The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 278 - An Army Awaiting Commands


At the top of Saehtyn's Castle,


Saehtyn leaned against the armrest of his throne while playing with a cluster of Hellfire. While his gaze seemed to be focused on the fire in his palm, his mind was truly elsewhere, 'Is what the other Lords said true? Have there truly been signs of a new Monarch arising? But why have I not sensed any of the signs? Could it be that my senses are dulling, or am I not a part of the future?'

Typically, when a demon of his stature failed to sense the upcoming events, it meant their existence didn't hold a place within them. If this was the case, Saehtyn wasn't sure how he felt about this. Unlike the rest of the Lords, he possessed an unwavering ideology. Irzanach was incapable of swaying him to his side. As for the others, there were signs of them giving in.

'Izranach can't possibly be the next Monarch. He's far weaker than Azridan in his prime. Could it be the standard to fulfill the preposition has dwindled? If so, it seems that a perilous future is within my sights. If only there was someone to combat that serpent,' Saehtyn thought inwardly.

While ruminating, the image of a little lad entered his mind. However, he dismissed his existence shortly after. 'Just because he is Azridan's successor doesn't mean anything. After all, even Azridan failed to take the last step. It wasn't in his destiny. Based on the legends, he was missing quite a few prerequisites to claim it. Anything he received from the inheritance would have been forcefully implanted.'

Suddenly, Saehtyn's eyes widened. "This is Furcas' obscure aura but what is this other presence? While small, the momentum is ungodly! It's like being in the presence of a Dark Lord whose power has been impacted several times."

However, just as Saehtyn was about to track the source of the energy, it dissipated. As quickly as it appeared is as quickly as it left without any existing signs. Upon noticing this, Saehtyn's expression became troubled.

'It couldn't be that little lad, right? No way, he wasn't born here. There is no way he possessed the aura of such a pure demon. If I had to say, it goes beyond that of a royal-blooded demon. However, it also feels like there is no bloodline power backing them. This means their power is premature. Once their bloodline awakens...they'll become a true monster,' Saehtyn estimated.

Then, he started to think about other matters. 'Could the fact I was unable to sense anything be due to the fact that this individual is so close? Their presence must be having an effect on the ability to discern. If so, then his fate is something that we shouldn't pry into. There are bound to be some terrible implications accompanying those types of actions.'

Unlike the demeanor he presented to the masses, he wasn't as hot-headed as he let on. In fact, Saehtyn was one of the most calculating demons there were. Due to his hard past, he had developed the habit of weighing the consequences of all actions. If he made the wrong move, there were many times where his death would have been imminent.

"To suffer a loss doesn't mean you are weak, it means you will live to triumph another day. It's a shame that those who possess a deep-rooted pride will have to experience something worse than death to learn this," Saehtyn muttered to himself. At the same time, he recalled a few scenes he witnessed during his life.

It was back then he vowed to never become a tool to someone else's scheme nor would he become embroiled in the struggles of others. When used as a tool, the first to suffer would be the one who is being controlled.

All of a sudden, Saehtyn's eyes narrowed before two overwhelming axes that exuded a heat that almost melted the pillars surrounding him. "Come out, I'm aware that you are nearby. A serpent such as you will have trouble cloaking their disgusting nature."

From within the void, a white demon appeared. Two dark daggers appeared in his hand as the obsidian spurs on his body glimmered with bright runic marks, "Saehtyn, you young fool. I have come once again to inquire about your decision. Will you join my side? Or, will you perish in the future? Once we clash, most of the Demon Race will be implicated.

Before answering, Saehtyn frowned, "This 'we' you speak of, it doesn't seem to be me and you. Just who are you referring to?"

Regrettably, he didn't receive an answer.

"Irzanach, you loach! Answer me. What are you up to? Are you willing to forsake the Demon Race for meaningless power?" Saehtyn bellowed. His extreme energy caused the castle itself to tremble.

"Hoh? Is this the Everlasting Fury you have received from Ira? You don't need to be angry yet you can always resonate with all surrounding Ira. However, once you leave this place, you'll become the weakest Lord. I'll make sure of it," Irzanach grinned. A few moments later, his body started to turn incorporeal.

Be that as it may, he still left a message in the process, "Well of course. Condemning the Demon Race means nothing to me. As I chase power, I am willing to sacrifice any and everything. My daughter has already fallen; I hold no qualms against doing anything it takes," Irzanach chuckled before his presence completely vanished.

In return, Saehtyn relinquished his weapon. But, a fire burned in his eyes as he stared into the distance, 'He is up to some terrible deeds. Let's just hope it doesn't doom us all. He already growing stronger at a pace that boggles me. The only reason he didn't attack is that he will still suffer losses.'

As he sat back on his throne, Saehtyn closed his eyes. The dormant state he entered allowed his presence to be both omnipresent but elusive. 


Meanwhile, back in the deepest area of the first floor, Furcas finally finished setting up everything he needed to perform his divination ceremony. Apollo's jaw dropped when he saw how much Crystallized Chaos and other materials it took to just establish the foundation of the circle.

"Don't be surprised, I have to pierce the nebula and only chaos can do that. It's just a shame that these are inferior materials. If we could enter the Monarch's humble abode within his private Ring, we would have access to material that'd make our life easy. Nevertheless, that is an impossibility at this very moment," Furcas said after heaving a prolonged sigh.

"It's fine, if you don't have enough, I have some materials as well," Apollo responded.

"I know already," Furcas nodded, before smirking, "How else would you have come here? You who were born here yet in another world, it takes a great deal of effort for you to return home."

"Born here? What do you mean? I wasn't born in this world," Apollo responded. Furcas' words confused him. He was certain he wasn't born within the world of demons. Even in his other life, he started out as a human.

Sadly, Furcas knew it wasn't his place to say anything, "Recover yourself and you will learn the truth. In the meantime, start your endeavors. In exchange, I will begin mine as well."

Once he got comfortable, Apollo thought to himself quietly, 'I shouldn't just train my mind, I can also feel that my stigmata is close to a breakthrough. When it is complete, it should return a large chunk of vitality. Moreover, I'll be that much closer to entering the Greater State.'

"Indeed, you must remember that there is an army that awaits your command. The Lost Council is merely the tip of an iceberg. You must think beyond them. For example, think to yourself, just what did the Lost Council control in the past. The council of today is not one and the same," Furcas revealed to Apollo.

For some time, Apollo was shocked. Based on Furcas' words, then there was something beyond his imagination waiting for him. To be precise, the hidden pieces were only the tip of the iceberg. He also needed to take into account the other powers these Lost Council held jurisdiction over.

'Could it be that my followers will consist entirely of ancient demons? No, that's not correct. I also have to remember that I create my own direct followers. The only thing everyone will have in common is their unquestionable loyalty to me. Granted, this all banks on my own strength,' Apollo realized. 

After several moments, Apollo released an extended turbid breath. Concurrently, he also began taking advantage of the increased Ira levels within the castle. With ease, a large stream of Ira flowed towards him.

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