The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 180 - Exhausted Link


The longer Apollo was subject to Saehtyn's aura, the more dreadful it felt. Slowly, his feet indented the floor as the pressure bearing down on him amplified. In response, Saehtyn silently inspected Apollo's reaction to his aura.


At first, the reaction was subpar. However, as the matters of his soul were laid bare, Saehtyn rubbed his chin in thought, "So that's what it is. Although you were initially weak, you're even weaker due to the route you took here. Whatever object of chaos you used is inferior."

As Apollo tried to lift his neck, his bones creaked, "Yes, this was all done on a whim. It wasn't my intent to come here. I'm well aware of how weak I am in the grand scheme of things," he answered. Finally, after much effort, he was able to raise his head and look Saehtyn in his eyes.

"Now, by all means, answer my question. What is Azridan's last name?" Saehtyn pressed on.

With a deep exhale, Apollo spoke the demon tongue, "T'hkrain."

"Correct. However, do you know his true identity? I mean the one that supersedes his attempt at becoming the Monarch," Saehtyn asked. While doing so, he leaned closer to Apollo, examining his physique. Albeit faint, he could smell some notable Ira coming off of him.

"No, Master said until I am strong enough, he wouldn't disclose his history to me," Apollo answered without fail. Upon receiving this answer, Saehtyn smiled and released his aura.

"All truths, that sounds like that old man. However, I will give you a hint. He was the pinnacle of a demon forged through war. In battle, that man was unsurpassed. It's a shame he vested most of his attention to accepting the inheritance in the end. Heh, they think the veil is over us Lord's eyes but that is far from the case," Saehtyn grumbled with a solemn expression.

Shortly after, his expression turned neutral as he looked over Apollo, "It seems Ira is the first Sin. If you travel the path of the upcoming Monarch then you'll venture through all the Sin. But, it seems you have some experiences that are unresolved. The way you approach Ira at the moment is wrong."

"Then, are you capable of giving me pointers?" Apollo implored. Unlike his usual strong-willed demeanor, he was lowering his head. "If I'm not mistaken, you should be the ruler of this Ring, no? That means you're called Lord Saehtyn, right?"

Naturally, it wasn't surprising that Apollo was lowering his head right now. After all, the being who stood before him was the First Lord - The Emperor of Wrath, Ira's Contractor—Saehtyn. When it came to the attainments in Ira, as Azridan mentioned once before, he was nearly unsurpassed.

Not only was he the sole individual to come close to subduing Ira, but he was also a Noblesse who evolved beyond the limits of an Archdemon. On a whim, he could control Ira in a way that required Apollo to utilize every ounce of his soul.

Nevertheless, it seemed to be Apollo's fortune. Typically, beings of his stature would be haughty and immediately reject this idea of imparting pointers. However, this couldn't be said to be the case. In fact, Saehtyn looked at Apollo with interest. As of now, it was unknown just how deep his tiers with Azridan went.

"Correct, that is my name. However, before I give you pointers, tell me. What is Ira and how do you depict Wrath?" Before answering, Saehtyn posed a question of his own. He needed to understand Apollo's current comprehension of this power.

Thus, Apollo delivered an answer, "Ira is a being that is neither alive nor dead. But, Wrath is what it generates and it is an emotion. Beyond that, I don't know much else. For the moment, I'm without guidance," Apollo revealed.

As a result, Saehtyn nodded in acceptance. "At least you are honest with yourself. If you were complacent with your trivial attainments, I would have let you where you stood. If it is one thing I hate, it is someone who acts haughtier than their ability allows. Nonetheless, I will give you guidance amid your short remainder here."

"First, show me your chest. Although this is just your soul avatar, I have my ways of ascertaining what your current standing is," Saehtyn instructed. At the same time, he moved his left hand in a strange way. Not long after, a symbol appeared in the sky before Saehtyn's hand.

Needless to say, Apollo obliged and moved his top robe. Although his skin was bare, once Saehtyn performed his next actions, the outline of Apollo's stigmata appeared. For a moment, Saehtyn was pensive, but then he realized what happened.

"An abnormal trial that gave birth to your irregular stigmata, I see. Very well, there are a few things I need to tell you. Firstly, this symbol has another effect beyond revealing your true state, it will prohibit you from coming within 10,000 kilometers of that castle in the distance," Saehtyn disclosed.

Afterward, Saehtyn tapped his nail over Apollo's heart. From the center, a rune circle expanded over his chest until it melded with his heart. Once it was done, Apollo didn't feel any difference which obviously baffled him for a short while.

"Are you saying I can't seek further guidance from you?" Apollo muttered. It would be a lie if he said he didn't feel slightly displeased about this.

"No, that is not why I've put this symbol on you. It is due to my Archdemons that patrol the perimeter of the castle. They are perceptive to new sources of Ira and they don't take lightly to intrusions. Even though I rule over them, they're not the bunch that is easy to control. Thus, I leave them to their own devices," Saehtyn answered, before continuing.

"Secondly, this symbol is the guidance you seek. When you return to whence you came, this symbol laid on your Infant Heart of Wrath will walk you through what you lack. Not only do you need to engrave your Sin on your Infernal Nucleus, but you also need to link the mirror aspects of Ira together. Once you do that, you will enter a new realm of power," Saehtyn said.

Before Apollo could reply, Saehtyn stopped him. This time, he offered some insight, "When you're strong enough, only then can you approach my castle. Upon Azridan's return, I don't want to be blamed for compromising your safety. After all, he isn't someone I can handle.

"In the meantime, let me correct a few things. One, you must remember that Ira is power. Don't treat it as an emotion. Treat it as a separate being and bond with it. Once you allow yourself to become vulnerable, you will understand that Ira is an omnipotent Sin.

"Two, focus on the broad thing before you pay attention to the minuscule. If you start from the small aspects, you hinder your growth. The deeper your comprehension becomes, the more the intricacies become clear. Before that happens, don't force anything. Do you understand?" 

After digesting the information, Apollo nodded. For the most part, he understood what Saehtyn was trying to tell him. He was focusing entirely too much on trying to perfect everything related to the engravement without taking a step back and studying his Stigmata's formation.

"Very well. Not only is your time coming to an end. So is mine. Allow me to send you back safely as I return to where I came from," Saethyn announced. A moment later, his stature continued to expand. Soon enough, he returned to his natural state.

However, his appearance was slightly different than before. Part of his aura seemed to be unrestrained as a crown of silver flames appeared around his 4 royal horns flowing with magma. Additionally, a mantle composed of Hellfire of an obscene purity draped down his shoulder.

In light of this appearance, Apollo's jaw dropped. Simply put, the current appearance of Saehtyn was one of absolute power. This was a realm that Apollo aspired to reach. Thus, his desires were ignited once again.

On the other hand, Saehtyn held out his palm. A stream of energy caused Apollo's figure to fade from this world as Saehtyn continued to stare at the spot for a moment.

Once Apollo was completely gone, Saehtyn muttered to himself, "I don't know what compels me to help that little one but something about him feels different." For a while, Saehtyn paused. "Things are changing and this is needed. Not to mention, the visit of those 4 are becoming more frequent. Yet, to me, their momentum seems underwhelming."

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