The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 281 - Drawning Near The Link


(Demon Monarch System) Lvl.4


Name: Apollo Kaiser

Race: Lesser Demon [97.15%]

Title: Azridan's Successor

Age: 15

Level: 120

Experience: 32.00%

Health: 100%

Demonic Anima Reserves: 9,666 units.



Body Cultivation Realm: ~Rank 2 Zul Knight

Spirit Cultivation Realm: ~Rank 9 Spirit Apprentice

Meridians: Saint-Grade (Middle Tier)

Zuls: 22,500

Oz: 945

Strength: 750.0

Agility: 695.0

Intelligence: 630.0

Vitality: 620.0

Comprehension: 83.0

Willpower: 63.0

[«Traits»]- 5


[«Techniques»]- 7


[«Elemental Affinities»] 

Level 9: Darkness, Fire

Level 7: Metal, Wind, and Lightning

Level 5: Earth

Level 3: Space 


[«Demonic Servants»]

[Daemonic Avatar] Erus Fuhrer (Demon Knight) - The Tenebrous Master.

[Greater Demon] [Requires 5,000 units of Demonic Anima to summon.] 

[Demonic Acolyte] Typhir Estrada (Demon Knight) 

[Lesser Demon {Non-Summon}] Added benefits to you.

[Demonic Follower] Furcas (Demon Knight) - Wiseman of Corruption

[Greater Demon] [Requires 3,000 units of Demonic Anima to summon.]


[«Interdimensional Inventory»][«Inheritance»] [«Lucky Draw»]

Stat Points: 0

'Such large jumps! Furthermore, the coefficient of everything seems to have changed. No wonder my body is so filled with power. There isn't that much more until I complete this second evolution. I'll also be able to obtain more answers as I grasp more of these ancient demons,' Apollo thought to himself.

All of a sudden, Apollo also got the urge to check on the progress of his current progress. 


Quest Name: Journey to Sovereignty Part Two

Quest Information: Although your road to power is still arduous, your advancement has marked the progress on your path. However, in order to truly obtain the mantle that awaits you, you must accomplish tasks otherwise impossible for typical demons. Through pure grit and unbreakable tenacity, you are to shatter the barrier and take control of your first demon while also performing what only a few can accomplish.


-Achieve the 4th Level of the Demon Monarch System. (1/1) [COMPLETE!]

-Open the Tainted Temple and achieve the Spirit Apprentice Realm equivalent. (1/1) [COMPLETE!]

-Advance further upon Demonic Conduct achieving at least Stage 5. (0/1)

-Fulfill the qualifications to become a Greater Demon. (0/1)

-Subdue your first Demonic Spirit. (1/1) [COMPLETE!]


-Information on the method to awaken the Second Sin.

-Fulfillment of the second prerequisite to becoming a chosen contender. (0/1)



Time Limit: 3.5 years (Equal to the time left on your Suppression Imprint.)

[Elapsed Time: ~8 months.]

'There are just the last two tasks remaining, however, I'm sure the last quest will fulfill itself once the issue with the Demonic Conduct is resolved. After all, all of the prerequisites to become a Greater Demon would have been accomplished,' Apollo thought.

Afterward, he closed everything and got Typhir as well as Furcas, "I think it's about time we make our way towards the portals. For now, there isn't much left for us to do here. Before we affiliate ourselves with current demons, it's best we locate the ancient demons first," Apollo announced.

Needless to say, they both agreed to his suggestion. The inside of this castle housed some strong figures. The longer they stayed here, the more dangerous it would become. Now that Apollo's stigmata had crossed over the Greater State threshold, there were bound to be demons who could sense him despite the mastered first level of the Monarch's Tenebrosity. 

Without hesitation, they started to move. While they weren't aware of the direction, Furcas was. And, on their venture to said portals, his expression changed countless times. At some point, he shifted positions with Apollo.

