The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 232 - Confrontation With The World


"It seems that the Monarch's Absolute Tenebrosity is posing to be difficult for you isn't it? Furthermore, it appears your time in Ashiraem is exhausting quickly. Before, it didn't seem like it, but now that I look at you closely, it seems that your connection is waning," Fuhrer stated while watching Apollo fail to grasp the Tenebrosity any further.


On the other hand, Apollo also felt the same thing Fuhrer was speaking about. He could feel his connection with Ashiraem slipping away. Before he tried to learn this technique, his connection was vibrant. Now, that couldn't be said. Not only was it becoming harder to grasp this technique.

The residual Ira in the atmosphere was becoming harder to sense as well. With each passing hour, the feat grew in difficulty. However, even if he was to be ejected at this very moment, Apollo was happy with what he gained from this visit. On top of reaching Level 110, he also completed two of his grand objectives. Additionally, he was now connected to one of the strongest demons in history. 

If he had to sum up this trip, there was only one word, eventful. Nevertheless, Apollo still continued to try and get as much done as possible. However, when his progress in the technique stagnated, Apollo frowned. Fortunately, Fuhrer understood what Apollo was facing at the moment and chuckled.

"Although you have grasped part of it, it seems that you'll be unable to continue any further than this," Fuhrer stated before approaching Apollo. As he raised finger to Apollo's forehead, a black light shimmered on it.

"This technique exists to serve as an empowering balance. In truth, you don't possess it. Anima feeds Sin, so that can't be counted as two different powers. They are one and the same. In other words, the technique you're using right now is the make Sin interact with each other and bind. However, since Ira is your sole Sin at the moment, you're unable to bring at the true ability of this technique.

"When you return to your world, make it your mission to find a way to stimulate another sin. If you need to, I suggest you commit demonic atrocities. The purer the Anima you create, the faster you will turn into a Greater Demon. However, in your pursuit of power, don't let your other technique suffer in the process," Fuhrer stated.

Thus, from that point on, Apollo ceased training in the tenebrous technique and started to settle down with simpler matters. First, he started to train his Anima reserves ceaselessly. When his internal system became too sensitive from the increased influx of energy, Apollo took a break.

Then, Apollo switched to training his Baleful Steps and Annihilations in the meantime. Each of his techniques began to slowly increase in mastery. Soon enough, the ambient particles were unaffected by the activation of his Umbra Phantom Mantle. Furthermore, he was able to sustain the mantle longer than he could initially. 

Unfortunately, the strain on his body was still very great. To overcome that, he'd need to possess the vessel required to counter the strenuous flow of energy. Fortunately, the stringent requirements of his advancements were slowly dwindling. Meanwhile, Fuhrer crossed his arms silently.

'His body should be at least 60% of the way to becoming a Greater Demon, however, his mind seems to be in an obscure state. While demonic, it isn't demonic enough. It seems he hasn't corrupted nor has he committed a massacre. Both of these are two large practices of a Demon. I won't urge him to do so, as he also needs his own reason to perform these actions,' Fuhrer mused while glancing at Apollo's staggering steps.

"That's enough. No more training, if you continue to do so, you'll overload your body. In the meantime, let me disclose to you some important matters. For example, I suggest you take a breather and start to dissect your techniques. Find the perfect combination for yourself. After all, every demon isn't one and the same," Fuhrer stated before unsheathing his sword.

While holding the hilt, he raised it between them. "In my case, you see that my two powers are Superbia and Ira. However, I also want you to understand that my leading Sin is Ira. My Superbia only exacerbates my Ira. Something you must understand is that all Sin can possess a relationship. However, the strongest combination comes from the volatile rejection of opposites," Fuhrer disclosed while the two colored energies twisted around his blade.

Silently, Apollo listened to the lesson as he once again witnessed Fuhrer's display. Numerous thoughts circulated through his mind as he watched. Firstly, a question came to mind.

"Can any and every Sin blend together?" Apollo questioned.

"It's possible, however, you must also know that there is a possibility of Sin Corruption. If the resulting power is stronger than either your mind or body can handle, then the Sin itself may take over. I'm not sure what your Trial of Rage was like, but I'm sure you at least had a small run-in with Ira, correct?" Fuhrer asked.

