The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 229 - Cardinal Daemonic Pact


Right as Apollo became weak, Fuhrer dashed to his aide. His whole demeanor did a reversal. The complete 180 shocked Apollo when he came back to his senses. Fuhrer's obsidian helmet retracted to reveal a slightly doting expression. He had already determined to follow through with his promise he made to himself as part of Apollo's identity was revealed.


"Forgive my unworthy behavior, my child. I swear to make it up to you," Fuhrer voiced before gently placing Apollo next to the sword buried in stone. As he looked at the injuries he caused in his rage, a pang of embarrassment flooded his mind.

'I have blasphemed my dear friend's legacy. Even if it was done unknowingly, it is still an act I committed nonetheless. No, an act is unfit, it should be called an atrocity,' Fuhrer inwardly thought. The turmoil presented by the fact Apollo was able to use that Zone for but a few fleeting moments was great.

As Apollo's blurry vision focused, he gazed upon Fuhrer, "I forgive you, but why are you calling me child and looking at me like that?" Apollo acquired while examining Fuhrer up and down.

"It is just that I have become privy to a bit of information. Sadly, it is not my place to reveal it to you. When it is time, you will experience everything yourself," Fuhrer responded before falling into a pensive state.

Meanwhile, Apollo just became further confused by his words. While Fuhrer understood would have no recollection of this matter, he didn't know Apollo's memories from right before the incident were temporarily affected as well.

In short, Apollo was unaware of Fuhrer's earlier behavior. But, quite frankly, even if he recalled it, he wouldn't pay it no mind. After all, he knew what it meant to experience unbridled rage. Not to mention, the root cause was closely related to Apollo.

Be that as it may, Fuhrer still continued with his behavior. Not out of fear, but out of respect ingrained in him towards the First Monarch. On the other hand, Apollo saw a small window appear before his eyes.

〈System Alert! There is a being capable of forming a contract close by. The established connection between you two will create a surplus of absolute loyalty.〉

As Apollo heard this, he looked at Fuhrer. At first, he couldn't believe the prompt the system gave him. According to Azridan, the instruction left behind by an unknown entity explained that the system's holder should not attempt to form a contract with a Demon strength that outclassed them by boundless margins.

In this case, that would be someone like Fuhrer. Even in his sealed state, he was at least 100 times stronger than Apollo if he exercised no restraint on his power. For some time, Apollo became silent. He didn't know whether or not it was appropriate to pose the question on his mind. 

However, as he recalled Fuhrer's desire to leave this place whether in body or spirit, he deliberated even further. 'Now that I think about it, he should be rather excited to leave this place. The only question that remains is whether or not a contract with him will work.'

Of course, since his mind resided at a higher level, while he couldn't see the prompt, he could easily read the unrest on Apollo's mind. "Is there something plaguing your mind? While we aren't extremely close, if there is a chance I can provide clarification, pose the question," Fuhrer offered.

In return, Apollo finally gave in. But, he didn't ask in a straightforward manner. Instead, he prodded to see how Fuhrer felt about certain things, "If I told you I already found a way to allow you to see the varying scenery of other places, how would you feel? Give your honest answer."

In the beginning, Fuhrer was sure Apollo was playing with him and just attempting to make small talk. However, when he looked into his eyes and saw the lack of faltering that should accompany a joke, he realized Apollo truly intended to receive a serious answer!

Of course, that didn't mean Fuhrer immediately believed Apollo was capable of doing such a thing, 'No way, how could he possibly achieve something that not even an initial Daemos, let alone a Lesser Demon could accomplish. However, if he is truly related to him, then he should be able to perform miracles if the proper events align themselves. Let me hear what he has to say,' Fuhrer mused.

Then, he voiced his feelings on the matter, "If that was truly the case, I would be happy to accompany you on your journey to power. However, it's more complicated than you know for me to leave this place. As I have told you, I have sacrificed myself to seal the opening in the void. I am the key to the shroud that covers us demons."

"I understand, but it doesn't hurt to try, does it? What else do we have to lose? If we fail, we just find another way to get you out of this place. If we succeed then more power to us," Apollo answered. 

After some thought, Fuhrer agreed as well. Thus, Apollo proceeded forth. When he moved closer to Fuhrer, the prompt from earlier appeared once again. This time, he didn't leave it alone. 

Due to his actions, another set of prompts appeared.

〈System Alert! The Demon in question resides at a level completely beyond you. If you form a contract with them, there is a chance of them overpowering your mind. Despite the danger, do you still wish to continue? [Y/N]?〉

Before answering, Apollo looked at Fuhrer. As he thought about how long this Demon had been sealed here, he didn't hesitate any longer. Without further delay, he selected Yes. However, something he didn't expect happened.

Initially, he thought it failed due to the lack of any change. But then, the system generated further information. 

〈System Alert! Due to the fact that you are trying to form a contract with a piece, the parameters of the contract have been changed. Additionally, since it is the largest piece, a normal contract can't be given. Do you wish to form a Cardinal Daemonic Pact? [Y/N]? 〉

Now, Apollo was stumped. Let alone this new pact, Apollo was barely familiar with a normal contract. Hence, he was stumped. Luckily, it wasn't the case for long. Coupled with another prompt, Fuhrer looked at Apollo with an obscure gaze.

'Why can he enact a Daemonic Pact? That is a pact between two Daemos. Something is amiss. The Monarch must have left him a path to retrace his initial steps. However, his path also seems to be veering slightly when compared to his. Maybe he intends for him to truly succeed him,' Fuhrer thought.

"If you wish to form a Daemonic Pact with me, I will gladly form it. I will just need to sever my ties with my old friend," Fuhrer voiced without much apprehension. In his eyes, whether Apollo or his old friend, they both held the same significance.

On the other hand, Apollo raised his hand, "Wait. Don't do that." First, he accepted yes. Then, he waited.

〈System Alert! The conditions of the Cardinal Daemonic Pact are being determined. E R R O R! There is the presence of a pact on this being already.〉

〈O V E R R I D E!! The terms of the Cardinal Daemonic Pact have been deemed to be identical to the prior one. As a result, the pacts will now be merged into one with you taking place as the new primary holder.〉

Afterward, a painful process took place and Fuhrer and Apollo interchanged a piece of their Souls. Additionally, Fuhrer was surprised. Usually, the pact would ask what they would like to use as the grounds for the pact.

In the past, Fuhrer made his by utilizing his spine. It symbolized his willingness to leave his back to his sworn brother. At the same time, he viewed the Monarch as his backbone. If there was ever a time he couldn't trust him, then there was not a chance of him trusting another person. 

Moreover, the spine held significance to him as it was an important piece in comprehending the Sin of Superbia.

Once the pain was over, a change took place to Apollo's status as well as mind. More importantly, numerous rewards awaiting him as he cleared two objectives at once! 

Contrarily, Fuhrer looked down at himself and felt no difference other than the presence in his mind. For now, they didn't understand what they should do to learn the effects of what they did. The effects were still being generated by the system since this was a first!

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