"It would be best if I lead you all. From here on out, our movements need to become as careful as possible," Furcas warned. Albeit quick, Furcas' new steps followed a cautious pattern.

Before moving, he would glance upwards. When he shook his head, he stood in place or moved minutely, when he nodded, he made large strides and crossed great distances. As Apollo took notice of this, he started to understand the usefulness of divination. If the Demon didn't possess a strong cloaking ability, their movements would always be depicted by the dark stars.

Due to the changing momentum, their journey extended longer than they would have liked. Furthermore, they came to a difficult impasse shortly after, "An unmoving constellation. No matter the actions we take, we'll end up coming into contact. Very well, I will warn you right now, there is an extremely strong presence before our destination."

"What does that mean? Should we cease our actions?" Apollo answered with a deep frown. One thing he disliked was when his plans were thwarted. Fortunately, it seemed Furcas had no intention of stopping.

"If it was before, I would have suggested it. But, in truth, you can be called a pseudo-Greater Demon. You should be able to better handle yourself. It would seem the guards to the portal are active. This usually isn't the case, but I guess the relationship between Rings may be deteriorating," Furcas muttered while moving his hands about in the air.

As he pieces bits of different signs together, he arrived at an answer that unsettled him. 'The improper candidates are making such dastardly moves? To pin the Lords against each other, they're simply seeking to make great strife. Who in their right mind would want the discord of the Demon Race to devolve into a worse situation? Madness,' Furcas inwardly groaned.

"What is it?" Apollo questioned upon catching wind of Furcas' change in expression. Since this was something he would have to deal with in the future, Furcas didn't hide the issue from Apollo.

"Rather infuriating issues will arise in the future. It will be up to you to correct them. Do not allow the discord that is being sown to fester. Your false competition is making matters worse," Furcas answered.

Although Furcas didn't give an explicit answer, Apollo understood what he was talking about. After all, Fuhrer didn't just leave in him the dark about the existences known as the Monarch's Candidates. 

In addition to pondering over this matter, Apollo was compelled to ask another question, "Azridan, are you familiar with this name?"

"Of course. For a short while, he shared a destiny that intertwined with the Monarch's overarching fate. It's a shame his ember died out. If not, he would have made a fine specimen to spearhead the Lost Council. Of course, he could have never been the monarch. They're all just false beings," Furcas answered.

After receiving this answer, Apollo was even more interested. Thus, he answered another question, "Is resurrection possible? Also, if one's star dies out what does that symbolize?"

"It symbolizes a dead fate. Maybe another fate rose for them, but it would take countless years for that fate to take the place of the prior one. As for resurrection, that is an ability of the Daemos and higher beings. But, the dead can't be for too long or it will be useless," Furcas answered after recalling the strict rules to these practices.

"I see. Then, can you check if there is a new star for him? It has been countless years, perhaps there is a new one," Apollo requested.

"I doubt it, but I will try nonetheless. Just don't get your hopes up," Furcas answered. First, he recalled the aura of Azridan and then searched for it through the nebula. As he did so, his expression became one of shock. To his surprise, he indeed found Azridan's star but there was an issue.

'I can sense inside it, it's that same feeling from before. The reason the Monarch disappeared. Perhaps their fate is more linked than I thought. It is just a shame that I can sense even deeper. Nevertheless, I have an answer for him.'

Furcas turned back towards Apollo and nodded, "He indeed has a fate. It seems his presence hasn't disappeared. But, I can't give any more answers than this, I don't have them."

"That's fine, as long as it is there, I am content," Apollo answered. Truthfully speaking, the long absence of Azridan made him rather nervous. But, as long as his soul wasn't gone, he wouldn't panic.

On the other hand, Furcas turned around abruptly and raised his guard. The moment they entered another corridor, a heavy aura pressed down on them. While Apollo didn't know what it belonged to, Furcas was all too familiar with this.

"It seems our luck is very bad. This is the pressure of an Archdemon. Prepare yourself, they become rather unruly," Furcas said while also retrieving his pipe.

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