The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 258 - Vermilion Flames Falling Subservient (III)


Several moments later, Geneva and the other two approached the amber-stoned building that threatened to pierce the sky. Except for its color and different insignia, it was an exact replica of the Umbra Night Institute. Even the sequence to enter was the same. It was just inside the code, Geneva used her override code to apply the dual admission modifier.


"If you have visited the other institute, then you would know that the room you seek is located at the end of the middle path. Typhir, travel along with Apollo. Even though you have been here before, there are more people here than the last time. In fact, most of your seniors should be present," Geneva instructed while making odd gestures. 

Shortly after, a door appeared before her. After disclosing some more instruction, she entered the door and vanished along with it. As per her instruction, Apollo and Typhir traveled together. Before they reached the door, Apollo turned towards him.

"Which one is appearing first?" Apollo asked.

At first, Typhir's expression was odd. But, then when he felt what Apollo was questioning him about, Typhir shook his head, "I honestly can't tell. If I'm being truthful, neither of them seem to be budding yet but I'm sure Lord Fuhrer knows what to do next," he answered.

In response, Apollo nodded. However, he was also interested in something else. 'Lord Fuhrer? Is that something he thought of himself or was the position of the Lords derived from Fuhrer's initial purpose? Interesting. One thing remains true, Fuhrer indeed possesses the qualifications to be called Lord. I wonder why he is introduced as a Demon Knight though.'

After pushing the matters to the back of his mind, Apollo pressed his hand forward. A thin veil receded to showcase an expansive room door. As he looked up, he read a sign labeled "Vermilion Cinders Origin Room." When he read this, he was sure there was something more to the rooms than just learning these inheritances.

'Could it be a process of succession? According to Geneva's family history, their first ancestor possessed both of the powers invested in these buildings. Therefore, if one can accomplish the same feat, it could be seen as succeeding the first ancestor. In fact, I wonder how much of the inheritances Geneva has absorbed herself,' Apollo thought while rubbing his chin contemplatively. 

Since there was no way to determine this as of right now, the two simply entered the room. Once inside, Apollo instantly spotted differences when compared to the scene that took place within the Tethered Shadows Origin Room. Unlike that room, this one was sparsely filled with people. 

Furthermore, due to his continually sharpening senses, Apollo could faintly see that certain areas possessed a higher concentration of infernal fluctuations. In comparison to all the areas currently filled, the intensity Apollo felt was at least 3 times stronger than the other areas. Not to mention, this was in retrospect of the next weakest tier of fluctuations. 

'Compared to the other room, I want to say not even 10% of the capacity here is filled. However, that is understandable. The environments simply cannot be compared. The dark room just felt like a void whereas the heat here continues to rise. If it wasn't for me having visited Ashiraem, then I'm sure I'd be experiencing some initial discomfort,' Apollo determined.

At a glance, he chose suitable spots for both him and Typhir. With almost no hesitation at all, both of them took a seat and began to absorb the ambient energy of the red orb in the middle. At odd intervals, Apollo noticed that the orb in the middle emitted a nearly white flame. When it did so, it was just pure destructive heat. Sometimes, it would even disrupt the other youth's concentration.

When that happened, they took an adequate break rather than trying to confront the orb once again. Upon noticing this small instance, Apollo muttered to himself, 'While the darkness encompasses and swallows, flames incite destruction. Hence, when the flame wave touched them, it destroyed all semblance of concentration.'

Unlike the rest, Apollo did not confront the wave. Before doing anything, he smiled and thought about nothing. The trick to overcoming the wave was to lack concentration in the first place. Moreover, the way to sense the information inside the orb was a bit different from the process used to find it inside the dark orb.

Due to the intricacies of the orb, the inside of the orb was a ghastly place. The rampant fluctuations of the heat deteriorated the consciousness at a rapid pace. Naturally, this was why not many individuals challenged this orb unless they felt they were ready to do so. It would simply be wasting Academic Credits to receive an injury with no benefits.

Nevertheless, as Demons, and ones with Ira as their foundation no less, the heat was something that didn't strike the slightest bit of fear in their minds. Both Apollo and Typhir projected their consciousness into the orb with much hesitation. Whereas the other orb housed shadowy doors, this orb possessed volcanic pools of varying sizes and temperatures.

At first, Apollo thought to repeat the same thing he did with his previous attempt in the Umbra Night Institute, but then he recalled vital information. His Tainted Temple has been bathed in Hellfire already! In other words, it possessed resistance towards heat, to begin with.

As a result, Apollo completely disregarded the smallest of volcanic pools. Quietly, he took his time to sense the difference in the next tier. He was searching for the partial inheritance in one attempt. The quicker he did so, not only would he save on his Academic Credit expense, he would expedite the speed at which he could return to extracting the energy from the Nebula Shard.

In line with his intent to rush, both his Cardinal Sphere and Tainted Temple worked in tandem. Even the faintest ripples of intent were being preyed on by Apollo's mind. Soon enough, he caught a trace of what he was looking for. While the intent was foreign, he could feel the desire for destruction emanating from this specific pool.

Although he wanted to enter immediately, he refrained from doing so. Not only him, Typhir needed guidance as well. And, if he played his cards right, he could use this chance to familiarize Typhir with Intent. However, since Typhir's consciousness was already within the scarlet orb, Apollo placed his hand on his back and transmitted a message through their link.

Albeit slowly, he guided Typhir towards the correct volcanic pool before ensuring that his consciousness entered. Of course, before he allowed that, he disclosed the fact he was there strictly to sense the foreign ripples inside. As they became clearer, he should try to grasp his own path from what he saw. 

When it came to leading, after overlooking his unsightly tendencies, it was as if Apollo was born to do so. His explicit instructions were clear enough to guide even those who possessed zero background knowledge. 

It wasn't long after that wherein Apollo entered the same volcanic himself. However, since it wasn't an instanced environment, everyone's mind entered an independent copy. When Apollo entered the pool, he was immediately transported to an area where two magma titans engaged in battle.

Each of their collision resulted in a ripple of flames that was traveled into the distance. While that happened, anywhere the flames touched was incinerated into pure nothingness. The heat was so great even the ashes burned asunder. It was as if everything in the world was turning to ash. 

On the other hand, in Apollo's eyes, he comprehended something totally different, "It appears if the flames are cleansing anything that is unneeded from this world. This type of technique doesn't seem to be meant for attacking but rather for destroying in the purest sense. It's not the collision that is to be focused on, it's the resulting wave.'

Immediately, he was reminded of the Demonic Massacre Wave, 'The intent here isn't to slaughter,' Apollo murmured while raising his hand. As he did so, his spiritual form conjured a Hellfire that bore the original white color. Underneath the blackening tips, there was a budding thin red color. When it all blended together, it seemed like the edges of the dark vermillion flames were falling victim to the Hellfire.

The next move he made was to draw in the surrounding essence. Then, he slowly clenched his hand. As the variegated cluster of fire grew compact, the flickering ends melded together. The moment it all touched, it exploded. All of the essence in a  small radius was burnt to nothing.

The moment this happened, a few notifications appeared before Apollo's eyes. 

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