The cannibals and the savages that had returned seemed to have become another person.

The young patriarchs and Shamans didn't understand what Gai had done to them.

It was not until they ate the dried fish and roasted meat made by Allen that they realized why in such a short period, these savages and cannibals, whom they had been most loyal to, had all turned into Gai's flatters!

The reason was simple. Gai gave them too many things! It was so delicious!

The food was so delicious that they wanted to betray and kneel to Gai, not to mention the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack, who were not determined!

"Damn it!"

Therefore, after eating the food, Shamans and young patriarchs had only one thought in their minds.

With this food, Gai could unite the two tribes.

Moreover, Ming and Zack were both dead, and no one could stop his will.

In a word, all the elite soldiers present were having a good time.

Even under the cheers of the cannibals and savages, the whole square was filled with loud cheers.

"Gai! Gai! Gai!"

Gai stood in Ming's position and looked down at the cannibals and the savages who were calling out his name. An indescribable heroic feeling arose in his heart!

"Oh my God! I'm so glad that I've come to this! I want to thank Master Allen!"

"If it weren't for the fact that Master Allen had killed Ming and Zack, I wouldn't have been able to get to this point!"

Gai laughed in his heart!

Gai just smiled, but he laughed soon.

If it had been in the past, Gai would have been punished.

But now, they accepted Allen's food!

No one, including the young patriarchs and Shamans, would look at him. They even agreed with what Gai was doing.

They all felt that there was nothing wrong with what Gai was doing now.

However, what he didn't know was that Allen had seen his every move.

Hiding in a tree, he looked down at the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack, eating his dried fish and his baked meat. He couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Really? How could he win everyone's support with such a small thing? Is this the elite troop?"

Allen was speechless. He didn't think so when he fought with the cannibals and savages, because although they looked embarrassed now, they all looked like hungry people who had never eaten anything.

But when they attacked Allen before, they were all like crazy werewolves.

Allen looked at it for a while and thought about it.

He felt that he couldn't get close to this guy at this time.

He could only hide for a while.

"I can't make a move until this guy is alone!"

Allen narrowed his eyes and felt that he was in a dangerous situation.

In other words, his plan could not be so easy to achieve.

"Wait a minute!"

After thinking for a while, Allen put his sniper rifle on the tree and was about to leave.

He was going to find his bullets in Ming's room.

If he remembered correctly, the bullets carried by Ming were also available in his sniper rifle.

So as long as I get all these bullets, it means that I can have more deterrence.

Thinking of this, Allen sped up.

Although some elite troops organized by Ming and Zack felt a gust of wind behind their heads, when they turned around, they did not find anything unusual behind them.

Allen had passed these stupid guys and went straight to the house.

"They are still as stupid as before!"please visit

Allen muttered, leaving behind the elite troops of Ming and Zack.

He set off towards Ming's house.

The process went smoothly. These cannibals and savages were either in the square, or killed by Allen.

So Allen came to Ming's stone house successfully.

He silently opened the stone house and instantly entered the room. His attention immediately became strange.

Because Ming's room seemed to have been turned over by someone.

"So who is it?"

Allen thought for a while and felt that he couldn't think of anyone who could search Ming's house in such a short time.


After thinking for a while, Allen thought of the expression on Gai's face and his complacent state. He didn't think Gai was a scheming guy.

"It's not him. But... Well. Let's look for the bullets first!"

Allen shook his head helplessly and began to look for the bullets again.

After searching for a while, Allen found that the shotgun in this room had been taken away by someone, but the two boxes of bullets were still under the bed.

"Interesting. It seems that the man working for Ming knows that he got a shotgun from me, but he doesn't know the bullets. In this way, the possibility of Gai could be ruled out."

Allen made his judgment and thought quickly.

The first person he targeted was the fellow who had appeared beside Ming.

"I haven't seen him before."

Allen thought for a while and then realized that he didn't seem to see that guy in the savages he had saved before.

"So, where has he been?"

Allen couldn't figure it out, so he decided not to think about it.

He counted the bullets and found that with his two boxes of bullets, the number of bullets that Allen could use had reached 120.

"Damn it! I'm not afraid of anyone!"

Allen was so excited that he felt like he was crazy now!

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom However, he was still calm and did not go out to fight with the elite troops.

Allen couldn't shoot the bullets with one hand. The sniper rifle is outside!

So Allen put away the bullets and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, when Allen was about to leave, Allen heard the noise outside the door.

He frowned and looked around. Then Allen chose the bed as his shield.

He quickly went into bed and lay down, waiting for people outside.

Gai pushed the door open first.

Pretending to be the master, he beckoned the Shamans and the young patriarchs to come in.

"Wait, what's going on?"

"What's this?"

"There's going to be a good show... Ahem, no! What happened here?"

"What's the matter?"

The words of the Shamans and the young patriarchs were strange.

It was just a stone house. Was it necessary to make such a fuss?

Then he followed these guys to witness the scene in his so-called stone house.

Gai felt a chill coming from his head down! All of a sudden, his reason and all other unnecessary thoughts were smashed into pieces!

At this moment, he only felt that his heart was filled with anger and a feeling of fear!

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