The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 276 - Another Acquired Through Dominance


〈System Alert! The Demonic Intent «Domination Intent» has advanced to Level 2. For a short period of time, a weakened form of the Domination Zone will be utilized. As for the name, it will be called the Domination Domain. Until your Anima exhausts itself, this ability will not cancel.〉


When he saw this notification, Apollo was filled with glee. This frustrating situation had instantly become a blessing in disguise. The constant instigation was something that he required. In the presence of constant incitement, it was imperative he learned how to retain a sound mind. After all, the worst decisions were made when one lost their reasoning.

Not to mention, it wasn't in the demeanor of a ruler to fall victim to the quips of a lesser position. Thus, this was also another teaching experience as far as learning the difference in standings went. Of course, this would take some time for Apollo to digest.

For right now., there was something else on his mind. For example, the fact that despite this change, Furcas' reaction didn't change that much. While others would find this odd, Apollo started to grin. He wasn't disheartened by the lack of fear Furcas displayed, but rather he was excited by this fact. 

'The stronger you are, the stronger my support system becomes. There is no reason to become disheartened. After all, all of you will become my subordinates and you will stand under me,' Apollo silently determined. In his eyes, there was no chance of them disobeying his desires. 

As a result, he raised his hand while gazing upon Furcas, "Submit!" Apollo bellowed before activating the Domination Domain solely on Furcas' position. Similar to Fuhrer's ability of Suppression, the area around Furcas became heavy. Yet, all he did in return was take another hit of his pipe.

"The child's closed eyes will open one by one. When his vision is restored, the pieces of the puzzles will have formed the inevitable scene before his eyes. Tell me, are you capable of withstanding what is to come? One can comprehend the patterns in more than one way. There is always more than one path," Furcas projected while slashing his pitchfork to the side.

In response to Apollo's domain, Furcas summoned a field of pure Anima. However, within the darkness were numerous eyes filled with exuberant energy.

"Do you believe I have been using the extent of my powers? An Ancient Demon is not something to be underestimated. When one reaches this level, you'll come to realize the state we possess is a falsity. Never accept what a piece shows you as the truth. On your journey, you must always question," Furcas added.

Apollo's eyes narrowed in return. While he didn't see it, he could sense it. There were numerous faint changes in Furcas' aura. Compared to before, he was like an unshackled beast that possessed the eyes of an ancient hawk. Nevertheless, Apollo wasn't in the position to back down.

"Trust me, I possess my fair share of questions, but that is beside the point. The important matter now is whether or not you'll submit," Apollo retorted while clenching his fist. The Infernal Arms of Damnation continued to thrum with heavy power as he prepared to make his move.

Without a single order, Typhir also appeared next to him, brandishing his Destruction Intent at maximum capacity.

"That all depends on your capabilities. Make me submit, prove to me that you possess the needed ability to overwhelm my eyes," Furcas exclaimed. Unlike before, he didn't wait for Apollo to make the first move. He charged forward and took the lead. His momentum far surpassed what Apollo expected as he dodged to the side.

Be that as it may, by the time Apollo landed from his evasive maneuver, Furcas' hand was already en route towards his chest. Since it was too close, he closed his arms and guarded his chest. Compared to before, Apollo was left in a better state as he skidded across the floor.

Of course, this was due to the fact that Infernal Arms of Damnation absorbed a large portion of the impart. Yet, while this was true, trickles of blood still seeped from Apollo's lips. His body was still damaged from the earlier blows and the healing speed of the pendant didn't appear to be sufficient. 

Apollo wiped his lips before narrowing his gaze even further. A cold gleam entered his eyes as the color of the Umbra Phantom Mantle deepened. 'I was born powerless, but I am still walking my journey. There will be countless stronger than me, however, I will never give in nor will I be trampled upon. Before that happens, everything around me will fall victim to the nebula!'

Suddenly, three colors that typically didn't appear on Apollo appeared while he dashed toward Furcas.

Inside the cave, Fuhrer could sense exactly what was taking place. Despite rejecting the call to summon, they still possess their mental connection. He could feel the additional presence in Apollo's Tainted Temple. But, they were terribly incomplete and seemed as if they'd disappear at any moment. 

'Superbia, Avaritia, and Gula; what a terrible combination. Those who have fallen victim to this mix are stupendous in number. On the other hand, if the power is harnessed properly, one will draw strength from the immutable devouring nebula,' Fuhrer thought, leaving a lingering impression in Apollo's mind.

Deep within his eyes was an excitement to see the predictions come to light. 

Meanwhile, Apollo's attack pattern took on a drastic change as he continued to pick up momentum. Compared to when he trained, the energy he contained was being refined at a nonsensical rate. The presence of quadra-Sin energy was not to be underestimated.

'I can feel it, this is what it means to dominate,' Apollo thought. He then added a mental order for Typhir, 'Match my momentum as best as you can. With his age, his weakness should be endurance. There is no way he can match the vigor of our youthfulness,' Apollo revealed.

Naturally, Typhir realized this after some time as well. Although Furcas's energy was exuberant, there were some instances where the fluctuations were weaker than what it should be. Not to mention, being attacked by  two high ranked intents were bound to create damage on his body.

This is what they were aiming for. Not long after he made this matter known, a crack appeared in the domain of eyes that surrounded Furcas.

'Even as we fight at this very moment, he is growing. The Master has indeed left behind a legacy to fulfill his abandoned role. The only question is, what is that lapse I can't seem to sense. The disappearance of the Monarch; I've never been able to unravel this mystery,' Furcas inwardly mused.

During the battle, Furcas glanced upwards and gave a faint nod. At a glance, Apollo thought there was someone in the vicinity that he had failed to sense. If so, then the odds that were just in his favor would once again be flipped upside down. Fortunately, it didn't seem to be the case.

Upon their last collision, Furcas retreated and lifted his hand, "My old bones have had enough, there is no reason for me to continue to antagonize the future Monarch. I will very well follow you with my aching body. You must simply make sure that I have the proper nutrition. Otherwise, I will waste away at any moment," he shamelessly stated. 

Both Typhir and Apollo were dumbfounded. In fact, the lapse in understanding caused all of their techniques to deactivate. Now that both of them lost the fuel of their emotions, their bodies were flooded by a powerless sensation.

In light of his words, a notification window appeared before Apollo's eyes.

〈System Alert! Another piece is willing to follow you. Since they aren't a being who has initiated a pact, they will become a simple Demonic Follow. It is up to your discretion to tweak their positions in the future.〉

Inside both of their minds, a contract made from the fabrics of one's soul appeared. While Furcas signed it without much thought due to what he knew, Apollo was stuck on a single sentence within this contract.

"The most overlooked piece; the Wiseman looks beyond the known and pries into the enigma. Could it be that his value was never realized? Then what is it?" Apollo mumbled to himself. Once he accepted the contract, he couldn't withhold his curiosity any longer. 

"Where do the boundaries of your power lay?" Apollo inquired while glancing at Furcas. At the same time, he also opened the panel related to Furcas. 

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