The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 169 - The Chosen Academy (II)


"I...was thinking about entering the Holy Veritas Academy. I got offered a standard silver seat, so there was no increase in the resources given. At first, I was skeptical but after seeing your arm, I know my answer now. I will find a way to make your arm better, so I'll enter it for sure," Lily asserted as she raised her hand to touch Aaron's shoulder.


Although the remnants of pain were still there, he didn't wince. During the past two weeks, Aaron had already come to terms with his lost arm. He understood that remaining in a somber mood because of it would do no good. However, another blow to his already fragile mental state came as a shock.

The energy Aran left inside of him obliterated his Sword Intent. Albeit rudimentary, that intent was still the leading way of increasing the potency of his attacks. Furthermore, if one became well versed it in, when they ran out of Natural Essence, Intent which was formed by the mind would still be active.

Yet, despite his former diligence, this path seemed to be destroyed for Aaron. Day by day, his intent crumbled further, until finally, it was no more. All that remained in his body, was the tyrannical energy left by his half brother. Even if he wanted to claim it as his own, there was no manual left behind on how to harness the foreign spear intent. 

Not to mention, he didn't possess any experience in the spear. That instant he copied Aran was just a fleeting one-time thing. It was all due to the spontaneous awakening of his Dongguang Celestial Spear Bloodline. Thus, without his Sword Intent, the offer from the Victorious Sword Academy was revoked.

To make matters worse, the Dongguang Family were the only ones who didn't back an Academy. Their military might was strictly made up of their descendants. To enter their legion, not only did one have to wield the spear, they needed to be a Dongguang. Aaron's problem, however, was the fact he didn't know where that family was.

Apparently, the reason Supreme Families were able to retain their power was because of two things. However, the relevant one now was the location. As mentioned before, Pangea Island attached to every continent. 

Due to this attachment, at the site of those ethereal chains, a relatively small area sporting extremely pure Essence was birthed. These areas are where the Supreme Families established their headquarters. Therefore, whether or not they visited the Pangea Island often, they wouldn't lose out.

Fortunately, Aaron's paths weren't sealed. Irauk's offer still stood and he offered to bring him there in the future. It was unknown why, but he did. As such, he found his choice, "I'll choose the Vermillion Night Academy. Master Irauk has told me he'll help with my current situation."

"Good choice, I'll be attending the same academy. Furthermore, you don't need to worry about a lack of cultivation materials. Just as you sacrificed for me, I will do that same. One must always abide by their word," Apollo added while waiting for the rest to finish their choice.

A large list appeared above everyone's heads. The list read the names of the Academies and the names of those who chose to attend certain ones. When some people saw a few names in mismatched Academies, they were bewildered. It had to be known, students would have to spend a minimum of 3 years in these Academies.

If they sacrificed 3 yeast training in something outside of their specialties, then that was extremely detrimental to their growths. Although broadening your horizons sometimes served as a good thing, that wasn't true for the period where one needed to solidify their foundations.

Moreover, the World Reclamation Task Force comprised numerous different Legions. One person didn't need to learn everything. Each Legion was tasked with a specific set of takes. Additionally, more often than not, the Legions would come together to form one large battle and deploy a mass of specialized units. They were better known as the Special Terror Annihilation Units.

Meanwhile, Odessa's eyes zeroed in on a single name, "I told Auntie to give him a special spot, did she not do it? The Holy Veritas is one of the 3 Great Academies, how could he turn it down? Furthermore, I told him already, he didn't have to join the Academy Irauk stayed in. Why didn't he listen!?" Odessa seethed as she stomped her foot.

"What's the issue? Sirius questioned as he turned towards Odessa. Ever since she got back, she seemed on edge. She even did things out of the ordinary such as contacting the family headquarters for favors.

"That boy! Apollo, I had a deal with him. But, I don't know how good his word is. He said he'd join me, yet he didn't grab the olive branch that I extended," Odessa whined. Although she knew the deal was for the Task Force, she just couldn't bring herself to fully trust him.

"Oi, I thought I told you not to seek out that boy? It's as if you become more defiant as the years go by. Fine, I'll let you learn on your own. I will not interfere," Sirius said. This time, he was adamant in his decision. After learning of Irauk's true ability, he was well aware this wasn't a person he wanted to offend.

"No! I did listen. Our deal doesn't stand until years later. However, I still want to monitor that conniving Alistair. You know how he is, he comes and goes. I have no way of knowing what Academy he will choose. OH! That's it, I'll just join the same academy as him," Odessa said. With a snap of her fingers, her mind was made up.

"Absolutely not! Are you insane? You will attend the Holy Veritas Academy and handpick those who will comprise your following as per tradition. What do you think the academy was made for?" Sirius immediately denounced.

In response, Odessa waved her hand. "I'll just have our lead Scion Stella do it. That's fine right? Mom has already given me everything I need and Father is monitoring my resources. There's nothing to worry about."

Sirius sighed in defeat. While looking at her all he could do was groan. Once her mind was made up, he was well aware that not even her parents could change it. As a result, he looked at Irauk and sent him a mental message.

Unsurprisingly, Irauk was lax about it, simply struggling. To him, this meant the days at the academy could become much more colorful. Not only did he have the oddballs he recruited, but there were also the 4 quirks of the academy staff and now a Paragon! What more could he ask for?

With that being said, the Academy Choosing Ceremony came to an end. Each of the War Academies staff rose as they called out those who chose to bear witness to their tutelage. After they formed their neat groups, they exited the premise.

Of course, there were still oddball stragglers. For example, Irauk had his people stay behind. This included Odessa. Before they entered the Academy, there was something he needed to alert them about.

"Ahem, all you silly lads and lasses, I just want to tell you; I am not a teacher. You will still need to find one as you enter the Academy. If I'm being honest, I'm too lazy to teach you all. Fortunately, there is a variety of sufficient personnel to teach you. That is all," Irauk exclaimed.

While the youths remained frozen, Irauk walked away in boisterous laughter. Unforntatrely, he was the only one laughing. Every single one of these youths now felt the yu had made the wrong decisions.

"Is it too late to rescind? I knew that dumbf-" Apollo seethed, however, his eyes soon widened when he realized was upside down and hundreds of meters in the air.

"Oh tsk tsk tsk, my silly lad, do you want to continue that sentence? If so, let it go. Just as I will," Irauk smiled mischievously.

Apollo scoffed. He was now certain he picked the wrong teacher. Unbeknownst to him, Irauk was the number one quirk of Vermillion Night Academy!

"Tch, I'll get you back for this. Just you wait. I promise I will make you- eaghhhhhhh," Apollo cut his sentence short as the ground grew close at an obscene speed. The fool had let him go while he was still talking.

In the meantime, Irauk was still in the air plucking the dirt from under his nails. At the same time, he kept a mental countdown. When he reached zero, he disappeared from where he stood and arrived on the ground. 

As he held out his arm, he caught Apollo's ankle, "Have you learned your lesson? Or, do you want to have another go?"

In response, Apollo grunted. As he was now, he knew he would never win in a contest against Irauk. Thus, he nodded and conceded for the first time. Of course, he would still have sure Irauk got his just desserts.

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