The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 187 - Orthodox Path To The Nihilistic Rings


While the power-up Apollo experienced felt great, when his rational mind recovered, he looked at it from a whole perspective. Even if he gained temporary power, it wasn't the true fix for his current issues. They all stemmed from a singular notion, he needed to evolve beyond a Lesser Demon. 


There was only so much he could accomplish while remaining at this level. Everything rested on him being capable of taking the next step and quickly at that. Every day that passed was one less day before the suppression on the Infernal Ira Stigmata wore off. At that point, his demise would be determined.

Thus, Apollo exhaled and looked at Ouroboros. "You said you wanted to join me the next time I venture back to that place, right? What if I tell you we can go there soon enough? I just need to make sure that I recover to my current peak state first."

"Really, Master? Are you serious! Yes, yes, a million times yes. Take me with you. I want to see what you did. Looking through your memories is boring! I want to experience on my own," Ouroboros answered. He teemed with excitement as he teleported to Apollo's and slithered around it.

However, Apollo was more shocked by the actions he just performed. "Ouroboros, did you just teleport?"

"Oh, yes. After our talk, I focus on my current abilities. I found that although I can't go where you want me to go, I can still move around within a small radius of myself without restriction!" Ouroboros exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Apollo fell silent. 'I wonder, will he be able to do this in Ashiraem? Compared to this world, the environment is many times more solid. And, that is just what I experienced with my soul. It's quite hard to imagine just what would happen if I go there the correct way. 

On the other hand, Ouroboros nudged Apollo's cheek impatiently, "Master, when can we go? How long will it take?"

In response, Apollo scratched his scale and responded, "In should take less than a day."

Afterward, both of them fell silent. Ouroboros watched Apollo as he recovered and Apollo searched through the information in his mind simultaneously. Soon enough, he found the piece of instruction related to entering Ashiraem. In fact, it detailed how to enter all of the Nihilistic Rings but he didn't possess the required powers to do so.

Thus, he was restricted to this one source. Nevertheless, this was more than enough for the current him. After all, his mission had no requirements of him venturing to other places. In fact, not even the current one required him to enter Ashiraem.

While that may be the case on the surface, it wasn't truly the case. If Apollo didn't enter Ashiraem, there was absolutely no way to evolve into a Greater Demon on Astarat, race wise at least. For him to do so, he needed to reach a certain standard.

And to do that, he would need the Demon Monarch System to reach at least the 4th level. In actuality, this was one of the reason's achieving the 4th level was rated amongst the immediate objectives for him to complete. However, that was easier said than done.

To do so, it would require him to do 1 of three things. Firstly, he would need to bathe within his own Hellfire that reached the Greater Demon standard until his entire body was cleansed. This would then trigger the evolution of the system.

Secondly, he could form a servant contract with his first Demon. This would cement him in the way of the Monarch, the one who rules by control and authority. However, that was an even harder option for him as of right. 

Unlike what was known to the Lords and those attempting to succeed the Monarch, he didn't control any Lesser Demons. Due to his magnificence, all the Lesser Demons followed him of his own accord. The lowest being the Monarch controlled forcefully was a peak Greater Demon. 

In other words, to properly succeed him, Apollo would need to follow in his exact footsteps at the very least. Unfortunately, if that was the case, APollo was a long way away from doing so. 

However, that only rang true if he was alone, which he wasn't. As of right now, there was already a few tools at his dispense that others would never be able to come in contact with. For example, the system itself. Although it didn't present an overwhelming advantage, it was his ticket to glory.

Nevertheless, after 12 continuous hours, Apollo recovered to beyond his peak state. Now thrumming with power, Apollo rose to his feet. Upon doing so, he also retrieved a number of items. Specifically, he withdrew 20 Fragments of Sin and 2 Cystrallized Chaos. 

According to Saehtyn, the item of chaos he used wasn't the true issue. The problem with his arrival lay in the way he utilized it. From what he sensed, he could tell Apollo used it alone. So, he told him the correct way to do so.

Contrary to absorbing the energy inside, Apollo first crushed the 20 Fragments of Sin into a pile of dust before him. Afterward, he also crushed the two Crystallized Chaos. If he was unlearned, he would have stopped here, but he was far from done.

As he closed his eyes, Apollo focused on the Ira in his body. Once it was stimulated, he slit his palm and let his blood filled with Ira flow onto the pile. Only after 20 drops landed, one for every Fragment of Sin, did the color and sensation change. 

Turbulence arose that soon quieted down. Since it settled, Apollo continued with his actions. This time, he took his finger and started to etch a large diagram on the floor. When each portion was completed, a sizzling noise could be heard from the lines. 

Additionally, Apollo could feel the drawing draining power through his finger, 'This must be why Saehtyn said this isn't typically used. Only when a Demon sets out to conquer worlds once meeting a barrier in their path to more power would they use this. However, most of them could do so like breathing as they would be attempting to become Archdemons at that point.

Fortunately, it wasn't an overly demanding practice. By the time he completed the diagram, Apollo still possessed over 50% of his reserves. Of course, this could only be acclimated to the increase in his reserves from his prior advancement.

As he was now, his reserves made a sizable jump from just under 3,100 to an even 3,600. That was a more than 10% increase. In comparison to the pain he withstood, Apollo felt this jump was reasonable. Anything less and he would feel as if he was wronged.

While he mulled over this, the diagram trembled. Before him, a tiny crack appeared that soon started to expand. As he looked at its growth rate, Apollo doubted whether or not is was capable of allowing a person through.

In its current form, it was smaller than half of his body. At most, it seemed like it could only let through Ouroboros. However, that was only for now. Shortly after his doubts arrived, so did a notification.

〈System Alert! Due to your actions, you have learned the ability Infernal Doorway (Rudimentary).〉

Ability Name: Infernal Doorway Summoning

Rank: Abysmal

Level: Rudimentary

Information: By melding the Chaos and Sin together, the path to demon-hood is awakened. However, based on the purity of the items used to awaken this ability, it falls under a rudimentary use.

Duration: Equal to the Sin Volume sacrificed x 120 seconds.

Cooldown: 30 days.


〈System Alert! As of right now, you're capable of staying in Ashiraem for a limited time. As you arrive, a timer above your head will appear.〉 

All of a sudden, the crack expanded to the size of Apollo. In the meantime, Apollo looked back and nodded to Ouroboros. Since there was a duration to stay, without hesitation, Apollo stepped inside.

In a matter of moments, he arrived on the other side. At first, he was disoriented due to the rough travel. But, once he examined his surroundings, Apollo nodded. 

"So, as I thought, Saehtyn has some sort of control over my location," Apollo muttered. The beacon on him caused his arrival to be at least 10,000 kilometers away from the castle. At this distance, the large castle looked like no more than a typical pillar.

Nevertheless, Apollo didn't feel a hint of frustration. In fact, he was delighted by his current location.

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