In response, Apollo nodded. In fact, a run-in would be an understatement in Apollo's case. Not only did Ira almost take over completely, most of its rampant energy nearly destroyed Apollo's internal system. Just thinking about it made Apollo frown due to his weakness.

Since his mind was more mature than it used to be, he realized that most of this was due to the weakness in his mind. Luckily, the Comprehension and Willpower stats also seemed to double as mind fortification. If these stats continued to increase at the same pace, then sometime in the future, he would approach the prerequisites needed to easily push aside the temptations of the sins.

"Yes, I have. I'm aware of the consciousness that the Sin all possess. I'm guessing from this point on, it will only get harder, right? According to Azridan, the power the Sin can utilize is at completely different levels during our future trials, right?

"Correct, but for you, it may be worse!" Fuhrer immediately responded. While his words perplexed Apollo, he then explained exactly what he meant, "Do you recall the Complete Sin Awakening I mentioned?"

"Yeah," Apollo answered but his mind started to connect the dots as he froze, "I...will have to deal with all the Sin simultaneously, won't I?"

"It is a definite possibility. This is especially so if you do, in fact, stimulate that awakening. But, don't fret. We Daemos have a few special abilities, when the time comes, I'll at least be able to guide you in the ways of Superbia and Ira," Fuhrer answered.

In response, Apollo nodded. Due to the time they spent together, Apollo had already started to foster a sense of deep trust with Fuhrer. While most of it came from this eerily familiar aura, Apollo's current mind also found Fuhrer nothing but trustworthy.

All of a sudden, Apollo felt a ripple leave his body. Not far away from him, the small-scale doorway presented itself. It appeared his time had come to an end here. But, before he left, something odd happened.

Fuhrer's vibrant eyes dulled and so did Apollo. A small chain of events took Apollo as they soon regained consciousness moments later. However, when they did so, they both understood that something was amiss with their mind.

As a result, Apollo immediately checked his status.


(Demon Monarch System) Lvl.4

Name: Apollo Kaiser

Race: Lesser Demon [57.15%]

Title: Azridan's Successor

Age: 14

Level: 110

Experience: 10.00%

Health: 94%

Demonic Anima Reserves: 5,650 units.



Body Cultivation Realm: ~Rank 9 Zul Warrior

Spirit Cultivation Realm: ~Rank 7 Spirit Apprentice

Meridians: Saint-Grade (Middle Tier)

Zuls: 15,000

Oz: 520

Strength: 600.0

Agility: 500.0

Intelligence: 520.0

Vitality: 400.0

Comprehension: 52.0

Willpower: 52.0

[«Traits»]- 5

«Pure Demonic Conversion»


[«Techniques»]- 7

«Umbra's Embrace»

«Incomplete Sin Armament» 1/3


[«Elemental Affinities»] 

Level 9: Darkness

Level 7: Fire, Metal, Wind, and Lightning

Level 5: Earth

Level 3: Space 


[«Demonic Servants»]

[Daemonic Avatar] Erus Fuhrer (Demon Knight) - The Tenebrous Master.

[Greater Demon] [Requires 5,000 units of Demonic Anima to summon.] 


[«Interdimensional Inventory»][«Inheritance»] [«Lucky Draw»]

Stat Points: 0

Immediately, Apollo's eyes widened. This summoning tab had Fuhrer's name in it! Furthermore, there was a connection between them now along with a requirement to summon him. As long as he possessed enough Demonic Anima, he would be able to summon him.

But, the consumption of his resources was also rather high. But, that was to be expected. After all, Fuhrer's parameters went far beyond Apollo. After this happened, the gate once again sucked Apollo inside.

At first, things went normally, but when Apollo landed inside Astarat, something was wrong. To put it in simple terms, it felt as if numerous eyes were watching him. He frowned as he looked around failing to sense anything.

Then, he realized something and looked up. 

"So that's what it is," Apollo frowned while gazing up. Now that his mind was stronger due to his earlier actions, he could sense a few things others couldn't. For example, there was a grand will bearing down on him at the moment!

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