He would take out his gun and shoot once they showed anything wrong.

Allen saw what the man was doing and laughed. He aimed at his head. If Peter acted strangely, he would be the first one to be killed!

"What are you doing? We don't like this!"

At the critical moment, Luan reacted and scolded, which made Peter put down his hand immediately.

"Ha ha, this is a misunderstanding!"

He didn't know why he said that he misunderstood them, but the first time he saw Luan and Gai in front of him didn't feel strange. He immediately confirmed that they must have a status, not the savages in his mind, and then he began to get close to these two people.

The men behind Peter were annoyed. After all, they feel embarrassed.

"Hey, we broke into your territory by accident!"

"How about we leave now?"

Peter wanted to leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, if he was entangled with these guys who didn't know their identities, he might not be able to deal with them with a few guns. He had to go back and get some heavy-fire weapons to suppress the situation.


Upon hearing that Peter wanted to leave, Luan and Gai didn't think it was a good idea. Master Allen had told them to get some information from them. If they let them go at this time, they would let Master Allen down.

Luan and Gai said decisively.

"No way!"

Peter's heart jolted. 'Are these two guys going to keep me? Do they want to do something to me?'

He was nervous, and the men behind him were almost ready to make a move.

"I don't know... Why not? We just want to go home!"

He didn't want to confront with them, but he had enough confidence to suppress them.

Why? So many people had gotten on the island, but only two guys were sent to welcome them.

According to this, Peter judged that...

"Either the people on this island are all brainless, or they don't care about us at all and think we are clowns!"

The answer came to his mind all of a sudden. The two guys must be the latter!

"Well, what else do you two want to say?"

He told his men not to talk about it anymore. They had to be careful, or they would all be killed.

"Not really. I just have some questions to ask you!"

"Please go ahead!"

Peter behaved well as if he would do whatever they said.

"What's going on outside? Why are you not affected by radiation?"

Hearing what Luan asked, Peter was stunned on the spot. He didn't realize that Luan's words were too plain as if he was saying a line.

Because after he heard what Luan said, he began to think.

"Why do these words sound so strange? They fled to this uninhabited island at the beginning of the explosion, right? They are the people who know about the explosion? Then... What kind of force can know about the explosion in advance?"

"Then... There are only two possibilities. One is that a super powerful force with super powerful military strength had known about it before the explosion, and then fled to this uninhabited island."

"If that's possible, it's not a big deal. Let's just treat them as big bosses. As long as he is not brainless, he should still be alive."please visit

"But if they know that the reason for the explosion was because they were involved in the blow, then... It's a big deal!"

At the thought of this, Peter couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He was confused, because if that was the case, their situation would be dangerous.

"Hey, well..."

Peter said slowly after calming himself down.

It was not that he wanted to chuckle on purpose, but that he suddenly thought of a story.

"As long as you suddenly chuckled before opening your mouth, then whatever you say does not matter, because the other party has already known that you are a fool, then whatever you say will be forgiven!"

That was what Peter thought. He believed that no matter what he did, it might work. If he didn't do it, it wouldn't work, so he used this method.

And to make himself look more stupid, he chuckled more times.

Both Luan and Gai were stunned by his foolishness.

But soon, their attention was shifted to what Peter was going to say next.

"What's going on? We didn't suffer too much from the nuclear explosion for some reason. We are also affected by radiation. Please have a look, two seniors."

As he spoke, he lifted his clothes and showed them to Gai and Luan.


Gai and Luan immediately looked at the wound wrapped in gauze on the arm of Peter.

Peter carefully uncovered the gauze, and Luan and Gai saw a red and rotten wound on his arm.

The two looked at each other and saw the disgust in each other's eyes.

Peter probably saw the disgust in the eyes of Luan and Gai. He gave a flattering smile and then quietly put away his gauze and his clothes.

"This is the case. All the people on our ship have been affected by some radiation, but it's not a big problem. We have maintained the most complete combat effectiveness!"

Peter introduced it to Luan and Gai. He thought that if there was a superpower on the uninhabited island, they might need some fresh blood to join.

After all, on second thought, if this super powerful organization had enough people, it would not send these two people to welcome them.

"But it's also possible that the other party thinks that these two people are enough for one to five..."

In a word, Peter didn't dare to neglect them, nor did he dare to look down upon them.

"As for the current situation outside, as far as we know, there are only a few port conditions. We don't know the city."

Luan frowned and immediately asked why he didn't know the situation of several other cities.

Gai nodded his head to show that he also wanted to ask this question. He was reciting Peter's words, because Allen had told them to come here before and he wanted to know the conversation.

Gai didn't know how good Luan's memory was, but he decided to let Allen know about it. He was also a good helper!

Peter sighed and didn't know where to start.

"Because the radiation of the explosion is too terrible. Without the special protective clothing, we can't go to the land."

"As for those several harbors, some of them were occupied by some powerful forces, and some were established by the forces gathered by the powerful people after the explosion. In short, they have enough military strength and protective clothing to search for materials and equipment on the land."

Peter said everything he knew in silence.

And also poured out their backgrounds like pouring beans.

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