The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 195 - Overbearing Guidance (I)


"Before your questions deepen, I shall tell you right now. I am not the first Demon Monarch. However, I was alive during his reign. If you want to know my true identity, you'd have to properly succeed the Demon Monarch's mantle. Only then will I reveal to you who I am. Secondly, you also need to find one who is worthy of the Tenebrous Sword," Fuhrer announced before holding his hand up towards Apollo.


"Now, as I said before, that is only the second strike. You still need to withstand 8 more of such blows. I will only allow you 30 seconds before I move again," Fuhrer smiled. However, this time, a ghastly purplish aura appeared around the hilt of his sword. While it didn't move, it permeated towards the bottom of his weapon's blade.

Meanwhile, Apollo took the time granted to him to stimulate his anima as much as possible. However, he soon realized his energy was near bottoming out. 'These two hits drained over 90% of my energy? What…'

Upon noticing the change in Apollo's expression, Fuhrer took a guess at what he was experiencing, "I'm guessing the consumption of an Iraym's Smoldering Healing ability is more than you can handle huh? By now, your Pure Demonic Anima should be nearly exhausted right?"

Apollo gave a silent nod. Everything Fuhrer mentioned was correct. Everything about an Iraym was new to him and to acclimate to it would take some time. However, time wasn't something that Fuhrer seemed to be giving him. 

Fortunately, Fuhrer didn't seem to be the type to leave zero ways out, "Why do you possess Noble Practices yet fail to utilize them?"

'Noble Practices? What is he talking about? I've never heard of such things,' Apollo thought. At a loss, he gave Fuhrer a dumbfounded expression.

"Oh? Has Azridan not told what Noble Practices are? Interesting. He should've, seeing as I was the one who taught the one in his possession to him. Nevertheless, I am talking about the Baleful Steps and the Annihilations. He had given these prized techniques to you, no? I sense the aura in your pathways," Fuhrer questioned. 

"No, I ask that you tell me now?" Apollo answered. Although he could infer what they meant, he didn't want to speculate and then lose out on vital information. After all, there was nothing more valuable than teachings from one who has surpassed that level. Not to mention, it was also someone who gave birth to an individual that nearly succeeded the Demon Monarch.

"Very well. How should I put this, ah! In short, Noble Practices are the techniques that possess the ability to drive one across the Noble Boundary. Some may be powered by Sin, others by Chaos, but that all have something in common—while aiming towards the pinnacle, they seek to propel one towards the realm of the Daemos."

"And, this Noble Boundary, that is?" Apollo rubbed his chin in thought. 

"The realm holding the prerequisite to the power of Seven Lords. Let me break it down for you, the can only be 7 Lords in a generation. But, the position of Lord is open to anyone who becomes a Noblesse. However, if one announces their journey to Monarchhood, then they forfeit the right to participate in this battle.

"If that's the case, how can there only be 7 Lords at a time? Surely, there are demons who reach this realm, no?" Apollo responded. While all this seemed very interesting, there seemed to be darker powers at play here. If there could only be 7 Lords, what happened to the Noblesse who didn't seek to attempt the Monarch's trials? 

"Of course. But, once you reach this level, something inevitable happens. No matter how much they resist, the two absolute Primal Sin sources seek to meld as one. Thus, the newborn Noblesse is drawn towards the existing Lord," Fuhrer answered. At the same time, he took notice of Apollo's physique recovering by a substantial degree.

'His Smoldering Regeneration seems rather abnormal. It's a shame his body is incapable of handling that Noble practice. If so, I would have taught it to him. Maybe on his next journey here. I just hope this youth has what it takes to release me from this seal. I have guarded the Tenebrous Sword for far too long,' Fuhrer sighed internally. 

While he came here of his own accord in the past, now that he had been here for countless millennia, the bleak daily passage numbed his soul. In truth, his sword wished to taste the flames of battle once again. But, with his current state, an unsealing would most like result in his perishing.

"That is?" Apollo perked up. This information while beyond his current knowledge, it interested him. For some odd reason, something told him he had to confront the Lord. Furthermore, this feeling also hinted that it had nothing to do with this conversation. It was something much larger.

"By establishing the Lone Oath. This special circumstance creates a special restraint. For now, at least, it's just a safety measure. However, half of the possession of the Nobless goes to the Lord. Now, we have talked long enough, prepare for the third strike," Fuhrer exclaimed.

As he moved his arms, his feet remained rooted in place. But, as Apollo looked at the towering wave of purplish energy hurtling towards him, his jaw gaped. 'I-isn't this the Demonic Massacre Wave, but why does it feel different. Also, it's reaching the ceiling! What a monstrous output.'

In response, Apollo exhausted the rest of his Demonic Anima as quickly. In return, a Demonic Massacre Wave less than one-tenth of the one Fuhrer released met his strike. Albeit slightly, he curved the blow into the wall next to him. Be that as it may, Fuhrer's eyes narrowed.

'That weapon around his hand. Where have I seen it before? I didn't realize it before because of its dormant state, but isn't that a Forsaken Weapon? Why does he have the weapon of him? Interesting, I must know your destiny even more,' Fuhrer determined.

On the other hand, Apollo dropped to his knees and gasped. The sudden exhaustion of his energy left him feeling faint. If it weren't for the upgrade of his internal, he would have undoubtedly fainted by now. Yet, Apollo smiled. From Fuhrer's display, he could tell what he lacked.

"There is no intent within your Annihilation. If you continue down this path, you will never gain absolute mastery over these techniques. Still, since I have taken a liking to you, I will give you an example of all the techniques you can utilize right now. If you show an exemplary comprehension, I may even show the subsequent level," Fuhrer bartered.

"Give me...5 minutes," Apollo panted in response. Shortly after, he continued, "You never assigned a time limit. So I should be able to request the duration of recuperation, right?"

"Correct. I'm glad you caught wind of this. When I posed it to Azridan in the past, it took him 7 strikes to muster the courage to ask. Then again, it also took 7 blows to push him to this point. I believe he was an Archdemon already back then," Fuhrer nodded. While Apollo recovered, he reminisced of the days he trained Azridan.

'They possess similar tenacity, but there is also something different about this boy. Maybe their pasts are similar, however, the way they have accepted it is not. Well, there may also be different circumstances surrounding them. Azridan's father was a Lord and so was his mother but he was a hidden child. Besides I, I'm not sure many others are privy to this.'

Not long after Fuhrer started reminiscing, Apollo roused him from his stupor, "Fuhrer, I am ready. We may go again."

Naturally, Fuhrer obliged. Once again, he executed the Demonic Massacre Wave. In fact, the 4th to 8th strikes were all this technique. By the time Apollo experienced the 5th hit of this technique, not only did nearly 2 days pass, his lacking intent already showed signs of making progress.

This advancement was due to witnessing the damage done to the rocks surrounding them. Even after the wave disappeared, the aura of death lingered on. No, it was more correct to call it slaughter.

With the 9th strike, Fuhrer finally switched to Nether Severance. However, Apollo didn't even attempt to contest. He tried to evade the Partial Shade Silhouette. Unfortunately, it was useless. Fuhrer pulled a strange movement and the Nether Severance reacted by encasing itself in a dark aura that made it impossible to sense.

"Your mind is limited. You aren't the only thing these techniques can be used on. For this last strike, I will do something special. Although I have to warn you, it may end your stay here early. So, choose wisely. Do you think you have gained from this venture yet?" Fuhrer questioned in a solemn tone.

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