The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 289 - The Presence Of Unknown Eyes


"What?! All five of them have been dealt with? That's impossible, even our leader intervened in this confrontation," one of the demons currently thrashing Apollo and the others exclaimed. Furthermore, he felt a dangerous aura creeping up on his back. That was the whole reason he noticed everything unfold.


When one of the other demons heard this, they looked in the direction of the other five and saw Fuhrer's body standing amongst the fallen demons with innumerable cuts across their bodies. Fuhrer then turned his head and met gazes with them.

A pulse of fear emanating from the depths of his being thrummed within the demon's soul. However, despite the presence of this fear, he didn't possess any intentions of retreating. One thing about the Sin of Superbia is that it possessed a large influence on the related demons. Thus, their demeanors didn't allow for them to retreat in the face of fear, nor did they welcome the feeling.

This was especially true for those who couldn't overcome the presence of the source. Typically, that happened around the peak Greater Demon. After all, it was a prerequisite to evolving into an Archdemon.

Suddenly, Fuhrer's body disappeared at a frighteningly quick speed. Space rippled as he moved and pierced forward. A black blur appeared before said demon in the form of Fuhrer. His sword was stretched out horizontally, and it wasn't until the world turned sideways that the demon noticed that his head had been lobbed off.

Faster than he could realize, he had been killed. Fuhrer thrust the dark blood off of his sword, before gazing into the direction of the others. Up until now, the fight Apollo and the others put up only served to buy Fuhrer the needed time to deal with everyone. 

'My party may be somewhat strong, but their endurance is lacking. Moreover, their healing process is far too lengthy. Perhaps those two lads will NEED to survive an early awakening of that Noble Art,' Fuhrer thought to himself. All the while, he raised his sword yet again, adorned with its invisible blade. 

The atmosphere seemed to come to a halt as Fuhrer exhaled and lowered his stance, shifting his weight to his back foot. A second later, he propelled forward at an absurd speed, surrounding himself in darkness in the meantime. When he thrust his sword forward and came to a halt, he sheathed his sword at his waist.

The atmosphere experienced a shrill cry before a small aerial fissure opened and closed an instant later. But, in that small window, a deathly and decrepit aura leaked out. Once he stood up, the remaining four demons dropped simultaneously. As a result, and the others heaved a sigh of relief.

However, Typhir looked at Fuhrer with eyes gleaming with fervor, "Master! Just what was that technique and when will you teach me how to use it?" He exclaimed, unable to control his excitement as this thought continued to float around his mind.

"It is but a simple technique. My second created technique, a rendition of the Nether Severance, but a bit different. It is known as the Tenebrous Sword: Phantasmal Rend. Unfortunately, it is a shame I can't open a fracture directly linked to the Netherworld anymore. Perhaps when I recover my strength," Fuhrer answered.

At the same time, he began checking on the condition of the others. When he found that they only suffered minor external wounds, Fuhrer didn't make too much of a fuss. On the other hand, he also recalled that Apollo's remaining time here was becoming increasingly limited. Thus, he cordoned off a tiny piece of his Vitality and imparted it unto Apollo.

"When it comes to Valac, I believe it will just be me and you. I can't allow the others to get involved. As I get further from my original body, the connection to my vitality weakens. In other words, I can't heal these other guys. Also, don't needlessly waste those Fragment of Sins just yet," Fuhrer added after assessing the situation. 

"I'll do as you say," Apollo nodded in agreement. From the moment they stepped in this place, he could feel a slight rejection from the Ira within his Diabolic Heart of Wrath. Hence, it wasn't ideal for him to use it just yet. After all, he wasn't sure just how it would react to this Ring's composition.

Fortunately, he possessed other means of combat ability. For example, his Intent and pure Demonic Anima. As long as these two resources weren't exhausted, he would be just fine. Granted, this was only true if they didn't run into an opponent whose strength surpassed what they could currently handle.

Suddenly, Apollo peered over in Fuhrer's direction, "This has been bothering me for quite some time, but what's the strongest enemy you can face without suffering any losses?"

Due to the question, Fuhrer was surprised for quite some time. After a few moments, he made a general estimation, "Perhaps an Archdemon in their peak state, but that's only if they don't originate from Gula, Avaritia, or Acedia. If so, then I suggest you retreat without intentions of battling."

"Hoh? Why is that?" Apollo asked in return. According to what he knew, either Superbia should be amongst the current two strongest Sin. If that was the case, he couldn't understand why he should retreat in the presence of those other 3.

"Well, it's quite simple actually. Didn't you experience the temporary effects of two of those powers? Gula is a power of pure devouring, in other words, an Archdemon would possess the ability to essentially 'devour' what you launch at them if it doesn't surpass their capacity. Avaritia, well let's just say if it is paid with Invidia, you're in for a treat.  As for the third, Acedia; they are even more tricky. You'll come to realize what I mean," Fuhrer answered. 

"Mm, I guess I understand," Apollo relented, not delving deeper into his curiosity. After all, there were still remnants of the earlier sensation residing within his mind. As he paid attention to it, he pinpointed minute unique qualities within the energies.

'I can understand why Fuhrer regards them as so dangerous. Not to mention, I also have to remember, Fuhrer said the combination of Superbia and Ira was only the strongest offensive pair. Hmm?!' Apollo stopped mid-thought and looked around. 

He was sure of it, he could faintly sense a pair of unfamiliar eyes looking at him. In fact, it went beyond just looking. It felt as if someone was attempting to pry into information pertaining to him. However, the layer of Monarch's Tenebrosity within his body prevented the attempt to peek. 

'Who or what is that?' Apollo thought while narrowing his eyes, "Fuhrer, can you sense the area?"

"Why?" Fuhrer questioned in return, before adding, "Is something wrong? Do you have a feeling?"

Apollo's expression turned odd when he heard this question, 'Can he not sense it? A person who even Fuhrer can't seem to sense? That...isn't good.'

"I think we should move from our current position. I get the feeling that we have fallen under someone's surveillance. And, apparently, you aren't able to sense them. In fact, I'm not either, but I can tell something is amiss as the obscure layer in my body is reacting," Apollo revealed. 

The moment he heard this, Fuhrer's expression darkened, 'Someone I can't sense? Have my senses fallen so low? This is unacceptable. If it comes to it, I will have to sacrifice a portion of the security of the Nihilistic Rings.'

All of a sudden, Furcas shouted excitedly, "I have found the heathen! I have located his exact positioning! Fuhrer, can you still use that transportation ability?"

"Not quite, the space is too stable for me to rupture it. It'll have to be a frequently torn space like the Link Portal. However, I can try to displace it," Fuhrer said after weighing his abilities.

In response, Furcas grumbled and fidgeted about, "I don't know, his position keeps changing but it stays within a general area. But, I must warn you, I'm not sure how long it will stay that way."

Although his activity was unknown, his personality wasn't. Both Furcas and Fuhrer knew Valac was a restless being. If his movement became sporadic, more often than not, he was itching to get into trouble.

"Then we move now," Fuhrer announced. He expanded his form and grabbed everyone into his palm before zooming off as per Furcas' directions. However, before they left, Apollo glanced at the dead bodies. Truth be told, outside of the experience he also thought to turn them into servants.

However, he refrained from doing so. Something told him not to do so. For now, the experience gained would have to suffice. Surprisingly, the 6 opponents only managed to raise his Level as much as acquiring Furcas did.

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