The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 267 - Odd Signs Occuring


While things started to change on the Catastrophe Line, such events took place in other places as well. Much like the Terrors experienced an increase in activity, the Spiritual Veins of Astarat were quaking. Slowly but surely, the negative effects of corruption started to present themselves.


"Lady Geneva, the corruption is leading to the destabilization of our output. While it is manageable as of right now, the condition in the future is currently unforeseeable to me. I suggest we take ample measures to counteract any issues that may arise," Robyn suggested while stroking his haggard beard. 

"Destabilization? In what aspect? Are the mines crumbling as a result?" Geneva questioned while raising her head from the other reports on the desk. However, before she did so, she paused for a moment. She didn't understand why, but she felt woozy for a moment. She needed a moment to recollect herself.

While he noticed this, Robyn didn't pay this much attention. After all, he was one of the select few who was privy to her injury. As a result, he thought this was related to the fact her sequelae from her injury reappeared once again. Little did he know, that truly wasn't the case. For a short time, her mind was in a fog! It took the entirety of her willpower to rouse her from that state.

Nevertheless, he still answered while recalling the exact statements made by those who man the veins and mines, "No, the mines' structures are stable. It's the output of the mines that aren't. Hence, I advise us to start limiting the resources we utilize. It isn't the time to support needless splurging. What do you say we assess the students and based on their physique, we set a limit to the number of resources they can acquire."

Truthfully speaking, it was a sound suggestion. Not only would it limit their expenses, but it would also make sure the students continued to grow at the height of their potential. In the best-case scenario, it wouldn't be subject to adverse ramifications.

The more she thought about it, the more Geneva became compelled to allow it to happen. However, the backlash from those who received resources in an abundance wouldn't be that great.

Thus, she also needed a way to placate them. In her current state, usage of force wasn't something she wanted to do. 'I can't aggravate this injury until I find out why my body has been responding in a way I'm not used to,' Geneva thought to herself. 

"Based on their calculations, how long do we have until the core foundations of this place are affected? Don't give the higher limits, give the lower limits. We must always prepare for the worst above all," Geneva answered before making the decision.

"At the very least, the Spiritual Veins will last approximately two more years with this accelerated pace. Moreover, I have even more harrowing news. The corruption experienced a large jump recently. It seems there is more than one force contributing to the corruption. Based on the signs, I think there are at least 5 contributing factors," Robyn responded in kind.

As soon as she heard this, Geneva's expression darkened. Albeit hard to understand, an image flashed in her mind of an aged figure that struck fear into the depths of her heart. A cold sweat emerged on her back as he touched the area of her wound. Silently, she muttered to herself, "Demons…"

However, it appeared Robyn was far from done talking, "But, there is a semblance of good news. Right now, the corruption is only on the outer shell of the veins. It isn't strong enough to penetrate it yet. Unlike the outside, the core of the veins boasts incredibly high defenses. To corrupt them, it would take far more effort. Hence, why I say we have 2 years at the very least."

Geneva both took in this information as well as nodded, however, her mind was stuck elsewhere. The image of the aloof boy floated in her mind, 'While you have never stepped foot in the veins, the plague of this world is due to your actions. Just what are you... you demons? What...did I get myself into?'

Due to the lack of answer, Robyn tried to get her attention by sending a small ripple of essence past her ear. When that happened, she awoke from her stupor, "Ah, yes. Very well. Put the measure in place. Since you operate the Resource Hall, it is up to your discretion to place a limit. If that is all, you may go."

"Oh, but it isn't. Earlier, I sensed something. Something very deadly. In fact, it may even rival the aura that is stuck in your wound," Robyn voiced in a grim tone.

Geneva trembled as soon as the words left Robyn's lip. A look of horror entered her eyes and she looked at him. Her quavering voice  bounced off the walls as she asked a question she truly didn't want the answer to, "Where did you sense it…"

"That's the thing, I don't know. It felt as if it was all over. If I had to be honest, I think the aura came from a Terror that can't be classified as a Disaster-Grade. As they are now, a Grandmaster should be able to handle one of those. But, would require an expert we don't currently possess. Their aura of is overwhelming," Robyn answered.

The fact he couldn't locate anything unsettled Geneva even further. 'It's the omen. We're looking forward to unprecedented times.'

"Nevermind your earlier suggestion, we're entering a period of accelerated advancement. All those who show promise will have the origin room open to them all year round. Furthermore, allow them to enter the enhancement rooms at least once a month. As for the academic credits, everyone will receive one waiver while I alter the requirements to obtain them," Geneva stated. There was an unusual calm in her voice as she made this call.

Despite wanting to advise against it, he did no such thing. If they couldn't stop the issue, it was best they prepared the most talented to become both battle-ready and battle-hardened. Contrary to his thoughts, Robyn conceded. "I don't know if it is the best call, but it is the most practical. The life of a hermit will only prolong the inevitable."

Robyn then rose to his feet before departing from the area. The moment he left, however, Geneva glanced to her side, "Come out, I know you're there. The fact he didn't sense you means your power is stabilizing, isn't it? The Dragon Exalt, Irauk."

Slowly, Irauk's appearance came from within the embrace of golden flames. "The Dark Phoenix, now why have you spoken of that old moniker? Just as you have left behind the glory, I have recast myself and adopted a new identity. Nevertheless, our origins are linked so I guess I can't blame you."

"Why have you appeared? There must be something on your mind," Geneva questioned with a stoic expression. For some reason, in his presence, she always seemed slightly uncomfortable.

"Still forcefully resisting the call of our bloodlines? However, I have come across something that disturbs me. That lad I picked up, I happened to ingest his flames, yet my body can't digest it. At first, it appeared to be so, but… I still sense a trace of the aura within my flames."

All of a sudden, Geneva's eyes widened, "You did what?! Please tell me you didn't ingest a dark grey-looking flame…"

"I did but that isn't truly correct. The flame I ingested was more of a whitish silver," Irauk answered with a small chuckle. At the same time, he scratched his head. Based on her reaction, he could tell something was wrong.

"Silvery white?" Geneva blinked. From what she remembered, Apollo's flame was a dark silver. However, what she didn't know was that Irauk had devoured an even worse flame. One must remember, he absorbed the flame from when Apollo was being controlled. That flame was the pinnacle of Hellfire. In other words, its qualities could not be compared to what Geneva ingested.

To put it differently, Irauk had stepped into a pit of despair unknowingly. In the future, there would only be two choices remaining for him. Whether or not he made the right one, that was up to him. 

Geneva sighed and shook her head, "It would seem out fates are once again tied by the same thread. Very well, have a seat. There are some things we need to discuss."

From her tone, Irauk ceased his playful attitude and took a seat. Although she didn't understand the fine details, slowly, bits and pieces of the conversation with Apollo was coming back to her.

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