on, you are no longer our lord. In your stead, I, Tirasha, will become the new leader," a demonic woman with a slender figure concealing compact muscles appeared before them.

In light of these words, Valac scoffed angrily before staring with deep malice. However, his stare wasn't directed at Tirasha, but at Apollo instead. "Youu!! This is all your damn fault! Do you see what you did? They don't even respect me anymore!"

The more he listened, the more Apollo wanted to chuckle. Initially, he wanted to tell him off, however, he came up with a much better idea, "Tirasha, is it? A nice name you have indeed." Apollo nodded. Unbeknownst to him, under the thin veil she wore, a tinge of blush appeared.

What Apollo didn't know what that she had witnessed the entire battle. During the fight, Apollo's Intent had caught her eye. It was extremely strong and she knew this was so because her mind started to tremble upon looking at it. Thus, receiving a compliment from Apollo was akin to receiving praise from a future powerhouse. 

"Thank you," Tirasha replied with an oddly polite gesture. As she bowed her head, some of the others were confused. As far as they knew, she was the toughest fighter in this settlement! The fact she could possess this demeanor was mind-boggling.

"Don't mention it, now I have a proposition. It seems this guy doesn't like the fact you want to take over. I, on the other hand, possess no such qualms. So, how about you two fight?" Apollo suggested.

In a normal situation, Tirasha would immediately reject, but deep down she possessed some repressed malice towards Valac. After all, this settlement was initially her, but he came in and commandeered it as his own after beating her. From that moment on, her presence was sparse as she trained devilishly to increase her strength.

"If this is truly your intentions, then I accept. I also promise to make it as quick as possible. From your actions, I can see that you intend to leave," Tirasha responded after unsheathing twin swords. A silver gleam rose from her feet upwards, that spiraled around her body.

When Valac saw this, his eyes widened. "WAIT! WAIITTTTTTT! I can't fight her, don't do this to me. It's all your fault. I can't fight anyone," Valac bawled while clinging to Apollo's leg. Sadly, Apollo merely shrugged.

"Not my problem. It's your fault for mouthing off, now go solve your issues," Apollo chuckled before throwing Valac directly at Tirasha. While in flight, he sobbed miserably. It was to the point that even the other demons started to feel sorry for him.

Regrettably, Tirasha wasn't as soft-hearted as the rest. With her fierce nature, she dashed towards the airborne Valac like a pouncing cheetah. Her toned legs exerted monstrous power as zoomed within a meter in mere moments.

"Noo...nooo. Beauty, wait! I know of your appearance behind the veil and I know why you hide your face! Don't beat me or I'll reveal your secrets!" Valac screeched while slamming his eyes shut. Only when he didn't feel any impact for a prolonged time did he slowly open his eyes.

Tirasha glowered at him with a menacing stance, "What did you say?"

Before answering, Valac first gathered himself, recomposing a facade, "Great Beauty, I am aware of your secret. While I don't know where you hail from, I'm sure you hide your face for a significant reason."

"Where did you acquire this information?" Tirasha asked, her hands tightening around her twin swords. Her aura also became sharper as she gazed upon Valac. It was at this moment, he realized he may have disclosed too much information.

"From nowhere, it is simply the gift of my wisdom! After monitoring your actions, it is the only viable reason for you coming here yet remaining anonymous but also garnering strength," Valac answered.

Meanwhile, Apollo and the others were surprised by this revelation. It seemed being a nuisance wasn't the only specialty Valac possessed. He also appeared to be quite talented in the ways of prying information out of others.

'Is what he says true?' Apollo questioned mentally. 

'It might be; now that I inspect her more closely, she may even be linked to the Royal Demons. If you can, establish a relationship with her. Also, it seems she doesn't favor Valac, throw him under the bus even further by offering a deal,' Fuhrer suggested while playful wink.

'Oh, that doesn't indeed sound fun,' Apollo nodded in admittance before adding, 'Are the Royal Demons important?'

'Very, it is actually another faction of us Demons. They exist alongside the current Council,' Furcas chimed in, entering the conversation. After receiving this information, Apollo's mind started to formulate plans to hasten his goals.

"Ahem," Apollo cleared his throat, gaining Tirasha's attention, "Tirasha, would you like to hear me out for a moment?"

Due to his seemingly normal approach, Tirasha showed the etiquette of a Royal Demon and obliged, "I don't mind. What do you need to discuss?"

"Well, seeing as we have made a mess of this settlement, which I presume you established; how about I present some recompense? Furthermore, you can also beat that little fellow as much as you'd like," Apollo offered.

Quietly, Tirasha pondered whether or not this was in her best interest. First, she tried to test Apollo by sensing for any deceiving auras. However, to her surprise, all she found was genuine intentions. Demons weren't the trusting kind, only once their instincts verified everything was legitimate did they move.

"What recompen-..." Before Tirasha could finish, Apollo flung his arm causing a few items to fly towards her. As she caught them, she opened her hand and marveled at them.

"Leader Tirasha, what are they?! Tell us!" the nosy demons behind her immediately starting to plead for her to reveal what it was.

Unfortunately, such a thing didn't have, "Shut your mouths! Do you have requirements to boss me around?" Almost immediately, the rancor ceased. 

On the other hand, she looked at Apollo trying to study him, "Why would you give me these types of items? They are much more precious than this settlement could ever be," Tirasha uttered.

In response, Apollo merely smiled, "Take it as an investment. I am sure to pass through here again. And, when I need your assistance, perhaps those will come in handy."

Tirasha nodded as a result. She then kicked Valac back towards Apollo causing him to scream horribly, "This is inhumane! I am a person; treat me like one!"

Sadly, Apollo didn't pay attention to him nor did he await even more shameless exclamations, "Fuhrer, you may go."

Without delay, Fuhrer sprang towards the distance in pursuit of Ouroboros' interests. 

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