The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 261 - One Pierce To Sunder Six Ribs


"Before you fight him, take Brynhildr. That weapon in his possession is...well, let's just say you should be careful," Fuhrer said to Apollo. Silently, Apollo agreed but then he thought about another thing. According to Fuhrer, Brynhildr could change shapes based on the wielder's strength. 


As far as Apollo's strength went, his experience with any type of sword was almost nil. Although this was only a spar, Apollo still didn't want to experience a loss. As a result, he voiced the matter on his mind, "Can Brynhildr take on shapes outside of swords?"

"Unfortunately, no. It is limited strictly to sword transformations. However, there may be another weapon you can use," Fuhrer answered after sparing this some thought.

Apollo raised an eyebrow with intrigue, "Which is?"

"Your Sin Armament. Have you realized? You've unleashed all of the Sin Armaments except for the last one. Don't you think it is time you conjured it?" Fuhrer answered without delay.

While that was the truth, for Apollo, conjuring the last of the Sin Armament linked to Ira was easier said than done. The other two came naturally as information pertaining to them appeared. However, for the last of the Sin Armament, there was a lack of information. The shape nor the name was present in his mind. Hence, Apollo thought it simply wasn't his time yet.

"Incorrect, the last armament must be sought. It isn't like the others which appeared of their own accord. I think there is more behind conjuring the complete Sin Armament. Maybe once I elevate my stigmata," Apollo replied.

Afterward, Fuhrer nodded. It briefly slipped his mind, 'Perhaps his armament will be unique,' he thought before standing to the side and awaiting Apollo and Aaron's first clash. 

"I move in 3 seconds," Aaron uttered while the aura around him blazed. A small circle appeared on the ground around his feet. The power behind the circle caused a deep indentation on the ground. Exactly 3 seconds later, Aaron dashed forward.

With a gust of wind, Aaron thrust his spear forward. At first, it seemed like it wasn't aimed at anything in particular but then it snaked towards Apollo's heart. In response, Apollo had to act fast and lean out of the way.

Be that as it may, it was as if the spear wasn't made out of metal in the slightest. It bent at an odd angle and chased its initial target. At the same time, Aaron muttered under his breath, "Extend and Pierce."

All of a sudden, the momentum of the spear bolstered. It took even more effort for Apollo to dodge the continuous pierces. However, Aaron on the other hand had already returned to a standing position. The strike that followed him was simply the manifestation of his intent. 

As he went against it, Apollo was starting to understand why Fuhrer had urged him to learn intent. In truth, it was far stronger than the essence of this world. Furthermore, it could even be used alongside it. Left with no other choice, Apollo retrieved Brynhildr from Fuhrer and stabbed it at the tip of the incoming intent.

A large shattering sound could be heard, as Apollo heaved to catch his breath. Dealing with the intent expended a great deal of energy. Not to mention, the continuous dodging he performed ate away at his stamina as well.

"Not bad, but you don't possess that feeling I used to look up to. It appears I am catching up to you," Aaron uttered. 

Once he heard this, Apollo frowned slightly. 'This pride of his…'

To control his own emotions Apollo exhaled, "Usually, I wouldn't reveal any of this unless I intended to kill my opponent, but it seems with you, confronting you in this form just won't work.

Suddenly, a large amount of Hellfire flickered around Apollo. Similar to Aaron, his aura interacted with the environment. Unlike the rest, Apollo had already seemed his demonic form. While Azridan may have tampered with the memories, Apollo had a feeling that the appearance of that Spirit had changed things.

Without further deliberation, Apollo took on his Iraym form. However, he was far from done. He also activated the Tartarean Fiend Regalia coupled with the Infernal Arms of Damnation. Simultaneously, 2 of 3 the Incomplete Sin Armaments were utilized.

"You may possess your own set of pride, but it is another thing for me to allow you to trample on mine. While I still love you, I must put you in your place," Apollo proclaimed before making a move. Everything in his arsenal was being utilized. 

Yet, Aaron's expression remained placid as if this didn't change anything for me, "I know you are no longer human, but the power I possess doesn't come from a human either." After he responded, Aaron slammed the bottom of his spear on the ground. 

This caused the Marks of the Sky on his body to interact with one another. When the marks connected to one another, a flexible yet sturdy armor covered Aaron's limbs, "Omnipotent Spear and the Skypiercer's Regalia, come."

When he heard this Fuhrer's eyes narrowed, 'Why has that entity chosen a vessel? They almost never do so. Something is amiss…' 

Slowly, this became a battle of two small titans. Their numerous clashes caused Fuhrer great joy. Meanwhile, the more they clashed, the more Apollo felt he was losing out. However, what he didn't know was that Aaron was in fact gathering energy from the sky. Small crackles of thunder appeared at the site of each of their clashes.

On the other hand, Apollo's Hellfire created a scene of destruction. When the lightning and fire met, neither sought to give any headway. Thus, there was a large mix of these two elements in the air. 

As Aaron drew his foot back, he struck his spear towards Apollo's leg. At the same time, Apollo launched a Demonic Massacre Wave at him. But, Apollo was shocked to find that Aaron had taken what he showed him even further. Before the trial, Apollo did his best to have Aaron understand that the one who fears death in battle the least would emerge the victor. 

"Fight harder! This isn't enough, I haven't put myself through hell to fall short now. I'm sure you are hiding even stronger strikes. This can't be the extent of your power," Aaron bellowed with a swelled pride. Until now, everyone else had been surpassing him in strength.

So much so, it got to the point wherein his existence felt small. It was at that time he committed himself to learn how to subdue the Intent hidden within him. During that time, he walked the fine line of death numerous times. His commendable spirit gained the attention of a spirit whose level was unable to be judged. What he possessed now was simply a minuscule portion of it.

Meanwhile, Aaron's words stimulated something inside Apollo as crimson and black sparks appeared around his hand. The moment the sparks appeared, Fuhrer grinned, 'Yes, uses his taunts as fuel for your Will. You must understand you are a creature who feeds on emotion. In an extremely emotional state, you will always be at your strongest.'

A large disturbance was kicked up while Apollo's aura became chaotic. As he roared to the sky, a tiny fracture in space opened up. Unbeknownst to him, an item on the other side was reacting to him. Deep within the Nihilistic Rings, a scythe vibrated before breaking out of a seal. Shortly after, it dematerialized.

As Apollo held his hand out, a deadly scythe materialized before him. Concurrently, other information flooded his mind as well.

〈System Alert! All of the Sin Armaments related to Ira have been gathered. Since they have all been gathered, the Tartarean Fiend Set can be wielded.〉

Apollo's entire body underwent a change. The sweltering heat from his armor was accentuated by the black, crimson and silver scythe current in his hand. Be that as it may, Aaron was already in the process of gathering himself for a strike.

A sonic boom accompanied his thrust as he aimed at a weak point in Apollo's transformation, "Sky Sundering Pierce: Absolute Puncture!"

Before Apollo could respond properly, Aaron's spear claimed over six ribs. As his eyes widened, Apollo gripped the weapon and ripped it from his body.

Although a gruesome hole was left, Apollo didn't fret over it. He inhaled and exhaled. "Since you have had your turn, it is mine. Second Annihilation: Nether Severance!"

A single downward swing of his scythe was all Apollo performed, but Aaron's expression became solemn as a result. This strike carried with it an aura of death. Since each of them possessed a foreign source of power, Apollo wasn't worried about killing Aaron. 

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