The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 217 - Deterioration Of Astarat's Condition


As the two followed Geneva, Apollo glanced at the other students doing their own things. For some odd reason, it was like they couldn't sense them. It was then his Tainted Temple began to show him what was really happening.


To the others, these three didn't have a presence. However, Geneva simply manipulated their shadows to conceal everything. This was one of her specialties, she used the mastered form of Umbra's Embrace to always stay in the shadows. This revelation made Apollo fear her slightly.

If she couldn't be sensed, how would he know when he was being watched. Thus, something told him to move as cautiously as possible. Until he could combat the instructors at the very least, he wouldn't consider breaking the rules. On the other hand, Sapphyr acted as if this was a usual occurrence.

"Why the face? The Headmaster is one of the top 5 users of the Dark Elements. Although she looks young, she is older than both of us combined," Sapphyr said while chuckling.

But, Geneva glanced over her shoulder and shot Sapphyr a glare, "It isn't polite to discuss a lady's age, now is it? Furthermore, we aren't in the presence of others. Shouldn't you be calling me something?"

"Uhm, yes Aunty!" Sapphyr nodded obediently. Upon hearing this, Apollo's eyes widened. Although there was barely any resemblance, Apollo started to notice something. There was a faint similarity in their auras, specifically, the frequency of the darkness fluctuation when they utilized it.

"Aunty?" Apollo stated while tilting his head to the side. 

"Mhm, this is my father's half-sister. In other words, I'm part Vermillion and part Braum," Sapphyr responded. Shortly after, the tips of her hair changed color and turned the same color as Geneva.

"Even though you are my niece, I can't show you any more favoritism. I already used all my ties to get your away from the Braums at the request of your father. But, I have to uphold my image. There are certain instructors who wanted that spot and to quell them, I had to use my authority," Geneva said before coming to a stop.

Before them, a familiar face with a creepy smile stood. 

"Ahem, Miss Headmaster, may I borrow that lad behind you?" Robyn chuckled while pointing at Apollo.

"No, you may not. I need him for a moment. There are some things we need to discuss. Once we're done, you may have your prized possession back. Or, did you think I wasn't aware of your two little deals, hmm?" Geneva gave a knowing smile.

In response, Robyn choked and started to whistle innocently, "Sure, that will work. In the meantime, I also have something to discuss with you. We've made a discovery and it may be a vital one at that."

After he revealed this, Robyn gave Geneva a signal with his eyes. As a result, she nodded, "Come with us as well then. Tell me about what you've found."

Upon gesturing to him, Robyn joined the party. Rather than paying attention to rest, his eyes gleamed while looking at Apollo, "Hoh? The Umbra's Embrace. What a surprise, maybe I can teach you how to control this as well. What a treat. You're following the path of-

"Quiet!" Geneva interjected, shooting Robyn a meaningful look. Naturally, he understood what she meant and fell quiet. Since Apollo was a freshman and wasn't privy to free matters, there were some events that couldn't be discussed around him yet.

"If you become the leading Child of War, I'll personally tell you what this old man is trying to reveal to you. Which she shouldn't be," Geneva stated.

Moments later, they all traveled quietly in the direction of the Administration Hall's top office. After several moments, they arrived before the luxurious office door. Unlike what Apollo thought, it didn't actually open.

Geneva placed her hand on the door and slipped through. Every door in this place was outfitted with extremely detailed inscriptions. The appearance of a door was just a facade. In truth, it was more fit to call it a portal. As everyone entered, another person was inside.

In fact, Apollo was surprised. Since the first day of coming here and engaging in small combat with the others, this was the first time he had seen Irauk since then, "Where have you been?" Apollo questioned with narrowed eyes.

"Around," Irauk shrugged, replying lightheartedly. On the other hand, as he opened his eyes and looked at Apollo, he sensed something that felt appetizing to him, "Hoh? I sense a high flame on you. Where did you obtain that?"

'Appetizing? Is he talking about my Hellfire that keeps undergoing subtle changes? But, if so, why can he sense flames? No, not that I think about it, something was off about Irauk before I fainted, I could have sworn he consumed part of my flames,' Apollo internalized while scrutinizing Irauk.

The more he looked at Irauk, the more he felt like he was trying to blend in. This only happened when one didn't truly belong. Thus, Apollo started to question Irauk's origins himself. Of course, he didn't press the matter. As he was now, he held no ability to acquire the answers he sought.

In the meantime, Geneva took a seat behind her desk. Placing her hands under her chin, she leaned forward, "Everyone, please take a seat; we have some matters to discuss."

As they each took a seat, Geneva first looked at Robyn, "You first, what did you need to discuss?"

"Is it okay to discuss these matters in front of the new lad?" Robyn questioned. Without hesitation, she gave the okay. Ever since Irauk implored her to give Apollo the diamond offer, she had her eyes on him. When went toe to toe with a Spirit, she was impressed. 

This made his claim a cemented spot on her watchlist. And, those on her watchlist were only one type of trainee—the Children of War.

"Very well, we have been excavating additional Spiritual Veins and we have come across an issue. Some of them are showing signs of corruption, I think one of those may awaken once again," Robyn said with a solemn expression.

For a moment, Geneva was silent then she sought confirmation, "Do you mean the birth of a Disaster-Grade Terror?"

"No," Robyn replied before adding what he meant to say, "It feels even worse, the speed of corruption is faster than we can cleanse. Approximately 50 days ago, it randomly picked up pace, it's as if Astarat itself is trying to give us a warning. I think we should allow the freshman to enter that place earlier. If the corruption hastens, the space linked to those veins may become unstable."

"I'll authorize it," Geneva said after giving the matter some thought. The appearance of a Disaster-Grade was bad enough, if something worse appeared, it would be a catastrophe. 

Unbeknownst to them, there was a reason Astarat was reacting this way. If one pieced it together, this event only took place as a certain accident took place.

"As for you, Irauk tells me you possess a variant flame. May I see what form it is in? And I would like you to release it as violently as possible," Geneva said while looking directly at Apollo.

At first, he was shocked among other things. According to her, only she could issue the special pass for dual admission. And, based on what she was asking, it seemed as if she wanted to give him one. While she said the first month it would be impossible, grasping a partial inheritance on his first try changed her mind.

"But, aren't you afraid of this place being damaged?" Apollo asked. Be that as it may, he still rose to his feet to take action.

In response, she simply snapped her fingers. A burst of abyss black flame spread out in a ring. However, a light on the wall illuminated and then immediately swallowed it. If I'm unable to damage this place, what makes you think you can?"

In accordance with her words, Apollo simply smiled. Unlike before, his eyes shimmered with a ravishing crimson before releasing his aura in its full glory.

"Oh my, a dark blame with a beautiful silver color?" Geneva muttered before rising to her feet from her chair. With rhythmic steps, she approached Apollo and held out a finger. 

Although he wanted to warn her not to touch, he was unable to do so as she moved much faster than he did. But, what she did next made Apollo gulp. 

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