The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 286 - Inevitable Submission


As the words entered Fuhrer's ear, he ceased his actions. However, his cold gaze still remained on Zarkath's extremely damaged body. The only reason he stopped his actions was out of respect for the one who stopped him. Unlike the rest, Fuhrer wasn't controlled by absolute loyalty, but he possessed it from his previous upbringing.


"Is there a reason for us to spare him? He is already a half step into the doors of the Netherworld," Fuhrer uttered without turning back. A normal Devouring Nebula Strike would have devoured everything whole, however, Fuhrer wanted Zarkath to suffer and understand the foolishness of his ways before he perished. 

Hence, he tweaked his strike slightly. Unlike the one Apollo hit Zarkath with, this particular strike was still corroding his soul strength as they spoke.

Nevertheless, Apollo walked forward with uneven steps that grew more stable the closer he approached them, "Spare him? Those aren't the correct words to use. However, I have a much better use for him. Simply killing him wouldn't suffice."

In light of his words, Fuhrer's curiosity was sparked, "You have my attention, continue. What use can he pose to you?" He then waved his hand and lifted Zarkath up with the use of his pressure. When he saw this, Zarkath became slightly appalled. Even he, an Archdemon, was incapable of doing so when at peak strength.

'Isn't this ability the strength of a Noblesse? But, why does his body only emanate the fluctuations of a Greater Demon? Not to mention, the sensation in that strike earlier… that's something that can only be achieved once you have committed atrocious massacres,' Zarkath thought.

At the same time, the light in his eyes was waning as he remained in Fuhrer's grasp. If he didn't heal soon, death would no doubt become his lord and savior. 

As for Apollo, there was a reason he stopped Fuhrer's actions. While in his near lifeless state, the system was still active. As a result, it sent him a prompt that roused him to action.

〈System Alert! A damaged Demon in the area can be converted into your follower. However, their soul strength also seems to be beyond yours. If you can manage to damage it far enough, there is a chance of gaining a servant.〉

'A servant. It seems there is another category outside of Acolyte, Followers; Servants. Perhaps this is why the system only labeled the category as Servants. Interesting, I wonder what the difference is. Furthermore…' Apollo looked towards Fuhrer for a moment.

"Fuhrer, how did you appear here? I didn't have the remaining Anima to summon you. And when you appeared, there wasn't a single change in the minuscule amount of Demonic Anima I had left," Apollo asked.

In light of this questioning, Fuhrer glanced over at Apollo. "I used my own. Since we're so close, I can also use my natural body as a medium for you. Furthermore, it seems like I can perform a few more abilities as if some sort of shackle has been alleviated from my body," Fuhrer answered.

Apollo fell into a pensive state when he heard this, 'Perhaps the system is truly liable to change in the presence of the Nihilistic Rings. I wonder what would happen when I become a Greater Demon and even achieve Level 5 of the system. For now, that is in the future, so while I may look forward to it, it shouldn't be my main focus for the moment.'

After some time, Apollo nodded. "Very well, I will make this short; I seek to obtain this demon as my own. However, I will need your help in order to so. Are you willing?"

"That is a silly question, there is nothing I am not willing to do. Even if the Nihilistic Rings are affected as a result, I will make sure you fulfill the things you have been born to do. It is in your purpose to achieve answers," Fuhrer answered.

After a pause, he peered into Zarkath's trembling eyes with a tinge of amusement, "Tell me, what exactly do you need me to do?"

"Destroy his spirit further, but don't allow him to die. Even if you damage his potential, that is alright as well. After all, he will merely be a disposable pawn," Apollo while looking at Zarkath with emotionless eyes.

The moment he heard this, Zarkath's lifeless eyes widened. If what he heard was correct, there was something amiss, "Wait, wait wait! What do you intend to do? I have never heard of a demon wanting to take control of another. Why don't you just absorb some of my Ira? I believe this is a fair deal!"

"While it may be fair, it isn't what I desire. And, I am one who acts upon their desires. Proceed, Fuhrer," Apollo uttered. Although the idea of absorbing that Ira sounded enticing, Apollo wasn't that foolish. There wasn't a single demon who was willing to give up their innate Ira. Each demon possessed a unique strand that engraved its essence across all of the Sin Energy they possessed.

In other words, absorbing a Sin base higher than yours was known as suicide. If the demon was strong enough, they could even implant their consciousness into that strand. It would then become a battlefield of the mind, which was an extremely dangerous manner of battle.

Therefore, Apollo immediately dispelled this idea. After all, once he made Zarkath his own, this could happen at any given moment. The absolute loyalty wouldn't allow for him to harbor any thoughts of retaliation, unlike now, where he could possess vile intentions.

"Even if you didn't ask, I would have already done so," Fuhrer responded. A black glimmer flashed in his eyes as he raised his hand, Zarkath's body elevating as a result. In light of his actions, Zarkath's expression grew terrified.

"No, no! Please, don't do it. I swear upon the ungodly masters, I won't ever come in contact with you again. I'll steer clear!" Zarkath screeched. Unfortunately, there wasn't the slightest ripple in Fuhrer's expression.

"If you were privy to my past, then you would know that begging and pleading does nothing to change your fate before me. Now, your corporeal body shall perish," Fuhrer announced while slowly closing his opened hand. 

Screams of agony echoed from Zarkath's mouth as his body contorted in odd angles. One by one, the bones in his body snapped and broke before even grinding to dust. It wasn't long until it formed the shape of a lumpy ball. However, in Apollo's eyes, it all looked the same.

He could see a faint aura that continued to grow thinner surrounding Zarkath's body. Until it was weak enough, he didn't make his move. After all, the divide between an Archdemon and a Lesser Demon is very large. Thus, he needed to make sure they were as weak as possible. Furthermore, the more broken the soul, the better it was for him.

Soon enough, Fuhrer's hand started to open again, "This should be far enough. His soul is tattered now. Let alone Archdemon, even an initial Greater Demon at its peak state would be able to dismantle his soul. Use the practice of the Monarch on him."

Naturally, Apollo obliged. He approached the aura and held out his hand. Before his eyes, a notification appeared.

〈System Alert! A Fractured Soul that fulfills the criteria has been found. Would you like to create a Demonic Servant? This type of subordinate will have to rely solely upon your decisions to advance.〉

'Create,' Apollo thought silently. A burst of energy then billowed from his hand. At first, there seemed to be some rejection. But, as Apollo's eyes narrowed and the vibe around his shifted to one of pure dominance, the resistance faded.

As a result, the aura flowed into the gem in his forehead and situated in his mind. 

〈System Alert! Congratulations, the vessel of the soul has been recreated! Name the Servant to give him the ability to materialize.〉

"Zarkath," Apollo uttered.

An instant later, from within the gem, a body slightly smaller than what he possessed appeared. But, the difference now was that he was kneeling before Apollo with his head down, "My Lord, I, your humble servant Zarkath, has been graced by your presence."

"Rise," Apollo said with an indifferent attitude. Since he first coveted Apollo's belongings, compared to the rest, there wasn't any current warmth towards Zarkath. Nevertheless, the system destroyed his sense of self, thus Zarkath didn't feel any anger towards this treatment.

On the other hand, Fuhrer was once again amazed, 'Truly the ability of the Monarch. Whether it is through might or charisma, all shall follow.'

All of a sudden, Fuhrer's eyebrows pressed together. 

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