The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 254 - Hastened Advancements (II)


The moment the notification appeared, Apollo ceased all of his actions. For some time, he was left speechless. Since the only thing on his mind at the moment was training, the matters pertaining to the Lucky Draw had truly escaped his thoughts. However, with the appearance of this notification, it would be a lie to say he wasn't ecstatic.


After all, if what he comprehended from the small information the system provided before was true, then the Lucky Draw was a way to potentially earn items inside the Inheritance Tab without possessing the adequate Demonic Achievement Points for it. If that was the case, then that meant there was also a chance he could acquire the most expensive and even strongest items within the shop.

Although everything in the shop was in a sense his, the faster he gained access to it, the faster he could solve any issue that may arise. Beyond that, he could even circumvent any potential issues that were liable to come forth. Nevertheless, as Apollo continued to gaze at the notification, his reasoning began to douse his excitement.

'Let's be honest, what's the chance of actually acquiring one of those items? I'm sure there are conditions set in place to prohibit me from seizing items like that. Furthermore, there's probably a set percentage on each item that determines the chance of obtaining such items. In other words, compared to the less notable items, the rates will be abysmal,' Apollo inwardly thought. 

Soon enough after his reasoning completely extinguished his excitement, Apollo dismissed the notification. While looking at Fuhrer and Typhir continuing their training, he gave the mental command. Between his command and the Lucky Draw beginning, there was no pause. The sound of a wheel churning at rapid speeds sounded in Apollo's head. 

At the same time, there was a mechanical voice. Since Azridan's disappearance, the system's voice always seemed to be a mechanical version of his own. Almost as if it was trying to emulate him.

〈System Alert! The Lucky Draw is underway. Your rewards will be determined momentarily. Please wait.〉

In the meantime, Apollo closed his eyes and practiced with his Infernal Ira Stigmata. Unlike the rest of his techniques, it had been a while since he gave this technique attention. Although it was connected to his Diabolic Heart of Wrath, his irregular stigmata made it so that he didn't need to train it often. However, now that his body was advancing, it was slowly approaching a level that required more from his stigmata.

If he wished to fabricate a complete Sin Armament, it would require his stigmata as well as Corrupt Organ to reach a certain standard. As of right now, his stigmata was just a fraction away from doing so. The only thing he needed to do was fix its foundation. One must remember, when he created it, it was far too strong for him. As a result, his foundation took some substantial damage.

This resulted in his vitality dropping to an unimpressive level. But, with his current actions of absorbing foreign vitality, this issue was being addressed. Thus, it was approaching a time wherein Apollo needed to start correcting his stigmata before it poses any issues in the future. 

In 30 seconds, right before the Lucky Draw's notification sounded, he managed to correct 0.5% of his foundation. Due to the way he created it, going from broad to complex, the first few phases of correction would be easy. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said about the later stages. 

〈System Alert! The Lucky Draw has concluded! Congratulations, your Lucky Draw was one with great purpose. You have received Candidates' Package x1. To observe its contents, please open the package.〉

At first, Apollo was curious. 'Candidates' Packages? I don't remember this being present. Perhaps I overlooked it, that is a possibility; after all, all I did was a quick skim but that isn't the important part. What I need to know is whether or not this package inherently lists me as a Candidate,' Apollo silently mused.

Once his curiosity got the best of him, Apollo opened the package with little to no hesitation. In response, he wore a confused expression. 

〈System Alert! Congratulations, you have opened the (Basic) Version. You have received Nebula Shard x1, Inheritance Voucher (Single) & Demonic Enchantment Scroll x1.〉

Out of all the items he received from doing so, none of them were the slightest bit familiar. However, one, in particular, caught his eye.

'Nebula Shard? While the others can be saved for a later time, I could have sworn I've heard someone mention something surrounding a nebula before. It is truly a shame that I can't seem to recall the exact information,' Apollo thought while ruminating over his past conversations.

Even after deliberating for a short while, he was still in the dark. Since he couldn't get answers this way, he switched tactics. He withdrew the Nebula Shard from his interdimensional inventory. At a glance, the sensation the shard gave was omnipotent.

Unlike the Anima Crystals and Tainted Shards, the Nebula Shard was more than a single color. Firstly, it was predominantly black, however, it possessed numerous shades of grey. Secondly, there were what seemed to be specks of light within. Be that as it may, it was like the darkness was trying to swallow everything inside.

When Apollo glanced inside, it was like he was staring into a boundless void that was without contest. No matter how much the other portions tried, the void of darkness seemed to be the overarching power in the equation.

At that moment, the system completely generated the information on the item.

Item Name: Nebula Shard 

Item Ranking: Daemonic

Information: Darkness is birth from the nebula that devours. In the presence of light, darkness will never. For without darkness, there can be no light. As a result, this is the condensed form of a Nebula Fragment. Inside is the information to guide those who seek the path of darkness over the light.

As Apollo read the information, he fell into thought, 'So this is used to practice dark techniques. Surprisingly, it mentions nothing about demonic techniques. Hence, I can assume that this is based on a principle that not all demons can attain. that it? There must be more information.'

On the other hand, the moment Apollo retrieved the Nebula Shard, Fuhrer's body tensed. Instinctively, he turned towards the direction of the aura he sensed. When he did so, his eyes widened in shock. Soon after, as he stared at the shard, his current expression was replaced with one full of jubilance. 

"Lad, where did you get that shard?!" Fuhrer questioned almost immediately. He couldn't believe his eyes while he gazed upon it. It had been countless years since he had seen such an item. In fact, he believed it to be a forgotten resource due to the fact the Monarch was nowhere to be found.

"It's a part of my inheritance. I've gained more authority recently, so there are more accessible items now than there were before. Why do you ask?" Apollo questioned. When he noticed the odd light in Fuhrer's eyes, Apollo immediately realized that he had found his source of more essential information. 

"Well first and foremost, that item in your hand can only be called a blessing. While it won't catapult you to new heights on your path of evolution, it has a much more practical influence. In fact, it might be worth more than simply assisting you to evolve," Fuhrer blurted before rubbing his chin in delight.

"Unlike most of the other shards, this item can't be used without Intent. After all, it is a condensation of a fragment from the Tenebrous Path. In other words, it is the best, if not only item, capable of guiding you in the Monarch's Tenebrosity. Unlike the rest, the Monarch's Tenebrous Presence dominates, it doesn't hide. Therefore, practicing the middle stages may be quite difficult. But, if you have this item to assist you, it'll teach you the way to let the darkness dominate," Fuhrer revealed.

The moment he heard this, Apollo's eyes brightened. According to Fuhrer's words, this shard was meant to assist him. It was now why he understood why it was called a Candidate's package. The items inside were perhaps linked to techniques only the Monarch's successors should possess. This made him look forward to the descendant portion of the tab.

"However, you must also not let it swallow you either. As with any endeavor, if you aren't careful and there is a lapse in focus, you may find yourself in danger. As of right now, all you need to remember is this; that shard will be the birth of your own uniqueness. Use your intent and interact with it. Don't fight it, attune with it," Fuhrer instructed before silently watching Apollo's next actions. 

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